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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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1218 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
595 votes
13 answers

Introduce an "Obsolete Answer" vote

Background There is a meta discussion going on, on How to deal with hugely upvoted, bad answers?. And as an answer, I wrote: You can downvote, comment, and provide a better answer, of course. But.....
sampathsris's user avatar
  • 22.2k
430 votes
8 answers

When is it justifiable to downvote a question?

In light of recent discussion, the quality of questions on Stack Overflow is dropping rapidly, and as such, I find myself being more of a critic than I used to be a year ago. Questions which hardly ...
aevitas's user avatar
  • 3,803
329 votes
2 answers

Why does downvoting an answer cost reputation while questions not?

When I downvote an answer, I lose 1 reputation point. But downvoting a question is free. Is there any particular reason for that?
mmohab's user avatar
  • 2,343
324 votes
73 answers

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.6k
304 votes
4 answers

Can we have a tool for viewing posts we've down voted that were subsequently edited?

I came across this question on meta that talks about the barrage of down votes that posts can receive, which, after an edit or two become good questions and answers. The problem exists however, that ...
James Webster's user avatar
267 votes
10 answers

Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the feedback and rethinking the approach

I acknowledge the feedback shared by community members and by moderators. We felt that this experiment was important because it allowed users to participate and engage in a low-effort core action on ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 101
245 votes
13 answers

Am I still supposed to explain my downvotes or not?

Over in Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?, Shog9 introduced a comment filter that prevented us from posting comments starting with -1. Okay, fine. But what are we supposed to post instead?...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 151k
244 votes
11 answers

Why can I no longer see that a post has a negative score?

Thanks for your vote! Your vote has been recorded and it affects this post's ranking. Since this post has reached the minimum score of 0 your vote will not be displayed. I just downvoted a question ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.6k
217 votes
7 answers

Stop mob-downvoting users on the main site for their actions there and their opinions on Meta

I've seen a few users on Meta recently who appear to be getting lynch-mobbed on the site after either posting an unpopular opinion here, or being the subject of a post because of their actions. ...
user avatar
213 votes
3 answers

Who keeps upvoting these terrible questions?

Who keeps up-voting terrible lazy questions, questions that show absolutely no evidence of effort? Please stop doing this. – Hovercraft Full Of Eels 17 hours ago (Screenshot for <10K) Many times ...
Siguza's user avatar
  • 23.2k
209 votes
20 answers

Is it okay to downvote answers to bad questions?

I'm referring to this answer, (screenshot for <10K) in particular, where the question was clearly not of the best quality, but my answer to it addressed the issues with it. Is it okay to downvote ...
AstroCB's user avatar
  • 12.4k
206 votes
6 answers

Why does it seem so hard to accumulate upvotes on Stack Overflow?

I swear I don't mean this to complain or anything. I am just wondering if it's some kind of community standard. Typically if I see a question I find helpful or interesting, I'll upvote it. However in ...
thnkwthprtls's user avatar
  • 3,447
201 votes
5 answers

Should I pay back debt to old answers with upvotes?

I have recently started using Stack Exchange with active user accounts after lurking as a reader of Stack Overflow for many years. I am now able to upvote, and considering getting involved in my areas ...
JeremyDouglass's user avatar
190 votes
11 answers

Can we remove vote lock-in?

It appears that the purpose of votes getting locked in after a few minutes is to prevent people from gaming the system with "tactical downvotes." It also appears that pretty much everyone agrees this ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
183 votes
8 answers

Can there be legitimate serial downvoting?

If you stumble across a user whose answers and questions are just terrible, is it okay to downvote and vote to close as needed, or is that crossing the line of serial downvoting? It's nothing ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
178 votes
3 answers

Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?

I'd like to start with saying that I emailed @Shog9 back in August with the text below, because I'm not a particularly good writer, and I was hoping he'd be able to write up a nice post here. A couple ...
user247702's user avatar
  • 24.1k
155 votes
3 answers

Documentation shares the work: make the rewards shared, not multiplicative [closed]

I've gotten over 350 rep points* since last week for this here Documentation edit. I think it made the example better; I'm pleased to have been able to contribute. On the other hand, rewriting a ...
jscs's user avatar
  • 63.9k
153 votes
3 answers

Is it wrong to use an upvote to balance out a downvote?

