Additional Input From New Users
After reading it seems like we might be able to improve quality by increasing the amount of input we receive upon a new user asking their first questions.
The article refers to how asking an indirect question about an external factor, such as the cooperation of your teammates, can actually alter the behavior of the player responding to the question.
Along those lines, a survey-type question for new users which makes the user think about the existence of potentially similar questions that have already been answered may help guide their future behavior.
There have been several suggestions of some kind of 'tutorial' for new users but a simple questionnaire requiring some kind of ACTIVE response by new users as they are asking their first questions could be enough.
What if new users presented with a list of possible duplicates had to actively choose a reason that the potential duplicates don't apply to them?
A simple 'Does this answer your question: Yes [ ] No [ ]' or a dropdown with reasons why it doesn't apply might not be immediately helpful to anyone trying to act as a moderator but there is some potential to shape the user's behavior.