I tested this in the [MSE Formatting Sandbox](http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/245059/203888) first, but now that I can replicate it, it looks like any capital letter in the protocol section of a link created by specifying a bare URL in Markdown results in this behavior - disappearance of the link. Here's a copy of what I tested, in case the sandbox answer is changed/updated. --- Testing normal: http://stackoverflow.com http://stackoverflow.com --- Testing Http Http://stackoverflow.com Http://stackoverflow.com --- Testing Https Https://stackoverflow.com Https://stackoverflow.com --- Testing Ftp Ftp://example.com Ftp://example.com --- Testing a nonexistent protocol DoesNotExist://example.com DoesNotExist://example.com --- Testing ALL CAPS: HTTP://example.com HTTP://example.com --- Testing rEVERSE cAPITALIZATION: hTTP://www.example.com hTTP://www.example.com --- Testing capital only in Domain: http://Www.example.com http://Www.example.com