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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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37 votes
2 answers

Would the following case be considered as "voting irregularities"?

Consider a hypothetical scenario. Person A does not like few people on SO for whatever reason, let's call them Person B and C. Now, what person A does is whenever any of B or C answers he goes and ...
Ronak Shah's user avatar
  • 387k
3 votes
0 answers

User Profile: Number of votes cast doesn't add up [duplicate]

When looking at my "Impact" statistics in my SO User Profile, the number of votes I have cast seems to differ depending on where I look. I've ensured that; "All" votes are showing I clicked directly ...
Someone's user avatar
  • 3,538
-27 votes
1 answer

Allow upvote a post for a second time after a long time has passed

I already asked the question whether it was a good idea to be able to upvote a question for the 2nd time. The main reasons not to (iirc) was to not encourage votebots and vote circles. Would it be a ...
SandTh's user avatar
  • 2,377
18 votes
0 answers

Getting voting errors, even when logged in

Yesterday I got the following error when I tried to vote on a post: An error has occurred - please retry your request. Screenshot of the error Didn't happen every time, but every once in ~5 times. ...
Adriaan's user avatar
  • 18.2k
-13 votes
1 answer

Is there "no correlation between question content and upvotes/views"? is an AI created to generate questions on StackOverflow. Its author states: Originally, I wanted to predict the number of upvotes and views questions would get (which, ...
user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Why not show upvotes in profile even without having '15' reputation? [duplicate]

Currently when casting votes on Stack Overflow with reputation less than 15, the message, "Thanks for the feedback! Votes cast by those with less than 15 reputation are recorded, but do not change the ...
rkantos's user avatar
  • 193
-23 votes
2 answers

Are the Great Question and Great Answer badges still possible?

These badges feel like artifacts of the past, when posts received many more upvotes. I haven't seen any recent posts that have even come close to 100 upvotes. Am I wrong?
Alec's user avatar
  • 9,315
25 votes
4 answers

Redoing downvote to counter upvote on new user

While reading another question on meta I noticed talk about downvoting a bad question from a new user, noticing an upvote come in, undoing and then redoing the downvote. Is there any thoughts/...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 1,832
26 votes
0 answers

Where can I see how many votes I have left for the day?

I know there are 40 votes limit per day. I only got reminder when less than 5 votes left. Is there somewhere I can see how many votes left today?
recnac's user avatar
  • 3,734
-17 votes
2 answers

Do asked questions get an upvote by default?

I always get 5 reputation, whenever I ask a new question and the question also seems to have 1 vote score right when it's asked. So if questions get a free upvote whenever they are first asked, which ...
user10385242's user avatar
-47 votes
5 answers

Voting away snarkiness

Everyone knows how perceived snarkiness has been a thing for a while. Joel's recent blog post mentioned it again: an even bigger problem is rudeness, snark, or condescension that newcomers often see. ...
Matt Thomas's user avatar
  • 5,654
3 votes
0 answers

Downvotes on SE Meta start showing up in Recent Achievements [duplicate]

At the risk of asking a silly question, because maybe I just overlooked this all this time: I am surprised to see a downvote on my SE Meta question pop up in my recent achievements. I don't posts on ...
GolezTrol's user avatar
  • 116k
72 votes
2 answers

Co-worker keeps upvoting me—what to do?

I have this co-worker that is new to Stack Overflow, and he upvotes me, pretty much agreeing on anything I post, I tried to be nice to him and explained that this could lead an issue to our accounts, ...
Mohmmad S's user avatar
  • 5,080
93 votes
10 answers

Is the intensity of meta working in our favor or to our detriment?

I was musing over a comment I've made this morning: I didn't vote on this but if I had to guess the reason you're getting downvoted is that people are intensely sick and tired of discussing ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 7,333
42 votes
0 answers

Heat maps of average score and page views of questions by time and day of week

I came across this blog post that did analysis of the most popular times and days to post on Reddit, and had the idea to try it myself for SO. I parsed roughly 2 years worth of XML data from the ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

How to un-upvote an answer that is now out of date?

We don't have the option to un-upvote or change up-vote to down-vote an answer without it having been edited. This prevents users from being able to modify their votes to reflect technology changes. ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 8,012
5 votes
1 answer

Can we make the voting tooltip reasons more-visible?

