In context, and with the knowledge that the original poster meant "text file" when he wrote "Notepad", your edit is valid and an excellent edit.
I must say, however, that had I been reviewing it, I would likely have rejected it as "too radical" just like the two actual rejections. The reason is that changing "Notepad" to "text file" seems like a major change in meaning, for those of us who know that Notepad is an application, not a file type. My hypothetical rejection, and I suspect the two actual rejections, would have been for this reason and not because of any of the rest of the edit.
I think this is just one of the rare cases where the edit review interface facilitates the wrong answer. I don't think it comes up often enough to worry about, and once you can edit without approval, you won't have to worry about it at all, since you actually were very careful with the edit. Until then, if anything like this gets rejected, you could suggest that the original poster edit his question, since the original poster can always edit without review.