[This question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34764261/how-to-convert-to-a-gst-date) had a lot of grammar and spelling errors, also broken code etc., so I fixed what I could. My edit got accepted directly by "Community" and got a second "edit" from another user. I am fine with that, as there were so many errors in the original question that I might have overlooked several issues. When my edit was pending approval, I got to see [this site](http://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/10877970) where the original and my changes were side-by-side. [I have found out](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/21788/how-does-editing-work), that this is called "revisions", but I can't see the revision page with the latest version of the last user that has edited the question. So am I missing the button/link to get to the revision-site or is this a feature for people with more than a specific reputation? I would like to see the differences and understand what I have overlooked or could have done better while editing.