I don't fully understanding Disputed flags. I understand they are like "nothing happened", and they don't count as much against me as declined. But that is not what worries me. *I think disputed flags are potentially wasting good efforts for cleaning up the site from bad/incorrect posts.* I understand an edit can dispute a flag, but if that is the case, why does the OP appear as the one disputing my flag instead of the person making the edit? Also, **can users dispute flags placed upon their post?** Does an option for doing such appear for them? Because I have seen disputed flags on posts that had no edits and I would guess if a user with high rep disputed my flag he/she would appear as the disputer. My following flags appear as **disputed** by the OPs that posted them: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30430971/i-am-not-getting-the-css-file-in-my-ruby-project-output : flagged as **Unclear what you are asking** - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30250836/calling-webservice-using-javascript: flagged as **Too broad** - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2630068/sqlplus-spooling-to-multiple-files-from-pl-sql-blocks/10488190#10488190: flagged as **Not an answer** - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29656131/cassandra-java-client: flagged as **Off-topic** I had some other disputed flags but those questions were closed/deleted so that has been dealt with. By [this post][1]: > Disputed flags are considered neither helpful nor declined, regardless > of the action taken in response to them. **So, what should we do about disputed flags? Would it be ok to re-flag?** Finally, you may arguee the total correctness of my flags, but I think at the very least [this][2] is not a good question for SO and should be closed. [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/95275/what-is-a-disputed-flag [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30250836/calling-webservice-using-javascript