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Questions tagged [vote-to-close]

Voting to close is the process by which users can vote to close a question as off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the FAQ.

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11 votes
1 answer

My question, which I was able to reopen myself after it was closed as a duplicate, is closed as a duplicate again, without context

I've posted a question which was was closed as a duplicate. Believing it not to be a duplicate, I voted to reopen, which instantly reopened the question, because I do have a gold regex tag badge (I've ...
3 votes
1 answer

"Not reproducible" close vote shows different reason in tooltip

When I vote to close a question as "Not reproducible or was caused by a typo" and then mouse over the "Close(1)" link below the question the tooltip says You voted to close as '...
-21 votes
1 answer

Wrongly closed question

Recently I asked a question which IMHO was wrongly closed (because it was quite specific). You can even see a reply from (high rep) user tao who says he was planning to write an answer. Please check ...
225 votes
14 answers

More effective closing / downvoting of junk questions to help with the signal-noise ratio?

Signal vs Noise I find that when a question warrants a close vote, it usually violates a number of rules, sometimes a majority of the rules, and it is hard to decide which is the most appropriate. ...
224 votes
3 answers

Why can't we change our close-vote reason?

This answer does a fair enough job explaining why you can't vote-to-close on a question once you've retracted a close vote. But I'm curious, why can't I change my close-vote reason without ...
9 votes
0 answers

Close questions caused by confusing two similar variable names [duplicate]

In this question the problem was caused by confusing two similar variable names show and showModal. I believe it's very unlikely that this question will help others in the future, but it is not ...
57 votes
2 answers

How to open the corresponding review item when viewing a question/answer?

When browsing on Stack Overflow I often see questions with pending close/reopen votes, that I disagree with. But I can't express my disagreement because the corresponding review task is inaccessible ...
-52 votes
1 answer

Add a delay for closing / deleting questions

Today I experienced this question on SO get closed in 17 minutes as a duplicate. The part about what yield does is a duplicate, yes, but as I wrote in the comments there are other problems the OP ...
15 votes
2 answers

Close popup in review doesn't show after switching to Duplicate tab

While reviewing questions in the Close Votes review queue, I notice regularly - but not always - that clicking on the Close button does not bring up the Why should this question be closed? popup ...
3 votes
1 answer

How many downvotes can a post get for it to be automatically closed or deleted?

I've seen a lot of posts with at least -20 downvotes, but they don't get deleted or closed. For example, this post. Would it not have been a duplicate, it most likely wouldn't have been closed or ...
14 votes
0 answers

Close vote queue, flagged as showing "subreason.InputTitle" [closed]

I was doing some reviews in the Close votes queue and noticed that the UI had changed, with the Actions now to the right as a radio combination rather than buttons, all fine and good. However, the ...
24 votes
0 answers

What is the purpose of "Your vote has been recorded" popup which appears after close vote?

I keep seeing a blue "Your vote has been recorded" popup after casting close-votes. I know that votes are recorded - it has been that way for years. The popup requires me to click a small [x]...
0 votes
3 answers

User voted to close his own question. Should that trigger an automatic delete?

I saw a user who asked this question i wanna know more this Fibonacci's operating Principles who then voted to close his own question. What results from a person closing their own question rather ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Allow temporarily closing a question as "gotta be a duplicate"

One of the issues with duplicate questions is finding them. Sure, frequent users of a tag know most of the common ones. But there are plenty of questions which you know has to have been asked, but it'...
34 votes
5 answers

How can I best help with Close Votes?

At the time of this posting, I am 5 reputation away from being able to view and participate in the Close Votes queue. (Please don't go and upvote one of my questions/answers just in response to this ...
23 votes
4 answers

Is it valid for a diamond moderator to use their powers to override the closing votes of other users, in order to reopen a question?

I considered that a certain post does not comply with the SO rules since it explicitly asked if there was a tool that performs a certain specific task, it may or may not be correct, since I do not ...
-18 votes
2 answers

Can you share flags when it is inactive for weeks/months?

