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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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-8 votes
1 answer

Unlocking a vote flaw [duplicate]

On Stack Overflow when you vote (up/down) after 15 minutes or so your vote gets locked in, and it's only through an edit that you would be able to undo your vote. Just now I downvoted a a question ...
-15 votes
3 answers

Moderating moderators

I would like to give feedback to moderators that take action I consider unproductive. We have all come across popular questions/comment that we would like to up/down vote but that a moderator has ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Badge "Electorate"

I've earned a new badge - in the Recent achievements: reputation, badges, and privileges earned and Badge description this You've earned the "Electorate" badge (Voted on 600 questions and 25% ...
37 votes
14 answers

Is the reputation points system biased/flawed and thus provoking bad feelings lately?

Recently on Meta a few questions have come up with huge support from the community that seem to indicate a problem with Stack Overflow becoming mainstream: Question quality is dropping on Stack ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What was wrong with my question?

First consider this question C# find a number common to two or more lists [duplicate] A simple but ambiguous question that a few high reputation users answered but in the end turned out to be a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Should I consider existing votes when deciding to vote a question or answer up or down [duplicate]

I suspect the short answer to my question is "No". However if I come across an answer (or a question) that is okay but not great and it has been downvoted for no good reason (that I can see), I am ...
-28 votes
3 answers

Do users who primarily downvote hurt the community?

I think the voting system is great for running a community-moderated forum such as SO, but are users who (almost) solely downvote hurting the community? To explain where I got this thought, I noticed ...
4 votes
1 answer

Does my own answer deletion/undeletion count towards the votes?

After answering a question, I realized that my answer didn't really solve the problem, so I decided to delete it while I thought a bit more about the problem and how to solve it. I made some changes, ...
2 votes
0 answers

Feature request: rewards/votes for linked dubplicate question together [duplicate]

It will be good if people would have ability find same questions, link them and get reputation. It maybe also good to vote for questions are same. That is like vote for link same questions. Another ...
45 votes
1 answer

Cannot change vote even though the post has been edited

I know there is a rule on SO where you cannot change your vote after a specific period of time (I forget how long exactly, 5, 10, or 15 mins). However, you can change it if an edit has been made after ...
1 vote
1 answer

Down vote question from +1 to -1

I was attempting to remove a previous up vote of a question which was at +1, when I clicked down vote the question vote value went to -1 and not 0. Is this the expected behavior? I would have expected ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there an issue with this question?

Very shortly (less than a minute) after I posted this question: How can I import multiple items from a module and rename them in Python? it received 2 downvotes. No comments (I know, I'm just as bad....
59 votes
0 answers

Search for questions/answers you voted on

Currently the only user operators search has is user:*id*, infavorites:*id*, and intags:mine. I suggest a new operator invoted: with the options invoted:all, invoted:up and invoted:down. These would ...
42 votes
9 answers

Does a well explained question nullify a "no research effort" downvote?

First let's start with my understanding of what "this question does not show any research effort" means, because if my understanding is wrong then this question is probably invalid: As I understand ...
-5 votes
2 answers

Downvoting when you are addicted to reputation [duplicate]

Downvoting gives you -1 reputation, which is good. Otherwise users would just downvote anything that they find even remotely inappropriate. You can observe it on Meta, where reputation really doesn't ...
1 vote
2 answers

Up voting show an error when revote an unrefresh page

First I just want to say it's just a little and not important bug. But when I upvote a question (I think it's the same thing with down vote) the upvote button appear in orange in the counter increment....
59 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to vote for just two candidates?

Is it within the voting rules to just pick two candidates as the first and second choice? That is, is a third choice required in order for the vote to be valid? I searched 5 or 6 suggested relevant ...
-14 votes
1 answer

How to detect users that downvote all other answers

There is this question: Allow opening a file with open() only in one process, in c unix programming on which all 4 answers are related to the `flock() function, however suddenly all but one answer got ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Vote retraction statements [duplicate]

I recently encountered an answer that I thought was off-topic. A small discussion with the author (poster?) showed me that it was, in fact, a good answer. The problem arose when I tried to upvote ...
-27 votes
2 answers

Should there be a +1 system for user profiles?

Just a curiosity. I have often found users' profiles to be very helpful, or otherwise interesting. I also have often felt the need to +1 a person rather than a question/answer, just because they are ...
-11 votes
2 answers

Was I wrong was my answer bad? [duplicate]

I posted this (python how to rerun program?) and there's nothing that bugs me more than an unexplained down vote. Sometimes I feel like since I have lower reputation my responses are shrugged off as ...
6 votes
1 answer

How can I check upvotes vs. downvotes for specific tags?

I have noticed that I am very much on the negative side of votes when asking questions about web development and typically on the upside/neutral when asking other questions. I don't receive comments ...
0 votes
1 answer

Will other users will be able to see count of upvotes & downvotes casted by me on Stack Overflow new profile pages?

The question is straight forward as in title. In Old Stack Overflow profiles; users were able to see count of upvotes and downvotes casted by other users. The new profile shows only total (upvotes + ...
22 votes
2 answers

Unsplit Up/Down Votes after Splitting them

Is there a way to unsplit the up/down vote counts after splitting it. Before splitting: after Splitting: Only way i found now is refreshing the page. Is there any other way to do that?
13 votes
1 answer

Does an election vote count towards your Stack Overflow vote count?

I was wondering if a vote in the Moderator Primary Election counts towards the total daily vote limit on the site?
19 votes
1 answer

Strange vote totals in elections

It seems to be that there are some odd things with how voting is in elections, compared to normal posts. For the first post, the vote count +318|-105 seems to be correct (there seems to have been a ...
42 votes
2 answers

How many votes should I cast in the primary phase?

