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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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-35 votes
1 answer

Downvoting reputation cascade

Let me start by adding some context to my question. If the context doesn't interest you, scroll down to the bolded sentences. I am by most standards a junior systems-administrator. I spend more time ...
155 votes
3 answers

Documentation shares the work: make the rewards shared, not multiplicative [closed]

I've gotten over 350 rep points* since last week for this here Documentation edit. I think it made the example better; I'm pleased to have been able to contribute. On the other hand, rewriting a ...
130 votes
6 answers

Change the wording of "Thank you for your feedback..." (when a user below 125 rep downvotes)

Change the wording of Thanks for the feedback! Once you earn a total of 125 reputation, your votes will change the publicly displayed post score. to Thanks for the feedback! Once you earn a total ...
14 votes
0 answers

How can we improve the c# tag to properly clean up of duplicate questions?

This is a very common scenario in the c# tag: Someone posts a rather simple question, it quickly gets one or two answers (usually very brief answers) that just “show the code” without explaining much....
42 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of voting on Documentation? [closed]

On the Q&A site, voting lets me distinguish between good and bad answers (also, questions). What purpose does voting have on the Documentation site? It's probably not the same purpose - the ...
54 votes
1 answer

Self upvoting documentation posts (examples) [closed]

I created an example on Stack Overflow documentation. And then I was able to self upvote this example. Is that ok?
47 votes
4 answers

Should I vote on mediocre posts?

When I'm looking at questions and answers about topics I am familiar with, I think I use my up and down votes appropriately when I do use them. (I certainly try to, anyway, and I hope I'm successful.) ...
4 votes
1 answer

Someone continuously up votes my questions and answers, putting my account in risk of suspension [duplicate]

I am not sure how to correctly describe this situation, but it is really weird and I am very nervous / scared right now. Yesterday at about the same time, some one serially voted up my 4 top ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is it commonly observed that one bad comment can lead to a flurry of downvotes?

I recently posted an answer which received a negative comment from someone, who was, in fact, not fully informed. Getting negative comments isn't really a big deal, (Let's face it: stack overflow is ...
111 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to ask for upvotes in a question?

As the title suggests, I faced this question (now removed) where the OP asks to upvote his question itself. I had never seen anyone doing that till now. I edited the question and removed the request ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Revenge serial-downvoter with a few downvotes per time [duplicate]

I don't know why, but today someone that I don't know who, voted both of them in a few seconds. I'm sure this is serial downvoting, because these two questions have nothing to do with each other and ...
24 votes
2 answers

Why aren't self-accepted answers always on top?

For what reasons are self-accepted answers not on top? What can be said against sticking self-accepted answers on top that does not apply for other accepted answers.
1 vote
2 answers

Should we vote for the history of questions or answers?

I know some of voting guidelines here, but my problem is: Should we vote a question/answer based on the original version? Vote for current version only seems the most fair standard, but consider a ...
14 votes
0 answers

How does a directly quoted answer get so many upvotes?

This answer, is a direct quote (and says so) of another highly upvoted answer. Shouldn't the reference at least been in a comment and at most duped as it ...
7 votes
2 answers

Should I upvote the question if the OP asks me to?

I have answered a question here In the comments the OP asked me to upvote his question: i got answer yet i vote up u also vote up question - Johnson However, I don't really feel like the ...
40 votes
2 answers

Is this voting fraud; or how to understand some [android] question's version of quality?

Some months ago I brought to light a very bad audit case originating from an Android question. In essence: a +8 question ended up in the review queue whereas it should have been downvoted and closed. ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I have to understand the values in the Votes Cast section in my profile?

Today I visited my profile page and saw the Votes Cast section as shown below: The values in the month & week columns were showing 9 & 27, respectively. I understand these values as time ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why are there three different numbers of votes cast in my profile?

In my profile, I can see three numbers which indicate my votes cast: 295, 264, and 299. Why are they not the same?
1 vote
1 answer

Votes on posts are not persisted

I am a new SO user. I recently got the privilege to upvote. I was reading posts that I believe will help me in my endeavors so I opted to vote them up. I've just noticed that my votes were not saved. ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Query gives wrong result of most reputation points gained in a single day [duplicate]

Here is a query: Most reputation points gained in a single day. As I note that the number 4. ThomasReggi earn 1098 Reputation, but after checking their reputation points it has not. The below is the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Allow vote changes after comments

We're allowed to change our votes after questions or answers are edited. I assume this is because a question or answer which previously had inadequate details or was inadequately clear could be fixed ...
-14 votes
2 answers

What is stopping anyone from going around and up/down-voting anything and everything?

So what is stopping me from up or down voting anything and everything on Stack Overflow? More importantly, what is stopping anyone from going around an up or down voting anything and everything?
-13 votes
1 answer

Vote count average [duplicate]

How many votes can be done within hour? Or are there any voting average time? Yesterday 30 reputation points was gone for Voting corrected(learn more), and I asked my friend. He says he also had that ...
-1 votes
1 answer

When does the system automatically reverse a vote?

I wrote a question last week which attracted a copy-paste plagiarized answer. The answer was not even actually relevant to the question, it was solving an opposite problem. Obviously the plagiarist ...
7 votes
2 answers

Should I upvote answers that are helpful but don't quite answer the question?