Often times we have users who come in here asking to "require commenting to downvote" at-least in part because they don't understand what a downvote means. That often leads to someone informing them ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Replace tag score requirement with reputation requirement to suggest and/or vote for tag synonyms

Due to a favorable reception of Make the synonym system more available, I'm now making a concrete suggestion of one of the ideas sounded in it (see the link for rationale): Remove the tag score ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.5k
-18 votes
1 answer

How many consecutive votes won't tag me spam?

I saw there are two bronze badges available. One for 30 votes/day and one for 40 votes/day so it's easy to earn them. What is the minimum period allowed between consecutive votes? Such that, the ...
exploitr's user avatar
  • 793
86 votes
3 answers

Weird flickering effect when changing vote

So, I mistakenly down-voted a question and noticed a weird flickering effect which caught my eye: It seems related to the opacity during the animation. OS: Windows 10 Browser: Chrome; 70.0.3538.110 ...
Script47's user avatar
  • 14.5k
31 votes
1 answer

Can we allow changing a vote after some valuable comments have been added?

I've down-voted an answer and explained myself in comments. Other people in comments added some valuable information and I've realized that I was actually wrong and too hasty. I've tried to up-vote ...
shabunc's user avatar
  • 24.4k
112 votes
0 answers

Daily votes cap for trusted users is just nonsense and doesn't improve anything

Again I am asking to remove the daily vote cap for up-/down votes and close votes for trusted users (let's say +10k) of the site. Besides the vague "we like to prevent you from exhaustion" ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
-21 votes
2 answers

People doesn't look or vote my answers [closed]

I answered at least 5 questions but I didn't get any comment or vote. Also, when I looked at their profiles, the last seen timestamp is very recent. Why people doesn't look at my answers?
Burak Yeniçeri's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

How do I estimate downvotes' "efficiency"?

No, this is not another post to complain about downvotes. Downvotes (like upvotes) are the core of this site and need to be used in the right way. This said, I am wondering if I am downvoting ...
Temani Afif's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

Why do I need 125 reputation to downvote but only 15 to upvote?

I've been looking at the reputation tab recently and I noticed that to upvote, you need 15 reputation, but to downvote, you need 125 reputation. Why do you need so much more reputation to downvote ...
user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Are answers up-voted distinctly more frequent than questions?

Looking at many questions like just sorting "all questions" by votes it seems to me like many answers gain - at least slightly - more up-votes than question itself (however, I did not take a look at ...
pirho's user avatar
  • 12.1k
52 votes
5 answers

Number of upvotes and downvotes allowed should be separate

I have expended all my votes on the usual avalanche of terrible questions posted on the C++ tag on Sunday. Now it seems I can't upvote the very few good questions on that tag. Can we, (and I know this ...
user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Where can I find the amount of up & down votes that are recorded but not publicly visible?

I made a question that got some votes, but I still don't know if there are more that are not publicly visible on the question page from users without enough reputation. Users without enough ...
Devealte's user avatar
  • 219
24 votes
2 answers

How can I obtain a screenshot of a post that doesn't show my personal voting choice?

If I want to share a screenshot of a non-deleted post on Stack Overflow but, for some reason, don't want to disclose in the screenshot my personal voting choice (while still keeping the score ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,978
-17 votes
1 answer

Is there a limitation to vote up a specific users (s)? [duplicate]

I need to know, Is there a kind of limitation to vote up a specific users (s)? Is it against the Stack Overflow rules to vote up some groups of users? If it is true, what is the punishments for this ...
Siavash's user avatar
  • 2,991
-10 votes
1 answer

Are downvote costs visible when I check the activity of someone else? [duplicate]

Can downvote-costs be seen in the activity tab of the profile? If so it would be easy to validate revenge-downvotes, if you have a specific user in mind. I changed the wording of the question, ...
Kami Kaze's user avatar
  • 2,080
33 votes
5 answers

Understanding unexplained upvotes in posts

This might come off as rant, and I will understand if the community feels like it is so. However, I'm truly intrigued about why I'm seeing every time more unexplained upvotes in cr*p posts. It could ...
Camilo Terevinto's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Where is the line on serial voting? [duplicate]

I participate in essentially one single tag on StackOverflow, and will often go through periods of time where I'm looking at new questions as they come in. Recently, I've found myself answering a ...
Ben P.'s user avatar
  • 53.9k
54 votes
3 answers

What is the purpose of voting rings?

