I asked [this question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33245495/how-can-i-wait-for-an-asynchronously-created-object-to-be-completely-available-b/33245778) today which, based on the comments I now suspect is an XY question. A good solution to X was put to me in the comments which solves my problem, but Y remains largely unresolved. I see a few options:

**1. Edit the question to ask X. Accept an answer that addresses X.**

This would make all the current answers irrelevant. It might just be easier to ask a new question about X.

**2. Vote to close the question.** 

I'm not terribly sure _what_ I'd close it for though. None of the options really fit.

**3. Accept an answer that resolves Y.**

Surely this would just encourage bad practices for anyone visiting the question later.

**4. Post an answer that explains why Y is the wrong solution and how X can be solved. Accept my own answer.**

This seems like an alright solution, but going outside the scope of the original question feels dirty.

**5. Delete the question**

If I found myself in this situation, there's bound to be someone else asking this. I feel like there could be _some_ value for someone.


What exactly is the right thing to do here?