I've noticed this design bug for a while, but have never done much about it.
An issue with the design exists where if a user has a lengthy email address, the About box will partially hide it:

![enter image description here][1]
*(my public email address, not private [so's the other one in that screenshot, too])*

I realise that this is an edge case that affects *very* few users, but it exists for users who have a long email address by default or use a company email (like my own).

I thought I'd report this so if some day in the distant future it can be fixed. I'm calling it a design change request, not a bug report as such, because a bug it is not.

I read [Long email address are not displayed entirely in the user page, thus can't be copied][2] which is *extremely* related, but my bugfix request is associated with aesthetics and not the ability to copy the email address.

Although Anna Lear does say

> We're in the process of redesigning parts of the user profile right now.

There haven't been many changes to it since that post.

I propose a bugfix where emails over 36 characters long are sanitized, for example:

![enter image description here][3]

is sanitized to this:

![enter image description here][4]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/T1LPI.png
  [2]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/260620/long-email-address-are-not-displayed-entirely-in-the-user-page-thus-cant-be-co
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/c7QYF.png
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/gpRc9.png