I've been bumping into many questions like [this one](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29705463/how-do-i-improve-my-neural-network-output) lately, and I'm surprised most of them doesn't have any *"this question belongs to stats.stackexchange"*-like comments. When I find a question regarding, for instance, neural networks that doesn't have anything to do with a concrete implementation (aside from the `matlab` tag), my first thought is to flag it as `off-topic > belongs to Stats` and add a comment. 

**(a) Am I doing the right thing here? (b) Then why is it so uncommon?**


After some comments and discussion, my understanding is that the answer to **(a)** is **yes**, and then **pure machine-learning questions do not belong to SO**. There is (I think) an open issue on *where* to put this OT stuff (my opinion: CrossValidated), but [I'll continue this discussion][1] in the thread pointed out in the comments). 
As for the answer to **(b)**, well... it was more a rhetorical question, but I'll commit myself to the glorious quest of hunting down all machine learning-related OT questions out there.

  [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/130524/which-stackexchange-website-for-machine-learning-and-computational-algorithms/254090#254090