Update 2023-02-28, -- Added another answer below which works better with latest version of Tampermonkey. This code seems to error out now, as @include is deprecated with @match. I'm currently using the [CSS answer (marked as accepted)][1], to avoid the flash of hidden content while the page is loading. Original answer --- Tampermonkey userscript. Simply install the extension in Chrome/Firefox. Partly inspired by [SOX][2]. // ==UserScript== // @name Stackoverflow hide EVERYTHING except linked questions // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description even works on new stackexchange sites, without logging in. // @author You // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js // @include /^https://(?:[^/]+\.)?(?:(?:stackoverflow|serverfault|superuser|stackexchange|askubuntu|stackapps)\.com|mathoverflow\.net)/(questions/\d+/|review/*) // @exclude /^https://*.*/review/(suggested-edits|reopen)/* // @exclude /^https://*.*/review($|.*/(history|stats)$) // @icon  // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Your code here... jQuery.noConflict(); const sox = { hideHireMe: function() { // Description: Hides the Looking for a Job module from the sidebar $('#hireme').remove(); }, hideCommunityBulletin: function() { // Description: Hides the Community Bulletin module from the sidebar $('#sidebar').children().first().remove(); }, hideJustHotMetaPosts: function() { // Description: Hide just the 'Hot Meta Posts' sections in the Community Bulletin const $hotMetaPostsHeader = $('#sidebar div:contains("Hot Meta Posts"):eq(1)'); if ($hotMetaPostsHeader.length) { $hotMetaPostsHeader.nextAll().remove(); $hotMetaPostsHeader.remove(); } }, hideChatSidebar: function() { // Description: Hides the Chat module from the sidebar $('#sidebar #chat-feature').remove(); }, hideLoveThisSite: function() { // Description: Hides the "Love This Site?" (weekly newsletter) module from the sidebar $('#sidebar #newsletter-ad').remove(); }, hideFooter: function() { // Description: Hides the "Love This Site?" (weekly newsletter) module from the sidebar $('#footer').remove(); }, hideLeftSidebar: function() { // Description: Hides the "Love This Site?" (weekly newsletter) module from the sidebar $('#left-sidebar').remove(); }, hideTopHeroBox: function() { // Description: Hides the Hero box, asking to sign up for new users. $('.js-dismissable-hero').remove(); }, hideTitleBanner: function() { // Description: Hides the top title banner bar appearing only in some stackexchange sites. $('.site-header--container').remove(); }, } (() => { Object.values(sox).forEach(value => { if(typeof value === 'function') { value.call(); } }) })(); })(); [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/407237/1807877 [2]: https://stackapps.com/questions/6091/stack-overflow-extras-sox#:~:text=Stack%20Overflow%20Extras%20(SOX)%20is,panel%20(see%20screenshot%20below).