## Notifications:

If you are the question asker, you are already notified when each answer is posted. 

You have your chance to change your acceptance, if you gave it previously to another answer, then.

Why would you change your mind because an answer that you've already seen is gathering upvotes? It doesn't make a lot of sense, IMO. And if not for changing the acceptance, why would you need to be notified of how the different answers are being voted upon?

This idea seems simply like a way to nudge the question asker into changing their acceptance mark. I don't think that's necessary nor appropriate.

## Interface

We already have UI elements for readers to discover this: the green check-mark, and the score number. Adding yet another UI element would not make things more discoverable for readers.


All in all, I personally don't see the use for this. Most of this would be better solved by simply [unpin the accepted answers][1], which would be immediately more useful without having to notify anyone.

  [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/326095/please-unpin-the-accepted-answer-from-the-top