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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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595 votes
13 answers

Introduce an "Obsolete Answer" vote

Background There is a meta discussion going on, on How to deal with hugely upvoted, bad answers?. And as an answer, I wrote: You can downvote, comment, and provide a better answer, of course. But.....
93 votes
10 answers

Is the intensity of meta working in our favor or to our detriment?

I was musing over a comment I've made this morning: I didn't vote on this but if I had to guess the reason you're getting downvoted is that people are intensely sick and tired of discussing ...
57 votes
3 answers

Is the voting culture on SO different than other SE sites?

I've only recently really begun to answer questions on Stack Overflow after having only asked questions. I've spent a large portion of my time in Chemistry Stack Exchange where one typically easily ...
6 votes
0 answers

"Vote as duplicate" remains available even after I "Vote[d] as off-topic", but then it fails at the last step of voting

I just voted a non-programming question as off-topic but when I looked up the resolution I realized that the target, while also being off-topic, is available on Stack Overflow, so I wen't back to the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Serial (down)voting because of MSO attention ("Meta Effect")?

I often see questions here on MSO regarding steps to take because of a bad question asked, for example. However while looking at these questions, I often see these questions being downvoted a lot ...
47 votes
12 answers

Replace question downvotes and closure with a roomba-enabled "no community value" flag

I know how to mitigate the "fall of Stack Overflow". The site should be made newbie-friendly Or, rather, question-friendly. I realize that such a blunt suggestion is likely to be met with ...
54 votes
6 answers

Is it OK to downvote questions asking about how to achieve something, without having posted code?

In these type of questions, users only upload some image, and then ask how to create or develop this type of UI or code. Here is the question that the user posted: How to get an view like the ...
268 votes
10 answers

Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the feedback and rethinking the approach

I acknowledge the feedback shared by community members and by moderators. We felt that this experiment was important because it allowed users to participate and engage in a low-effort core action on ...
112 votes
1 answer

Why can't I downvote comments?

I've always been curious about this. We can upvote questions, answers, and comments. But we can only downvote questions and answers. One situation in which comment downvoting would be helpful is if ...
60 votes
4 answers

Downvotes research: why do we need that?

In this blog post The Loop: Our Community Roadmap for Q3 2020, the issue(s) with downvoting has been mentioned. It reads: Downvotes research (July) Receiving downvotes on Stack Overflow can be a ...
-211 votes
24 answers

We will launch the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow for 4–6 weeks, along with account creation prompts [duplicate]

Moderator note: - This experiment has been postponed. Please see the duplicate post above for the explanation and discussion. It's been a while since we last talked about the one-reputation voting ...
90 votes
3 answers

Why shouldn't I assume I know who downvoted my post?

I've been told not to assume that a specific person downvoted my post just because they commented at the same time the downvote came in. Why not? Return to FAQ index
84 votes
2 answers

What does it mean when it says my vote is "recorded" but "does not change the publicly displayed posted score"?

I have less than 125 reputation, and when I upvote and then downvote the same post, this message pops up: Thanks for the feedback! Votes cast by those with less than 125 reputation are recorded, ...
13 votes
1 answer

Vote buttons are distractingly bright in dark mode

I sincerely don't know why the design was changed. The current coloring is too light, making me feel that the button is "focused" and I will look at it unintentionally. I feel it really ...
-14 votes
1 answer

How does one spoil their moderator election vote?

It's common in elections around the world for one to have the ability to spoil their vote. This is the action of deliberately filing a vote which cannot be counted. It is not a fraudulent vote, as ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Why do I need reputation to vote?

Why do I need reputation to vote? I understand the necessity of keeping the site as helpful, and clean, as possible, but why can I not up-vote the correct answer to the questions I have asked? Also, ...
209 votes
20 answers

Is it okay to downvote answers to bad questions?

I'm referring to this answer, (screenshot for <10K) in particular, where the question was clearly not of the best quality, but my answer to it addressed the issues with it. Is it okay to downvote ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't the OP earn any reputation when their discussion becomes upvoted?

People on SE earn reputation when their answer gets upvoted/accepted. But why doesn't the OP earn any reputation when their discussion becomes upvoted?
324 votes
73 answers

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a ...
-5 votes
1 answer

Why were my votes reset?

This morning, I got the Civic Duty badge on Stack Overflow (for 300 votes cast total) but when I looked at my votes just now, I only have my 2 most recent votes. Is this a bug or were they reset for a ...
-294 votes
37 answers

Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test

Thank you all for voicing your feedback and your concerns regarding the test of the Reactions feature. We would like first to give some additional background surrounding the intentions around this ...
213 votes
3 answers

Who keeps upvoting these terrible questions?

Who keeps up-voting terrible lazy questions, questions that show absolutely no evidence of effort? Please stop doing this. – Hovercraft Full Of Eels 17 hours ago (Screenshot for <10K) Many times ...
57 votes
1 answer

When reputation is 15, do previously cast votes get displayed?

As I currently only have a reputation of 8, if I upvote a question I see the message "Thanks for the feedback! Once you earn a total of 15 reputation, your votes will change the publicly displayed ...
11 votes
1 answer

Results of the vote arrows styling experiment

TL;DR: Overall, the experiment was a success with a positive lift in overall votes in the variant group, however, we will not be graduating the experiment. In June, we conducted an experiment to test ...
-20 votes
1 answer

New buttons - "Click again to undo" instead of just clicking the opposite button -- what is the support for it?

