Yup, the [tag scoring script is struggling to keep up with Stack Overflow's dataset](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/226681/tag-scores-are-not-updated-and-the-issue-is-getting-worse). But when it *does* successfully run and you reached the threshold for a tag badge, you are at least [awarded your badges](http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/3949/tuples?userid=100297).

So why haven't I been awarded a silver tag badge for [tag:python-requests]? I meet [all the criteria](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/67397/list-of-all-badges-with-full-descriptions#68395):

* There are more than 100 questions tagged [tag:python-requests].
* I have a score of [exactly 400](http://stackoverflow.com/tags/python-requests/topusers).
* I have [105 non-wiki answers](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A100297+%5Bpython-requests%5D+is%3Aanswer+wiki%3Ano) on the tag.

Comparing my [tag scores](http://stackoverflow.com/users/100297/martijn-pieters?tab=tags&sort=votes) to the realtime API output (via [Awesome Poodles' awesome script](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/179402/140890)) it is clear the tag scores have updated, but what happened to awarding tag badges?

Having scanned [all silver badges from `.htaccess` up to `cxf`](http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges?tab=tags&filter=silver) I cannot seem to find anyone receiving tag badges more recently than 2 days ago.

A few more examples beyond just me:

* Hans Passant should have earned a bronze badge for [tag:icons] (2 upvotes yesterday to push him to 100).
* SLaks should have earned a bronze badge for [tag:namespaces] (qualifying tag score, haven't found yet if a question was retagged or similar to push him over)
* Stephen C should have earned a bronze badge for [tag:loops] (2 upvotes for a new post yesterday to push him to 101).