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-36 votes
3 answers

What is the record for the most downvoted post on SO?

I see a question here: Last check it was on -17 and falling fast. It's already been ...
Jane S's user avatar
  • 1,447
6 votes
1 answer

Bounty question can't be close voted? [duplicate]

I came across a question that perfectly fits one of the close vote categories. I'm not 100% sure it ...
Ian's user avatar
  • 34.1k
3 votes
0 answers

Enhancing confidence in automatically chosen review audits

It seems that mostly audits (mostly referring to VLQ) are chosen from existing questions/answers when those have a rather good records. Only upvotes, no flags/close/delete votes etc. and still some of ...
PlasmaHH's user avatar
  • 15.9k
38 votes
1 answer

Is it better to do or skip audits?

There are a lot of audits that are really obvious to spot. In queues where you have the possibility to do so, I tend to hit "skip" on them, because if I chose the right action, I am presented with a "...
PlasmaHH's user avatar
  • 15.9k
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a button to report the moderator? [duplicate]

I've been debugging an issues at a system level of a huge enterprise application, I've seen issues happening with one of the messaging application, the cause of the issue could be several things, a ...
Zeus's user avatar
  • 6,516
-6 votes
1 answer

Burninate [ca2000] tag

ca2000 has 16 questions tagged with it. Is it really possible to be an expert in that FxCop warning?
ClickRick's user avatar
  • 1,563
152 votes
5 answers

How to ask a good question when I'm not sure what I'm looking for?

I am a student in computer science. I am technically a junior, but as far as my major is concerned I am on a sophomore level. Because of this and the fact that I didn't do any programming before ...
Victoria Potvin's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why did this audit fail?

In this particular case, I completely and honestly do not understand. Got a "STOP! Look and Listen", but why? The audit is here -> The category is "...
davidkonrad's user avatar
  • 84.7k
3 votes
1 answer

What events trigger an answer to become community wiki?

What are the events that will cause an answer to become community wiki? (I'm sure this is a FAQ, but searching didn't locate the answer.)
Mark Harrison's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Should "How do JavaScript closures work?" be locked as a community wiki (no further answers accepted)?

I've noticed that the question How do JavaScript closures work? is up to about a whopping 47(!) answers (68 if you count the deleted ones), with the most recent one being on June 9th of this year. ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Notification on answer updates

I was wondering if it is posible to receive a notification when someone updates an answer to our question. It has happened to me that someone answers my question without too much details and after a ...
Federico Piazza's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How come only certain tags display a small image? [duplicate]

Examples include android, chrome, and mongodb - they have small pictures on the tag. Why, for example, don't java, postgresql, or excel tags have them? Can they be added easily?
Othya's user avatar
  • 400
3 votes
1 answer

Can [information-display] be burninated on MSO and SO?

Is there seriously any use for information-display on SO, or information-display on meta? I propose they they shall be KILLED WITH FIRE.
Mooseman's user avatar
  • 18.9k
-6 votes
1 answer

Accepting answer is not allowed? [duplicate]

I have asked a question and got an answer after 2 minutes. When I tried to accept the answer I was told that "You can accept answer after 9 mins". Why am not allowed to accept immediately?
Isaac G Sivaa's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

(Another) invalid audit

I failed this audit. It appears to me that there is a description of the problem and sufficient code, unlike the reason shown for closure claims. Since the question has been deleted by a mod, I can't ...
Mooseman's user avatar
  • 18.9k
3 votes
0 answers

Would asking this question be acceptable, or should I deal with the older question?

I have a question along the lines of this question. While I have been searching for a day or so now for an answer to this question, I don't feel I can re-ask this question here, since one already ...
Kendra's user avatar
  • 768
2 votes
1 answer

How to recover my former account? [duplicate]

This user is myself. I do not remember which email address I used for it. I wonder how can I get access to it, or get back its points to myself again.
user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Did banning LMGTFY links ultimately lead to quick downvote on simple/effortless questions?

Now I just ran into 2-3 Meta SO questions which, in the long run, discussed elitism and eager downvoting/flags on SO, which ultimately lead me to wonder why people aren't posting LMGTFY links. After a ...
Dbl's user avatar
  • 5,754
5 votes
0 answers

Why would people delete a historical question?