I recently voted on a question on SO, then reconsidered my vote as there was subtleties that were not needed. When I went to retract my vote in the normal way by clicking the opposite arrow, the vote ...
-334 votes
21 answers

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

This experiment has concluded. We've gathered and analyzed the results in Results of the voting arrow experiment. This week, we're rolling out a test to update the appearance of voting arrows for ...
-42 votes
2 answers

Why do some bad questions not have negative votes?

Take a look at this question: Import .bk file into oracle db It is terrible with the user having done no research either. But yet it did not get any downvotes, and I am wondering why. Is it because ...
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
-31 votes
1 answer

Serial Downvoting Reversal mechanism not working

I downvoted this question and upvoted it in a flash of an eye. I thought about downvoting to undo the action, but then I left that job for the serial voting mechanism to do its job and reverse the ...
-19 votes
2 answers

Popup to propagate upvote to question when upvoting an answer

When I find an answer that is useful for me, I like to upvote it. In the same way, I like to upvote the question too, because it made it possible for that answer to be written in the first place. ...
12 votes
2 answers

How can I determine when I cast a specific upvote?

Is there a way to filter the profile votes list to determine when I voted for a specific question and answer? The reason I'm asking is I just ran across an eight-year old question showing that I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Inaccurate reputation increase in profile reputation tab [duplicate]

I understand that normally one upvote would reward 10 reputations to user, however, I noticed that when I clicked into the reputation tab under my profile after getting upvotes, the reputation ...
6 votes
0 answers

Reputation bug when sorting votes by time

I've been seeing this voting bug pretty frequently. When viewing ?tab=reputation tab and sorting by "Time", the upvote score is incorrect. For example, according to my tab I earned 60 points ...
-8 votes
1 answer

How do I report bugs in Stack Exchange (e.g., a voting bug in Area 51)?

How would I report bugs in Stack Exchange (e.g., a voting bug on Area 51)? See printscreen after voting:
-35 votes
5 answers

Why aren't incorrect close votes discouraged with technical measures?

Time and again I have seen that someone adds a close vote incorrectly (sometimes they mark it as opinion-based even when there is a clear objective question, sometimes they mark it as a duplicate of ...
-5 votes
1 answer

Vote counts and badge's vote counts aren't the same

This seems to be a bug. I can't possibly have made 223 votes and 227!
9 votes
0 answers

Add datetime type information to a post that I voted on

Would it be possible to have somewhere the information on when we upvoted or downvoted a post (in case of post was edited by OP or someone else)? For example, see the tooltip below. It's a feature I'...
-9 votes
2 answers

How can we discourage over-downvoting on questions?

Some people go a bit over the top downvoting. It isn't exactly welcoming to new users. My process is this: Is it a good question? Upvote. If not: Spam? Flag. Otherwise: Very obviously bad? Are you ...
24 votes
2 answers

How can I obtain a screenshot of a post that doesn't show my personal voting choice?

If I want to share a screenshot of a non-deleted post on Stack Overflow but, for some reason, don't want to disclose in the screenshot my personal voting choice (while still keeping the score ...
75 votes
3 answers

Votes cast has upvote-like symbol and is confusing

I've cast 1,152 votes, fine. But the icon beside it in my honest opinion seems to indicate that they are upvotes. It's like I've upvoted 1152 posts, when I've clearly not. I've predominantly ...
-55 votes
1 answer

Bring back acceptance rate

I see some users no matter how much you help them, they still neither Upvote or Accept any answer, and this has got to stop! We need to know their acceptance rate.
12 votes
0 answers

Change tooltip for up/down vote button on feature requests

This is a very minor issue (and only affects SO meta), but the feature-request tag reads: "On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposed change, ...
14 votes
2 answers

How does vote locking work?

I often get the message "You last voted X minutes ago. You're vote is now locked unless the Post is edited." Or something similar. When and how do votes get "locked"? Is it after a certain amount ...
-31 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to ask others to upvote own answer as a "thank you"? [duplicate]

Sometimes I have a situation that a single comment solves the whole problem. The person who asked the question is thankful for the solution and often says that they will delete their question (because ...
40 votes
2 answers

Downvote in order to be able to vote to delete. Is it acceptable?

After reaching 20K, when browsing Stack Overflow (main or meta) I sometimes encounter posts that I believe merit deletion, but the "delete" link is not available because the post is not downvoted ...
-30 votes
2 answers

Community reward for correct and unaccepted answers?

It is frustrating to witness something like this answer. Someone invested time and effort into someone else problem, and it seems too much to ask for a button click. I know life isn't fair. And the ...
16 votes
3 answers

Can we make the answer score and up/downvote buttons sticky so it scrolls with you for long answers?

Currently, if I'm reading a long answer and by the end of it decide it was a good one and is worth an upvote (or the other way around and a downvote), I need to scroll all the way back up to the start ...
113 votes
1 answer

How can I view the history of my voting, like upvotes?

Sometimes I want to return to some of the answers I have upvoted. Can I access the history of my votes?
69 votes
2 answers

Is it dangerous to patrol a tag with issues?

I recently got a hobby of watching a certain problematic tag, where about 95% of the questions are basically crap. I added it to my favorite tags, so I can go about downvoting, voting to close and ...
80 votes
2 answers

Moderator invalidating votes because they were mostly for one person

Over the holidays I have reviewed over 300 kotlin tagged questions with my team to bring them up to date as Kotlin has left alphas and betas and moves towards release of 1.0. We want content to be ...

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