I know I can upvote any post for any reason, but consider this situation: I see a zero score post, and I don't think it needs either an upvote or downvote. Suddenly it gets a downvote, but I think ...
Gstestso's user avatar
  • 606
151 votes
1 answer

Can moderators see who upvoted/downvoted a specific question?

Can moderators see who upvoted/downvoted a specific question? How about who upvoted a specific comment? Note that I'm asking for no reason besides to satisfy my own curiosity.
Mooseman's user avatar
  • 18.9k
133 votes
3 answers

I would like to have more than 30+10 votes per day

I feel like I never have enough up- and down-votes per day. As Stack Overflow continues to grow, we continue to see a larger influx of questions every day. Some are great, some are decent, some ...
LittleBobbyTables - Au Revoir's user avatar
130 votes
6 answers

Change the wording of "Thank you for your feedback..." (when a user below 125 rep downvotes)

Change the wording of Thanks for the feedback! Once you earn a total of 125 reputation, your votes will change the publicly displayed post score. to Thanks for the feedback! Once you earn a total ...
Ani Menon's user avatar
  • 27.9k
128 votes
5 answers

Suspicious users found: active only one day, many upvotes cast

Using data explorer, I have found several users that match the suspicious criteria: User account was created and abandoned the same day. User has no posts themselves but edited others posts to gain ...
dwitvliet's user avatar
  • 7,622
115 votes
1 answer

What is the meta effect?

I was reading some discussions on here, and came across the term "meta effect". Can anyone explain what is meant by this? and what is the purpose?
Harry's user avatar
  • 3,165
113 votes
1 answer

How can I view the history of my voting, like upvotes?

Sometimes I want to return to some of the answers I have upvoted. Can I access the history of my votes?
Serguei Orozco's user avatar
112 votes
1 answer

Why can't I downvote comments?

I've always been curious about this. We can upvote questions, answers, and comments. But we can only downvote questions and answers. One situation in which comment downvoting would be helpful is if ...
geoff's user avatar
  • 2,278
112 votes
0 answers

Daily votes cap for trusted users is just nonsense and doesn't improve anything

Again I am asking to remove the daily vote cap for up-/down votes and close votes for trusted users (let's say +10k) of the site. Besides the vague "we like to prevent you from exhaustion" ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
111 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to ask for upvotes in a question?

As the title suggests, I faced this question (now removed) where the OP asks to upvote his question itself. I had never seen anyone doing that till now. I edited the question and removed the request ...
Gogol's user avatar
  • 3,052
110 votes
16 answers

Is it OK to downvote questions because of bad grammar?

I'm interested in hearing from official moderators if there's an official stance/policy regarding what are appropriate actions to take on questions with bad grammar: Is it OK to downvote a question ...
user avatar
109 votes
2 answers

I found users who appear to have been serially upvoted, why hasn't this been reversed?

I recently stumbled upon the Data Explorer and figured I'd give it a try to practise my SQL. I wrote a query to fetch all users that had received serial voting (here defined as having more than 10 ...
dwitvliet's user avatar
  • 7,622
109 votes
3 answers

Are people voting less these days?

I feel like decent questions are receiving fewer upvotes these days (but interestingly, bad questions are receiving many downvotes and close votes). I'm not saying this is a bad thing for the site, I'...
wim's user avatar
  • 357k
108 votes
6 answers

Why are we supposed to let incorrect answers stick around?

There has been a lot of noise recently about bad answers and people incorrectly flagging them for removal and a wave of responses saying "use your downvotes, idiot. Flags aren't for wrong answers!". ...
ABMagil's user avatar
  • 5,447
106 votes
7 answers

Should I upvote an answer for a topic I'm not proficient in?

If an answer is well-focused for the scope of the question, shows research effort, cites credible sources, is presented clearly, and otherwise looks like a very good answer, should I upvote it even if ...
Woodrow Barlow's user avatar
105 votes
3 answers

User in good standing removed -- significant reputation loss in low-traffic tag

Today a user of about 4.5 years with 10K+ rep and one of the longtime top prolog contributors has suddenly disappeared, and all his votes were retracted. I see sudden drop in reputation / votes for ...
Will Ness's user avatar
  • 70.7k
97 votes
4 answers

Downvoting bot causing closed question deletion?