There are 3 moderator positions, so I supposed that I had 3 votes only. But it seems I have more, perhaps 10 or 30? I did not test it. What is the maximum or recommended number of votes to cast in the ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Reasons to downvote [duplicate]

I recently came across a poor question, one where the OP put in minimal effort to find the answers. Someone then came along and answered the question, with a simple and correct answer; however, they ...
2 votes
1 answer

What to do when voting fails (upvoted incorrect answer)

A few days ago I came across this question which in a short time got several incorrect answers that for some reason got upvotes, presumably because they seemed to fix the most obvious and apparent ...
28 votes
2 answers

Question with horrible answers

Following is a question with very special properties: Importance: Bad coding style will affect database security and potential hijacking Relevance to beginners: This is something that even beginners ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Can I know if a user downvotes competing answers to gain better position for his own answer? [duplicate]

I have recently seen some suspicious behaviour in fast simple answers: I answer a question in first few minutes Answer gets one fast upvote A new answer with same (or really similar) code appears A ...
-43 votes
1 answer

SO needs an automatic delay regarding up votes, down votes, and close votes

imho, there are members of SO who so quickly up vote/down vote and close vote that it is highly unlikely that they have read a given post thoughtfully. The solution would be to add an appropriate ...
2 votes
0 answers

Are Voting Habits Cultural?

I live in South Africa and so I've discovered (from this question) the optimal time to ask a question is at about 5pm here because that's when user activity on SO picks up in the USA. Something I've ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Allow community to ban user for engaging in behavior destructive to the site

There are a few things that make it inappropriate for certain people to participate on Stack Overflow. One is wasting experts' time with badly written or off-topic questions. Another is expecting ...
5 votes
3 answers

Does up vote of an answer necessarily entail someone found it useful?

I've often seen people proclaim "the answer had 40 upvotes, therefore 40 people found it useful". An example of this can be seen in this comment. I want to contend that this isn't the case. I ...
108 votes
6 answers

Why are we supposed to let incorrect answers stick around?

There has been a lot of noise recently about bad answers and people incorrectly flagging them for removal and a wave of responses saying "use your downvotes, idiot. Flags aren't for wrong answers!". ...
1 vote
2 answers

How do you handle lack of acknowledgement /appreciation of efforts?

What can you do in a case where ,you put in a lot of effort to solve someone's problem (and maybe even solve it) but then recieve no upvotes from the person ?
23 votes
1 answer

Is the "Civic Duty" badge awarder a little eager?

I've been granted the "Civic Duty" badge on Stack Overflow. However, looking at my profile I'm still five votes away from qualifying for it -- it says only 295 votes cast. What causes this? Is it a ...
133 votes
3 answers

I would like to have more than 30+10 votes per day

I feel like I never have enough up- and down-votes per day. As Stack Overflow continues to grow, we continue to see a larger influx of questions every day. Some are great, some are decent, some ...
74 votes
1 answer

Why is Community♦ downvoting questions/answers?

I realized that when looking Community♦'s profile there is: 606,827 Votes Cast all time 108,530 up 498,297 down What is the voting algorithm of this bot? Upvoting old questions is understandable, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Downvoted answers are shown in the beginning of the page

While reading this question, I found downvoted and wrong answers at the beginning of the page and good, upvoted answers at the end. Also, the accepted answer is shown at the middle of the page. Is it ...
-14 votes
1 answer

Why am I getting docked reputation for someone else's answer? [duplicate]

Maybe I'm confused, but when I hit up my reputation tab I see a -1 reputation for the following answer being downvoted: waiting for all pids to exit in php I didn't write that answer, so I don't ...
-37 votes
1 answer

Make the first N downvotes on a question only count as 1/N

The first downvote on a question is much easier to get than any subsequent downvotes. Having a -1 score, though, can prevent the submitter from receiving an answer. I propose to give that -1 score ...
4 votes
1 answer

Single downvote results in a single upvote if downvote removed

I have noticed the following behavior and I was wondering if this is by design: I down-vote a question/answer and I am the lone down-vote. The OP improves the question/answer so I wish to remove down-...
5 votes
1 answer

Does Stack Overflow have any way of preventing vote trolls? [duplicate]

On three consecutive questions, I have been downvoted into negative values, even though the question was clear. When a reason was provided for the down votes, the reason was nonsense (BS) or simply ...
5 votes
1 answer

What happens when you vote on a deleted question/answer?

If I down-vote, or up-vote, a question or answer, and then it is subsequently deleted, does the vote still count towards the total vote count on my profile? Or does it revert back to the original ...
4 votes
1 answer

Does the serial voting script consider a question basis as well?

Recently I came across a good question on Meta about whether users should downvote answers to bad questions. I looked into this idea because it has happened to me twice recently. I'm okay with that, ...
46 votes
0 answers

Why did the proportion of down votes go up? [duplicate]

This Data Explorer query appears to show that there was a step up in down votes as a fraction of votes from the "historic" 10-12% to 14-15% in late April. This seems like a significant ...
16 votes
0 answers

What's the point of not being able to re-upvote a comment?

Why can't you re-upvote a comment that you upvoted and then un-upvoted? You can upvote and un-upvote questions as many times as you want (which I assume is because question edits aren't time-sensitive,...
-21 votes
2 answers

Please, no more "cvpls". Let's have "club" moderators instead

Users are allowed broad discretion in casting votes1... you'll often see mods say to "vote however you like". I'd like to point out the you in that -- YOU are responsible for your own votes, and for ...

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