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15 votes
0 answers

Questions with three close/delete votes are STILL not closed or deleted

I saw this question: Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted I also saw that the question was marked as status-completed, so the staff ...
20 votes
0 answers

Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted

I opened a question that already had 3 close votes but was nevertheless active. I refreshed my browser couple of times but it had no effect. I was even allowed to submit another close request. And ...
15 votes
0 answers

Enhance close and delete links [duplicate]

While we are currently running A/B testing on button styling for vote arrows, I am wondering whether the Close and Delete links on posts could also be enhanced in terms of UX. Here is how the Close ...
3 votes
1 answer

How many downvotes can a post get for it to be automatically closed or deleted?

I've seen a lot of posts with at least -20 downvotes, but they don't get deleted or closed. For example, this post. Would it not have been a duplicate, it most likely wouldn't have been closed or ...
15 votes
3 answers

Are moderation/curation activities rewarded? [duplicate]

First things first: I'm not asking this question for the reputation points' sake. I'm just interested whether the [pro]active moderation of the posts (questions and answers), namely: voting for ...
81 votes
2 answers

Send notification when question is closed or deleted

By chance I found out that an old question of mine has been deleted. Given that it was very old and highly upvoted, I didn’t lose any reputation and—according to current standards—it was indeed off ...
29 votes
1 answer

Tell the financial controllers of Stack Exchange to put money into keeping the current user base happy

We're Unhappy This question has brought out many issues on the site that have been discussed and just are not being addressed. Declaring a Review strike until efficiency improvements are implemented ...
65 votes
2 answers

Should a user delete their own question caused by a typo before closure?

I asked a question whose root cause was a typo in my code... Yeah, unfortunately I'm human. When someone commented, telling me the correct word, I immediately asked if I should delete the question ...
28 votes
2 answers

Quick delete for obvious unsalvageable questions

You need 5 close votes, 3 downvotes and 3 delete votes to delete a regular question. Spam etc. can of course be handled with moderator attention. However there are many cases where the question is ...
7 votes
0 answers

Cleaning up and closing "Where to download" questions

I just realized that there are lots of "Where to download" questions around which are seeking for off-site ressources and which are still open (there already was a similar call for VS2010 questions). ...
96 votes
3 answers

Can we talk about the reviewing culture here on Meta?

Kind of related to Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?, but that one is about downvoting. I want to talk about close-voting and delete-voting. For quite some time I noticed that there ...
20 votes
7 answers

Do we need coordinated efforts to moderate the site?

A Background Example: I have been participating in the Godaddy Burnination Should we burninate [godaddy]? A request I did not want. Yet I have assisted with this daily, am even a room owner of the ...
-21 votes
1 answer

Proposal: minimum lifetime for questions

Just putting this out there, I don't really care that much one way or another (though I used to care quite a bit in the early days). As per this question on meta (among others, no doubt), some people ...
6 votes
3 answers

voting to close/delete the question because it looks like a lame freelancer job posting [duplicate]

I have an option to vote this question as "Unsalvageable". First I choose the following option: it should be closed for another reason... This question does not meet this site's standards and ...
102 votes
5 answers

Final (binding) Votes to Close and Delete should trigger a revision to be saved

As a moderator, I sometimes have to delete bad answers. Sometimes, those answers are edited after I've deleted them, and it turns into an episode of "The Big Bad Moderator". This doesn't just happen ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why close (and not delete) low quality question?

I just started reviewing low-quality posts. While for answers there's an option "Recommend Deletion", for questions there's only "Recommend Close". So, if there's a question with very low quality (e....
8 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to proceed with a question for which I don't need an answer anymore?

I've asked a question on SO, and after days of study on the topic of the question I've understood that what I've asked is not exactly what I need to know/to do with my C# code. So, even if someone ...