I posted this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27711105/asynccontext-response-does-not-match-original-incoming-request Which was related to a web application written in Java, built on Spring MVC, and (in my opinion) focused on a Java EE class `AsyncContext`, and its proper use. Another user and myself seem to be in disagreement as to when the use of library-related tags like `JavaEE`, and language tags like `Java`, is appropriate. (See [question revisions][1].) If a problem/code snippet is written in a particular language, but is not necessarily a *language problem*, is the tag still acceptable? Are there any community guidelines as to where the line is drawn? I don't mean to bolster support for my tag revisions, simply to better understand when these general tags apply to questions. [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/posts/27711105/revisions