Given the amount of questions that start with "I am very new to (x) and how do I do this...", questions that lead in to the inevitable "Ok that is working but now...", it seems like it would be beneficial to improve the perception of the site by providing an easy link that answerers can use to link to that explains why people stop giving additional answers and what steps the asker can use to get additional help in the future.
Something similar to the list of
Welcome to Someone has linked here to give you a heads up that your initial question was answered, probably due to a syntax error, and now more questions keep coming out of the original. They probably wanted to help you become a member of the community but felt that the question needs to be marked as answered and a new question opened or that you should take a look at the docs or something without being rude. etc...
Is this already somewhere that I have missed? Is it beneficial to the growing the community?