I found sometimes that old questions are marked and closed as duplicate of new questions. [Here][1] is an example, where a question of 2010 is marked as a [duplicate][2] of one asked in 2013. I [found][3] that this is because the site encourages better answers of the exact same questions. But **what makes a better answer**? In one the selected [answer][4] has more votes than the more [recent one][5], but this one has references to the documentation explicitly. I'm asking because I was looking for duplicates of [this other question][6] in 2012 which asked the same thing. Which one should I mark as a duplicate? [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/2384078/2886003 [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/18387938/2886003 [3]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/251938/should-i-flag-a-question-as-duplicate-if-it-has-received-better-answers [4]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2384139/2886003 [5]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18388016/2886003 [6]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/11767867/2886003