I've been a moderator on Skeptics for almost 9 years, and a few years less on Biology. I resigned earlier this month. I have more reputation on Meta Stack Exchange than any sane person should have; the only user that was never employed by SE with more MSE reputation than me is Monica Cellio. I have more highly upvoted feature requests than anyone else on Meta Stack Exchange, so I'm kind of the poster child for the heavily involved MSE community. If this outreach had happened a few months ago, I'd have welcomed it. I had already decided to resign at the end of the year, but I was still waiting for a reason to reverse that decision. That justification for keeping my moderator status never came, but one event happened that was outside even my worst predictions: SE fired Shog and Robert. Robert was instrumental in getting all the sites in the SE network off the ground. Anyone that participated in the early beta of a site has seen him involved in that. Firing him means you don't care about the original idea of the SE network anymore. Shog was the strongest presence among the CMs for the whole time I was a moderator. There was nobody else with that much knowledge about all the details of the software itself, a lot of wisdom about how to handle situations we moderators weren't sure of, and a bunch of kinda inscrutable gardening metaphors. I can't really put into words just how destructive firing Shog was for the relations between the moderators and SE. A few months ago, I would have been cautiously optimistic about this message. Firing the two most experienced CMs, and causing the resignation of the third most experienced CM, tell a quite different story than the blog post and this meta post. Why should we believe that SE wants to invest into the community when the CM team is being gutted and the most experienced members are fired or leaving because they're frustrated with SE? Actions speak louder than words, and the most recent actions by SE speak very loudly that the company doesn't value the community. Firing two experienced CMs in this undignified way is a very clear message, and words alone won't change anything about this. I don't know how to fix this, but it will certainly take more than words. I don't expect an answer to this post; there are a few good reasons and plenty of bad reasons why an official answer to this would be a bad idea for SE. But I wanted to use the chance to post this in a place that is likely to be read by SE management.