A generic message like "No such file or directory" only says something about the specific error code that was returned, but nothing about *what*, *where*, *how* or *why* it happened. 

The rest of the error message is vital for filling in the gaps. It's especially important to **copy-paste everything exactly as it is**, because even tiny changes in punctuation provide important information.

For example, consider these shell script error messages:

     1  : No such file or directory
     2  ./myscript: line 2:  /tmp/myfile: No such file or directory
     3  ./myscript: line 2: '/tmp/myfile': No such file or directory
     4  ./myscript: line 2: *.jpg: No such file or directory
     5  bash: ./myscript: No such file or directory
     6  bash: /myscript: No such file or directory
     7  bash: ./myscript: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Here's what you may currently see:

> No such file or directory

Here's what a trained eye sees:

1. There's a **leading colon**. This script has DOS line terminators.

1. There are **two spaces** before the filename. Leading whitespace has snuck into a variable.

1. There are **unexpected quotes** around the filename. It's being misquoted.

1. The filename **contains a glob** . The pattern doesn't match anything, or is misquoted.

1. The line **starts with `bash:`**, so it's from the shell and not your script. The script may be in a different directory.

1. There's a **missing period**. You tried to run `. /myscript` instead of `./myscript`

1. It mentions a **bad interpreter**, indicating that the shebang has the wrong path to `bash`.

So please, **always include full, unmodified, unabbreviated output**, even if you don't see how it could possibly be relevant. 

PS: If you want to hide some information like filenames or hostnames, please don't just edit the output to hide them. Instead, create a new test case with non-sensitive data, make sure it has the same problem, and make a post about that instead.