A canonical reference would be [Jeff Atwood's post on humor][1]. Concerning questions, where SO is way more strict than answers, he gives three criteria:

>  1. Does this question match the criteria provided in the Stack Overflow
>     FAQ?
>  1. Is this question accepted by the community, as reflected in upvotes, favorites, views, and answers?
>  1. Does this question teach me anything that could make me better at my job? Can I learn something from it?

And then concludes 

> As Meat Loaf once said, **two out of three ain't bad**. It's guideline #3
> that ends up being the pivotal decision in most borderline cases.

Applying above to this answer: it *is* accepted by the community (1520 upvotes) **and** it teaches something ....

Seems like a clear accept.

  [1]: https://blog.stackexchange.com/2010/01/stack-overflow-where-we-hate-fun/