I have been getting really pesky downvotes on old question daily. At first I thought this might just be some revenge downvoting, but I'm starting to see a pattern that suggests either I don't ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 92.1k
96 votes
3 answers

Downvotes on Meta are confusing: do they *really* mean poor-post quality, or just disagreement?

I realize that this is specifically addressed in "What is "meta"? How does it work?": Voting is different on meta. Like normal Stack Exchange sites, Meta allows members to vote on questions ...
user avatar
93 votes
10 answers

Is the intensity of meta working in our favor or to our detriment?

I was musing over a comment I've made this morning: I didn't vote on this but if I had to guess the reason you're getting downvoted is that people are intensely sick and tired of discussing ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 7,333
93 votes
3 answers

Sudden change in voting proportion

I study voting on Stack Overflow and found a sudden change in negative/positive voting ratio on questions in April 2014. I would imagine that such a drastic change will result from a change in Stack ...
Benny's user avatar
  • 53
90 votes
3 answers

Why shouldn't I assume I know who downvoted my post?

I've been told not to assume that a specific person downvoted my post just because they commented at the same time the downvote came in. Why not? Return to FAQ index
89 votes
5 answers

Is accepting an answer without upvoting some kind of signal to the responder?

I'm getting a bit puzzled by this quite common practice on SO: to accept answers without giving them an upvote. I have seen it quite a few times while reading and reviewing and experienced it first ...
Einar Sundgren's user avatar
87 votes
12 answers

Do users upvote out of sympathy, and how should that be addressed?

Are people sympathetically upvoting bad questions that have been downvoted? Who in their right mind would upvote such a ridiculously awful question? I tend to see this late at night, and suspect ...
Jonathon Reinhart's user avatar
86 votes
5 answers

Chain upvoting / downvoting / flagging posts of a user? (Not revenge / grace voting.)

This answer to the question: Is it okay to look for good posts to upvote after downvoting a post states that: Votes should be on content, not on users. Do not go to the user's profile page to look ...
zabop's user avatar
  • 7,639
86 votes
3 answers

Weird flickering effect when changing vote

So, I mistakenly down-voted a question and noticed a weird flickering effect which caught my eye: It seems related to the opacity during the animation. OS: Windows 10 Browser: Chrome; 70.0.3538.110 ...
Script47's user avatar
  • 14.5k
84 votes
2 answers

What does it mean when it says my vote is "recorded" but "does not change the publicly displayed posted score"?

I have less than 125 reputation, and when I upvote and then downvote the same post, this message pops up: Thanks for the feedback! Votes cast by those with less than 125 reputation are recorded, ...
P.V.'s user avatar
  • 1,015
83 votes
1 answer

Allow voting from review queues

I was thinking this might have been asked already, but I couldn't find anything. Here is the scenario: I see a crap question / Answer from the review queues with an upvote. I want to make sure it ...
T J's user avatar
  • 43.1k
83 votes
0 answers

Hovering over one's own up-vote or down-vote should show when it was cast

I have come across some questions recently where I saw that I up-voted either the question, an answer or both, like this one - Sort array by firstname (alphabetically) in Javascript, and out of ...
camden_kid's user avatar
  • 12.8k
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
80 votes
2 answers

Moderator invalidating votes because they were mostly for one person

Over the holidays I have reviewed over 300 kotlin tagged questions with my team to bring them up to date as Kotlin has left alphas and betas and moves towards release of 1.0. We want content to be ...
Jayson Minard's user avatar
78 votes
2 answers

Should I be worried about anti-cheating system?

So I'm teaching myself typescript and as a result I have quite a big number of questions about it, like 1-2 a day. One particular member of the community (whom I do not know personally) is ...
Andrew Savinykh's user avatar
77 votes
1 answer

Used the maximum 40 votes in a day, and more, but I'm not stopped from voting yet

So I used the maximum 40 votes for a day, and I happened to earn the Vox Populi badge for that. However I've been voting for various questions and answers, and it's been 43 at the moment, but SO won'...
Neeku's user avatar
  • 3,647

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