[Last year, the user was on position 343246 in the ranking](https://stackexchange.com/leagues/1/year/stackoverflow/2022-01-01/20576394?sort=reputationchange#20576394) with 45 reputation for the year and 52 total reputation. This year, they've gathered 1454 reputation which earned them 3160 place. Thus you see the relative change from last year in ranking. Considering the *vast majority of low ranks* (low in the list - higher *numbered* ranks) are accounts with almost no to literally no activity, it does not take much to surpass them in ranking. With that said, I am not sure why the numbers do not add up: 342509 (last ranking) - 339349 (the change) = 3897 (the supposed new position) Which does not fit. Also: 3160 (the current position) + 339349 (the change) = 342509 (what the old position is supposed to be) The numbers might be cached and pending a recalculation.