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Questions tagged [users]

This tags is for general questions about users and user accounts.

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17 votes
1 answer

Username not clickable on list of closers

Here is an example which shows a list of closers, but one which is not clickable: User brian d foy has edited the question, provided an answer, and ...
Bill Woodger's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it acceptable to ask other users for their contact information?

Just stumbled across this (low-quality) question: Despite the question violating just about all rules on the SO network, someone made the effort to ...
Christian Schnorr's user avatar
56 votes
2 answers

How do you stop a user from posting bad questions?

I'm trying to help somebody and I notice that they haven't done any research on their own. For example I one time answered somebody's question and they commented: "I'm just not sure how to use it ...
Kyra's user avatar
  • 173
93 votes
2 answers

What should we do with users who ask for upvotes and to accept their answers?

I'm not a moderator, but I recently stumbled into a user whose behaviour isn't the most correct (or so I believe). For each answer he gives, he asks for upvotes and for the OP to "accept his answer ...
chiapa's user avatar
  • 4,412
30 votes
1 answer

How to notify or message a specific user

Within some questions, I find that a user appears to have particular knowledge that might be helpful in addressing other questions that they (probably) have not seen yet. How would I go about ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it misconduct to change a wrong answer to a copy of another answer?

I quickly answered this question with a quick hack that admittedly is not the best solution, which I completely agreed with @jfriend00 about, and upvoted his answer as well. However, the user @Nassim ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

Should there be a beware rating?

A type of rating where the higher it is in the red, the more you think twice before helping someone out because they ask questions and then chronically abandon their posts after they have been solved?
maraaaaaaaa's user avatar
  • 8,093
70 votes
1 answer

Did I just lose three fans? Or just one?

Here's what I've got in the achievements menu: -10, then -5, then -30. Is there some kind of grouping explaining this in a detailed list or were three distinct users removed at the same time? Note ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why are there no users with ID 6-17

I was just looking at some of the founder users of stack overflow, but found that: some of them produce a page not found error. Why are these positions empty? ...
anshabhi's user avatar
  • 423
93 votes
1 answer

Curious User Activity

I've seen this screen name on at least 3 different occasions and on each occasion, the account had never been more than a day old. While it's not out of the realm of possibility that each instance I'd ...
kolossus's user avatar
  • 20.7k
1 vote
2 answers

Why was my accepted answer deleted?

I commented on this question. The user commented back saying it solved the problem. Another user warned about my comment. I posted an answer and got it marked as accepted, but I got the answer deleted ...
llrs's user avatar
  • 3,397
11 votes
1 answer

What else to do to prevent (possible deliberate) spamming from a new user

This user is a member since today only. I noticed, all his/her posts (question/answer) contains a link to a particular website. E.g.: Moreover, the posts themselves add no value. I think this is ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

User posting wrong question title because title already exists

See this question. I tried to correct the spelling in that question title, and then I came to know that the title already exists. So the user-typed question title is like "Erro in JavaScript"...
Rahul Nikate's user avatar
  • 6,299
100 votes
3 answers

Is mentioning someone's @username in an answer supposed to send them a notification?

Quite a few times I've noticed people mentioning someone's username using the @username format in answers where they reference someone else's answer. I always assumed that this worked the same way as ...
samgak's user avatar
  • 24.3k
3 votes
2 answers

How can I report a user for accidentally creating another account?

I was reviewing Suggested Edits at that time one user asked the question, and the same user suggested an edit to the question using another account. I think the user is new and opened both account ...
ketan's user avatar
  • 19.4k
16 votes
0 answers

I found a user who has a strange profile activity, should I do something?

I saw a couple one-letter edits from the same user in the Suggested Edits queue today, so I looked at that user's profile out of curiosity. Now, I'm probably overreacting and I really don't want to ...
tux3's user avatar
  • 7,300
0 votes
0 answers

What would be my approach to the user who don't accept answers of their questions [duplicate]

I seen seen many user in SO who barely accepted any answers on their questions. And what they have accepted most of them are self answer. What should be my approach or action toward these type of ...
Saif's user avatar
  • 6,942
16 votes
1 answer

Export your own user statistic

Is there any way to export the stats we have from Stack Overflow? Like the Answers, Questions, Badges, etc.?
sqluser's user avatar
  • 5,622
77 votes
5 answers

Why hast thou forsaken me, Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I have been a happy Stack Overflow user for the past years. I never bothered to register, because all the questions that I would have asked, had already been asked. And those questions all had answers,...
itchee's user avatar
  • 820
47 votes
2 answers

1-rep user with 24 answer upvotes plus Suffrage/Vox Populi?