I still have 2 flags still unreviewed and I already read this and I understand that not everyone is seeing all these flags being put. In this question, I flagged it to be migrated with the words: ...
5 votes
1 answer

Should comment upvotes be automatically retracted when closevote is retracted?

When you close vote a question that's already been proposed by somebody else, the act of close vote automatically upvotes that close-proposal comment. But if you later retract the that close vote, ...
-21 votes
2 answers

Why is being one of the close voters not enough to reopen a question with just my vote?

A better phrasing is probably: why isn't a vote for reopen equal to retracting a vote for closing? It makes sense that I can't just pick a random closed question and reopen it with just my vote, but ...
-43 votes
1 answer

The process of closing and re-opening questions should be more robust

Yesterday, I asked a valid technical question regarding WPF. Well, I'm an experienced software architect. I know what I'm doing and how to ask a question in a correct manner. In my question I provided ...
15 votes
3 answers

What shall one do with questions which are obviously closed for the wrong reason?

This might be related to using close reasons which do not quite fit, but what should one do when a question is closed with an obviously wrong close reason? Example: find middle point in c array In ...
10 votes
0 answers

Which close vote option corresponds to "unlikely to help anyone else in the future"? [duplicate]

Which close vote option corresponds to "unlikely to help anyone else in the future"? As @yivi mentions here, The idea [of Stack Overflow] is to build a repository of useful question and ...
11 votes
0 answers

Give the duplicate closure more priority than the other close reason

Let's consider the following question: Two users voted to close the question as "need more focus" then I came to close it as duplicate and the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Add new closing option "Shows little or no effort" [duplicate]

Everyday, more and more questions are posted that are simply variances of "do my job for me while I go have a beer". These questions show little or no effort on the OPs' part, not even to ...
57 votes
1 answer

Update Help Center to include the mighty Mjölnir

The Why are some questions marked as duplicate? topic in the help center states: It takes 5 close votes to reach the closing threshold. But of course, this is not strictly true and may lead ...
114 votes
15 answers

Question Close Updates: Phase 1

This week we rolled out a series of changes to improve parts of the question close workflow. Below are the changes and impacted sites. Close & Flag screen updates This change is live on Stack ...
-17 votes
1 answer

New question close option [duplicate]

Nowadays, many questions on Stack Overflow are nothing but a homework dump. But there is no proper option to close such questions. These are the existing close options: Duplicate - This question has ...
85 votes
2 answers

How can I close a question that has an active bounty? [closed]

This question seems (to me) massively, overly broad Dynamic UserControls within ASP.NET Wizard. But I can't close it as because it has an active bounty. What should be done? Does the posting of the ...
108 votes
2 answers

When is a closeable question also a "very low quality" question?

Sometimes, when I see a question that is blatantly off-topic or otherwise unsalvageable and cannot in any reasonable sense be said to be editable into an acceptable on-topic question, I will vote to ...
7 votes
0 answers

Option to close bounty enabled questions [duplicate]

Recently, I came across this post and the post is missing with the debugging details. So it should be closed with "Needs debugging details" option. I could have voted to close this post and ...
36 votes
9 answers

Is a mod unilaterally reviewing/closing 1500 questions in a single day okay, or too much?

Over the last couple weeks, I've noticed a single user (a moderator) closing an inordinate amount of questions through the CV Queue every couple of days or so. This is quite obvious because not only ...
225 votes
7 answers

Narrowing ourselves into irrelevance

I posted the following question on SO today: The question was almost immediately put on hold ...
297 votes
7 answers

Congratulations to EdChum for 100,000 close reviews!

The Close Votes review stats page shows that EdChum performed 100,000 close vote reviews. Getting content properly rated is very important to me because this helps me use the site and I would like to ...
-74 votes
3 answers

Please, is anything going to be done about the pedantic question closers?