When looking for a way to add padding to a Titanium Picker, I found this answer that gave me what I need. However, it doesn't seem to answer the actual question, as noted in the comment by Ahmed Galal....
-13 votes
2 answers

Serial upvoting scheme

Recently I stumbled upon a question which is very trivial, and found that within 20 views the question received 4 upvotes and was favorited. I cannot imagine that any self-respecting user would ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Score gained since last edit

New users usually ask/commit horrible questions/answers, and some of them will edit their posts to make them better, guided by the comments below the post. However, many downvotes might have already ...
106 votes
7 answers

Should I upvote an answer for a topic I'm not proficient in?

If an answer is well-focused for the scope of the question, shows research effort, cites credible sources, is presented clearly, and otherwise looks like a very good answer, should I upvote it even if ...
55 votes
4 answers

Is it OK to ask your friends to upvote your posts?

Some users post their questions/answers and tell their friends to upvote them in order to increase their reputation. Is this okay? If not, can we prevent it somehow, like with a reputation audit?
2 votes
0 answers

Audit question upvote not recorded [duplicate]

When a high-quality audit question is presented in VLQ queue, upvoting the question makes you pass the audit. However, the upvote itself is not recorded. Is this by design or a bug? If this is by ...
-21 votes
3 answers

Why is the community biased against long questions?

Why are some people so eager to downvote or close questions that are relatively long? If they are engaged in a very complicated project and need to paste all that code (it's hard to make it a smaller ...
2 votes
1 answer

Are up votes moderated

I don't understand the up voting system (I do I'm just point making). If you hover over the up vote icon it states, and I quote: "This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear" Yet ...
-45 votes
1 answer

Allowing people to vote on comments

As we know that people with low reputation can not vote comments or upvote answers. What is the logic behind this? We have a basic system which tells users if the comment or answer is useful or not, ...
96 votes
3 answers

Downvotes on Meta are confusing: do they *really* mean poor-post quality, or just disagreement?

I realize that this is specifically addressed in "What is "meta"? How does it work?": Voting is different on meta. Like normal Stack Exchange sites, Meta allows members to vote on questions ...
-19 votes
3 answers

My colleague got his account deleted because he voted many of my questions and answers

The stackoverflow admin sent me a message like: There are clear signs of falsified accounts being used to artificially inflate your reputation. The offending accounts have been removed and the ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Will my account be banned if I upvote too much for the same IP address?

We have about 200 computers in our office, but the same IP address. I upvote questions sometimes of my co workers only if they asked good question. A lot of our office mates post too many questions ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to upvote or downvote a deleted answer on stack overflow?

I know its unbelievable but accidentally I downvoted this deleted answer (10K+ users only) and the down vote is recorded with the message This post has been deleted; deleted post can't be voted on ...
-10 votes
2 answers

What to do about negative score to a good answer?

I've answered this question: Python convert TXT to CSV Got a comment with "You nailed it!" and still end up with a -1 :( What can I do about this?
3 votes
1 answer

what is the difference between an unupvote and a downvote?

I realized while checking out my profile, I was "unvoted". By definition, it is pretty clear that it is a negative vote, which I'm not contesting by the way. It is still a good answer that I am in ...
-22 votes
1 answer

Help Me Understanding Downvote Reason for Knowledge Sharing Question [closed]

Today I have asked a question regarding the windows VPN client link and answered it to share my knowledge. I got a downvote for both the question and the answer. May I know what is wrong in knowledge ...
15 votes
1 answer

Probable vote-up privilege bug on SO [duplicate]

I joined SO yesterday. I have 13 reputation (as of now when I an writing this post). Today, when I opened my account, it showed me +12 on the Achievements tab. I says that I have got the privilege of ...
19 votes
1 answer

Action for Unreasonable Downvotes [duplicate]

I got 123 reputations this day, until this afternoon. Then I've come across questions which I and others downvoted and commented because they are not appropriate for the community being asked. (...
4 votes
1 answer

How is this question a good example of "This question shows research effort..."?

I have researched a few answers here is MSO to get answer of the above question, like How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users? Does a well explained question nullify a “no ...
-15 votes
1 answer

Is it reasonable that a question can still be voted on after it's been closed? [duplicate]

In all the discussion about closing or downvoting bad questions, the focus is on questions that are still open. Once a question has been closed as a duplicate, is it really necessary to allow ...
3 votes
0 answers

"vote early vote often"..Wait...what votes?

Topic: Winterbash 2015: Hat: "vote early vote often" Description: "cast a total of 250 votes on any seven consecutive UTC days". My question: Does delete votes counts? Or we're limited to only up/...
10 votes
1 answer

Allow voting on / dismissing job suggestions?

E.g. I know for a fact that I will not apply to certain companies yet they are being shown again and again (small but prominent right-side banner). The service would work better both ways if there was ...
4 votes
0 answers

What happens to up and down votes before you have the privilege to cast such votes? [duplicate]

At 1 reputation you have neither the privilege of upvoting nor the privilege of downvoting. If you try it anyway, you get some message from the system, from which I understood that your vote is saved ...
56 votes
8 answers

Upvoting for reasons other than "showing research and effort" [duplicate]

I found a question (10K link) with downvotes, I believe its cause IMHO this question isn't that hard to begin with, the answer to the question as it stands is very clear, and I think that's the reason ...
-16 votes
1 answer

Why a Zero Voted Question is Considered as a Bad One?

A number of my question attract zero voting. I am a bit surprised that neutral attitude is considered as the bad one. Voting itself is a subjective process, for some people the question could look ...
5 votes
3 answers

When should I upvote accepted answers to my own questions?

When should I upvote accepted answers to my own questions? Always Whenever I would upvote an answer to a stranger's question (for me, that would be the same as "always if I marked the answer as ...

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