Inspired by Number of "User was removed" increasing rapidly I would like to simply ask why do people go through the trouble of creating voting rings? What benefit does it bring them? Do ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
  • 20.7k
3 votes
2 answers

What to do if answers are incorrect; but have some advices

I asked a question and got some answers, after reading all answers, I could find the correct way; because all answers have good advices and introduce good references. So they seems to be useful and I ...
hasanghaforian's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Why are the upvote/downvote icons less dark?

It's seems to be something new and here is the screenshot to illustrate the new one versus the old one: Why was the color changed? It seems less prominent now. The previous one was better and ...
Temani Afif's user avatar
-34 votes
1 answer

Super upvote button to reward very high-quality and helpful questions/answers

Sometimes I see a question/answer that is of much higher quality (or helped me a lot) than the average SO question/answer, and I'd like to reward the author with more than just 1 upvote (but it's not ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 2,938
0 votes
1 answer

Why does vote-casting automatically upvote a comment?

A bit weird question here. I have noticed that upon my vote-cast to close a question due to a custom reason reported by another user, the same comment appearing in the comment section has been upvoted ...
Nikolas's user avatar
  • 43.8k
1 vote
0 answers

"An error occurred please retry your request" not undoing upvote

Attempting to upvote an answer, I got the "An error occurred please retry your request" message. This didn't undo the upvote in the UI, however, even though the vote never went through. The behavior ...
JavaA's user avatar
  • 37
29 votes
1 answer

Get referrers for a post

In the last week, I've seen a sudden influx of upvotes to my post RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility . Apparently, someone has shared it on some popular ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.5k
-23 votes
1 answer

What is the intended purpose of (public) up and down-votes on questions? [duplicate]

Can someone explain in plain words why do we really need publicly visible votes on questions? According to Why is voting important?, voting signals to the rest of the community that a post is ...
Alper t. Turker's user avatar
-31 votes
1 answer

Was there ever a version of SO that considered using grades (A, B, C, D, or F) instead of votes?

This is just a discussion, not a request for change. I am curious if a grading system has/had ever been considered. Pros: Most if not all people are familiar with at least some form of grading. ...
D-Klotz's user avatar
  • 2,033
-18 votes
2 answers

Clarify that opinion voting on meta is the norm rather than exception

What is "meta"? How does it work? - Help Center - Stack Overflow says: Voting is different on meta. Like normal Stack Exchange sites, Meta allows members to vote on questions and answers. ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.5k
-21 votes
4 answers

How many downvotes is "enough"?

This is the lowest-scoring answer on Stack Overflow Were all the downvotes necessary, though? A downvote says, "Hey, this answer is low-quality, not useful, and/or wrong." 5 - 10 downvotes ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 2,938
-16 votes
1 answer

I should be able to undo a vote on an answer I once upvoted without editing if I put a bounty on the question

Assume I have received an answer once which I upvoted and marked solved because it contained a helpful workaround and no other answer has been received for weeks. Now, working intensively with it I ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

What should I do about an answer that was edited to contain both good and bad advice?

I occasionally see a bad answer that has bad advice (and often comments to that effect) but then the author of the answer inserts an Edit: _good advice here_. How do I vote on such an answer? The ...
Wyck's user avatar
  • 11.5k
-22 votes
1 answer

First vote of a serial voting situation

Recently a serial voter voted all of my questions, and the votes were reversed before 24 hours. That's where I came across this article. Serial voting could happen for a variety of reasons, such as ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
51 votes
2 answers

Too fast upvote on an answer?

I just posted an answer to a SO question, and I almost immediately got an upvote. I'm talking ~20 sec from me posting the answer. It's not a long or complex answer, but at ~200 words and a couple of ...
Jofre's user avatar
  • 3,878
-55 votes
1 answer

Bring back acceptance rate

I see some users no matter how much you help them, they still neither Upvote or Accept any answer, and this has got to stop! We need to know their acceptance rate.
user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

The list of votes cast should point to the specific revision the user voted on

Let's say I voted on this question a year ago. When I check the list of votes I cast, I see it in the list, but pointing to the latest revision, not the one on which I voted. To know what was the ...
Adelin's user avatar
  • 8,099

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