The docs beta has been up for months and months, and the only time I have ever meaningfully interacted with it was to contribute a few edits to a couple things and wrote out a post on C++ meta-programming, admittedly just to scoop up some reputation while the system was still new and basic topics hadn't been documented yet. I'll take a wild guess that the only people still using it are people who are contributing to topics and rep farming.

Topics are copy-pasted verbatim from elsewhere, with barely a thought given to formatting or context. Obviously it's gotten somewhat better since then, but there's still a giant flaw in the entire idea of the system: it doesn't have any "documentation" that can't be found elsewhere on the internet. In addition, other documentation will likely be better written and more coherently put together since the tone and structure of the examples on Docs.SO is all over the map.

There are so many problems with the service that have already been enumerated elsewhere, and I have no confidence in it's future. My recommendation would be to tuck it away, do a big post mortem, and focus on improving the core SO experience. That, or maybe try some other crazy experimental project, since this one is clearly not going to work.