At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to remind everybody that SO quite recently decided to abandon "Not enough effort shown" reason for closing questions. We had quite an active discussion about it.
As it stands now people can ask questions without doing any research first. Nothing stops them and community does not want to shut down such questions. I would venture a guess (without any statistics to support it) that the problem is not that more low quality questions are posted than before, but that they have much longer life span.
Downvoting post from users without any earned reputation serves just for letting frustration out, nothing else. Pure homework dumps are protected by the rules and, therefore, have a chance to attract someones attention and become quite legitimate.
There is an argument that sometimes bad question get good answers and that's what SO is all about: to be the repository of good peer-reviewed answers. Future knowledge seekers will find these bits of useful information and would't care what actually prompted them.
Be as it may, bad questions still lower the plank and bring whatever standards we have down.