>Is an admittedly copied answer which does not add any useful detail but just noise an answer?

If it attempts to answer the question, it is still an answer and not a "*Not an answer*" (NAA), regardless whether it is copied or it adds nothing more useful than another answer. 

Thus, flagging it as NAA would be inappropriate as it still tries to give an answer to the question (at least partwise). 

See [here](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/265552/12139179) when an answer is eligible to being flagged as "*Not an answer*" (NAA).

Nonetheless, there are rules for [referencing](https://stackoverflow.com/help/referencing) and guidelines against [plagiarism](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/160078/674989) on Stack Overflow, which are violated if an answer is almost entirely copied with showing no refernce.

This and other things to do in such a case you can find here:



However, as the answer in this case referenced the author, I would not say it falls into the plagiarism category.

Although it is bad that the idea was copied, I don't think that the plagiarism claim would fully be correct due to the guidelines stating, in this case.

Yes, the custom flag was accepted but the flag could also have been declined as the poster cites the source.

Downvoting would be the appropriate tool here.