This question has been deleted for some reason. While it make sense to remove off-topic question at this time it makes no sense to remove a very popular question. I thought that some old questions ...
meda's user avatar
  • 45.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Question is misleadingly titled; answer fails to answer the question but is still useful

A while ago, I saw a question with a title that interested me, skimmed the question itself, and quickly posted an answer that seemed appropriate. Upon going back and re-reading the question, however, ...
Kyle Strand's user avatar
  • 16.2k
6 votes
1 answer

How to merge duplicate questions

This close review queue has the question as a duplicate. The two questions are extremely similar. They are: Func vs. Action vs. Predicate -- proposed ...
AdrianHHH's user avatar
  • 13.7k
28 votes
1 answer

Which code comparison plugin does Stack Overflow use?

Which code comparison plugin does Stack Overflow use? Is that a custom build? I checked out google-diff-match-patch but that isn't so friendly compared to the one Stack Overflow uses. To clarify, I ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
  • 156k
-1 votes
1 answer

Migrate all CodeGolf questions now?

I'm fairly new to the Stackexchange system, Area51 betas and the multitude of sites, but I incidentally stumbled upon something I think should be discussed: There are as of now 213 questions tagged ...
avalancha's user avatar
  • 1,559
5 votes
1 answer

Should I be able to review Close Votes on a question that I have answered?

Whilst doing some reviewing of the Close Vote queue, I came across a question that I just answered. I thought it was a simple question but not worthy of closing, hence I answered it. I know I could ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.5k
4 votes
2 answers

Are all recent reputation changes visible in a user's reputation tab?

Are all recent reputation changes visible in a user's profile? Are there any exceptional cases where reputation changes are visible only to the users and not others? Are reputation changes due to ...
Infinite Recursion's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

tags being re-ordered?

I've just asked a question. And I put three tags one after one, vtk, c++ and python. To my surprise, the python tag always goes to the first. So the displayed title in my Chrome's tab is python - How ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 2,666
13 votes
1 answer

The difference between low-quality vs unhelpful?

I was going through the Low-Quality Review queue, and came across this instance: I went ahead and chose the "Looks Good" response, because ...
Mike Guthrie's user avatar
  • 4,059
13 votes
1 answer

Why can't I add comments to my own question's answer on Stack Overflow?

I know I can post a comment on the answers to my own questions without needing 50 reputation, but I don't see it showing up after adding the comment, what might be the reason?
Wahid Polin's user avatar
31 votes
0 answers

How to dispute a review audit

I have just had a review audit failure with How can I reduce the number of arguments I have to pass around in Haskell?. It may have the basis of a good question but as written it is seeking opinions ...
AdrianHHH's user avatar
  • 13.7k
8 votes
0 answers

Questions I already flagged should not show up on the review queue

I flagged a question and afterwards I checked the low-quality review queue. The same question I just flagged showed up there. So I decided I am going to reject it again, which was not possible, ...
dirkk's user avatar
  • 6,190
7 votes
5 answers

Quoted text inline with the rest using code tags is bad. Why?

This might seem silly, but maybe I'm not the only one. So hear me out. Lightness Races in Orbit just edited an answer of mine, and commented: Please don't use code tags for emphasis or quotation; ...
yuvi's user avatar
  • 18.3k
12 votes
1 answer

Change selected "answer"?

I received my answer from person A, and I accepted it! A few days later, person B adds another answer to my question, and his/her answer is more comprehensive and useful for me and for future visitors....
TheGoodUser's user avatar
  • 1,198
-9 votes
2 answers

"Automatic" move paths to complete Stack Exchange family [duplicate]

Well this is a given by another topic I posted. There I asked why a topic was closed. With the big hidden second part "instead of moved". It was closed for off-topic. Now I assumed that off-topic ...
paul23's user avatar
  • 9,171
7 votes
3 answers

Answering with modified CSS vs complete CSS

So, I'm still a little new around here. When I correct someone's CSS, I only include the relevant lines of code that I have updated or added (unless my solution doesn't work with some of the other ...
Doa's user avatar
  • 503
-2 votes
1 answer

Where is this on topic Simply wondering, it is about computer science in the broad sense. Decoders are the basic components that build ...
paul23's user avatar
  • 9,171
216 votes
29 answers

Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

Recently I see more complaints of "elitism" bubbling up. Sometimes expressly called so, sometimes expressing the same thing in many more words. Mostly from new(-ish) users whose question has just been ...
deceze's user avatar
  • 517k
94 votes
2 answers

Replace "link" with "description" in mini-Markdown example

I'm using Stack Overflow for months now but I must admit, I still can't remember the mini-formatting style for the links. When I click help link during writing comments, I can theoretically find ...
Konrad Kokosa's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Shouldn't most questions get at least as many upvotes as their most popular answer?

tl;dr: If you upvote an anwer, it basically means that the question is worth answering, and if the question is worth answering, why don't you vote up for? Long version: Ok I was really going to make ...
Aldian's user avatar
  • 2,622
35 votes
0 answers

Should the review limit be determined by the user's pass/fail audit ratio?

The current system gives everyone a maximum review limit of 20 posts/votes/edits per day (except for the CV queue, which is at 40/day). This means users who have a history of failing audits get their ...
Sam's user avatar
  • 7,322
3 votes
1 answer

Should there be a badge for highest voted answer other than Populist?

One of the populist badge criteria is: the accepted answer has a score of 11 or more Is the underlying logic that someone might accept an answer that actually sucks and that the badge reflects that ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 36.8k
1 vote
0 answers

Answer order why is a +69 answer below a +2 answer? [duplicate]

Checking this question WCF Service , how to increase the timeout?. Why is the upvoted +69 answer below the +2 answer? I would highly recommend the +69 on top.
Rob's user avatar
  • 3,556
5 votes
0 answers

Should I reflag a user that's been making tag-only edits?

On the 22nd of June I noticed a certain user was consistently making tag-only edits (even when the post could have been further improved), so I added a comment which went on along the lines of, "...
Sam's user avatar
  • 7,322
52 votes
7 answers

Is it reasonable to downvote a question that 'could be googled' but isn't a duplicate?

I know a lot of questions are just a waste of everyone's time but there are quite a few that get downvoted apparently for being too easy to answer. Is this a knee jerk reaction? Is it even common? As ...
Joseph Mark's user avatar
  • 9,358
17 votes
1 answer

What does a greyed-out answer mean?

I was under the impression that it meant that the answerer deleted his post. But today, I was able to comment on that answer which is leading me to believe that my assumption was wrong.
asprin's user avatar
  • 9,713
4 votes
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A version of this question should exist- but I don't know how to improve on the closed one

A while ago, I saw this question from another user: How would one deal with a cyclically recursive relation? To me, it not only was clear what was being asked, but it's also a useful question. It ...
Ben Aaronson's user avatar
  • 6,965
-6 votes
1 answer

Why is the edit button disabled for non-wiki questions and answers on Meta? [duplicate]

The edit button for other user's non-wiki questions and answers is disabled on Meta. I don't understand why. For example the edit button of this Meta answer is disabled for me. Why is this so?
mehdi lotfi's user avatar
  • 11.4k
8 votes
5 answers

When I answer product-specific questions, I include links to better resources. A user wiped those links out, calling them "other site advertisements"

When I answer product-specific questions, I include links to better resources for those products -- especially but not limited to help sites provided by the product supplier/vendor/producer. Tonight, ...
TallTed's user avatar
  • 9,199
21 votes
2 answers

When would be the best time for posting a question?

Is there a time that you have noticed that has more traffic in SO (i.e. more views for a posted question)? I suspect that due to time zone differences some of the questions does not get the as much ...
Avi Turner's user avatar
  • 10.4k
-1 votes
1 answer

How the Score is gained For particular Tag after answering?

On my profile page, under tags, it shows that I have given 156 answers with a score of 45 for jquery. I want to know when the score is increased? I gave 156 answers, why is the score only 45? I ...
Pratik Joshi's user avatar
  • 11.6k
5 votes
1 answer

List of questions that cause to get Inquisitive badge

Today I get Inquisitive badge that awarded when Asked a well-received question on 30 separate days, and maintained a positive question record. I want to know list of questions that cause me to get ...
mehdi lotfi's user avatar
  • 11.4k

15 30 50 per page
928 929
931 932