I've found a new bug today. When I hammer a page closed using a page where I've already posted an answer, there is an automated prompt that tells me that the page was added to my Saves. If I hammer with a page where I haven't posted an answer, the bug is not presented. I then go to my Saves and I find that the dupe target was automatically added to my Saves. I do not want to have to prune my Saves list every time I hammer a page. --- Update hours later... I just hammered another page closed and: - On [the dupe target][1], I did not have any activity at all and - I commented a link to the dupe target under [a question][2] about a minute before using the dupe target to close [another question][3]. [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/14232766/2943403 [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/74284786/2943403 [3]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/50295924/2943403