When Stack Overflow first came about SEO was worse, and disk space was more expensive. The result was a large set of rules about the nature of SO questions as not to pollute the search space with ...
1 vote
0 answers

Close dialog not visible when opened on 'duplicate' tab of close vote review [duplicate]

I'm reviewing Close Votes, targeting specifically Duplicate types. If I've switched to view the duplicate and then click "Close", the Close dialog does not appear. I believe it's actually ...
14 votes
0 answers

Can "Please create a Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example" be an Auto-Comment

When I vote to close a question because it is a duplicate, a comment is automatically inserted: possible duplicate of... Could we add an automatic comment when I vote to close because it lacks, "...
10 votes
0 answers

Revoting for a duplicate is not possible, how should that case be handled?

If I voted a question to be a duplicate to another question, the question was closed due to that and was later reopened by a person with a gold badge to one of the tags, there is no way to cast any ...
64 votes
3 answers

Auto-comment close votes for all close reasons

I propose auto-comments for voting to close for any close reason. (Read the parts in bold for a longer "TL;DR") More details: Whenever someone votes to close with a reason someone hasn't already ...
9 votes
0 answers

Proposal: Allow high-rep users (or gold badge holders) to VTC again with a different reason

I just had the following situation: I read a question with missing information. I vote-to-close for missing information and add a comment asking for that information. OP adds that information. I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Silver badge close-superpowers? [duplicate]

I haven't been active here for nearly a year, so I might have missed on a change, but do silver tag badge holders have the power to singlehandedly close answers as duplicate? I ask because I came ...
15 votes
3 answers

Are moderation/curation activities rewarded? [duplicate]

First things first: I'm not asking this question for the reputation points' sake. I'm just interested whether the [pro]active moderation of the posts (questions and answers), namely: voting for ...
-7 votes
1 answer

How to ask a question that is close to a duplicate avoiding "closed as a duplicate"

How do I ask a question that is close to a duplicate avoiding "closed as a duplicate", including the usual downvotes? Current example: Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting ...
35 votes
2 answers

Close then Edit, or Edit then Close?

I just reviewed a duplicate post (link not posted to avoid the meta affect1). At the time it had 4 close votes as a duplicate and a pending edit. I checked the post it was a duplicate of, and agreeing ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to deal with the duplicate questions which also have bounty on them? [duplicate]

Today I came across this question Printing rows from database into a list view in android studio as you can see there is an open bounty of 50 Reputation on this question now. But there has been a ...
3 votes
0 answers

User ask for difference between two constructs where one isn't valid - Is flagging or voting to close appropriate?

What if a user ask for the difference between two programming constructs but one of those isn't even valid in the tagged language. Is a flag or vote to close appropriate here? And if yes, Which one? I ...
9 votes
2 answers

Off-topic questions that are probably not going to get voted closed

This question (and its answer) are obviously off-topic and low quality for Stack Overflow. I have voted to close it, but the question has since failed to garner any other votes, probably because it's ...
64 votes
3 answers

What is the appropriate course of action towards a user that is consistently answering off-topic, low quality, and duplicate questions?

If you browse python, chances are that you've come across a user that answered 1,000 questions in the past month, most of which ended up being closed. Most of these questions are closed within minutes,...
9 votes
1 answer

Duplicate chooser is unreadable in dark mode

First row result shows the undesirable result; second row shows a highlighted item, showing the stats data;
-12 votes
1 answer

Why does SO not add more sites to "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network"? - Close reasons

This has been an issue for about 9 years (earliest post I could found was from June 2011, see below) now and I personally feel very uncomfortable with that it isn't fixed already. I clearly say "...
-20 votes
2 answers

Edit just before final close-vote bypasses re-open queue

Please follow this sequence of events: User posts question. 1-2 people vote to close the question (Probably downvoted too). OP edits the question to properly meet guidelines. The people who voted to ...

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