This user has 24 23 answer upvotes in the current month, the month in which they joined. The user has both the vote-cap badges (which require 30 and 40 votes respectively). The user only has 1 rep and ...
Nathan Tuggy's user avatar
  • 2,235
1 vote
1 answer

Can two usernames be identical? [duplicate]

See the below image. It would seem that this is the same user.. but when you select one profile, it shows he asked that one question, and when you select another profile, it shows the other question. ...
Mark P.'s user avatar
  • 1,827
34 votes
1 answer

How to cancel profile deletion?

Yesterday, I went through the process of cancelling my profile. This morning I received a message where it said I should click a button to confirm the deletion. I've since changed my mind and I want ...
user avatar
158 votes
3 answers

Why was BalusC temporarily suspended from SO?

I hope this is the right place to ask this, but I was just browsing the JSF tag and saw BalusC, one of SO's top users, was banned. See Now I looked at the ...
Mike Braun's user avatar
  • 3,769
3 votes
1 answer

Different user on chat than the main site

We recently received an access request in the Android room and upon looking into the user to make a decision, I noticed some strange things. First, the user's name and avatar were different...this ...
codeMagic's user avatar
  • 44.6k
5 votes
1 answer

How do I use my Stack Overflow account for the rest of Stack Exchange?

When I go to another Stack Exchange site (e.g., Travel.SE) and put in my Stack Overflow email/password, it says no such account. However, I somehow have Mathematics listed under "my communities&...
John Targaryen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

User table in Data Explorer not showing correct last visited date

I ran the following query to get my last visited date: select * from users where id=3936696 This is showing 2015-02-06 07:18:51. However I've visited the site yesterday, e.g. 2015-02-08 10:34 PM. Can ...
Rahul Nikate's user avatar
  • 6,299
18 votes
1 answer

Flag user profile

Is there any way to flag a part of the description or links in a user's profile? For example, I have found a link, that might have been the domain of that user some day but the user doesn't use it ...
plocks's user avatar
  • 561
3 votes
1 answer

why do some experienced people have only 1 reputation

Why do some people who get a lot of reputation plusses(+), but still have only one point? Example: Your Common Sense
Deimantas's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

'Unregistered' is offset on the user page

When viewing unregistered users (example, but he's probably about to get destroyed), the 'unregistered' indicator is offset wrong:
Undo's user avatar
  • 25.7k
30 votes
1 answer

How to get pop-up when my profile picture is hovered?

In some posts (questions or answers) when you hover the users profile picture under the post, it shows a pop-up with a summary of this user's profile details, like in this picture: I would like to ...
cнŝdk's user avatar
  • 32k
-4 votes
1 answer

What is the point of this (user)?

I just reviewed a suggested edit. The suggested edit was so pointless that I decided to look at the users profile out of curiosity. What is wrong with this guy? He is a member for 5 month now and it ...
Balder's user avatar
  • 8,698
2 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to comment at users who aren't yet involved in the Q&A to get them involved?

When answering a question: Is it appropriate to @-notify another user whom you know has experience related to the question, in the comments? For example, I answer a question using one particular ...
peege's user avatar
  • 2,487
-22 votes
1 answer

How many Stack Overflow users are male? [closed]

Is there any place to see charts about the demographics of Stack Overflow users such as countries, or sex, or the spread of reputation around the globe? Specifically I'd like to know the comparison ...
azerafati's user avatar
  • 18.5k
39 votes
2 answers

How to find my UserID in Stack Overflow

How can I find my UserID on Stack Overflow? I tried checking in my profile but I can't find one. Any ideas where to find it?
Pரதீப்'s user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Are there any usability studies for Stack Overflow?

I was reading another post and it discussed a paper titled Sparrows and Owls: Characterisation of Expert Behaviour in StackOverlow. I found it to be an interesting paper, and I was glad to see an ...
jww's user avatar
  • 101k
-13 votes
1 answer

Possibility to report/flag/downvote a whole user (instead of an answer) [duplicate]

Sometimes I feel there's a need for downvoting a whole user (not a specific answer). I'll illustrate with an example. Take a look at this guy and, for example, this question: You can see his ...
maganap's user avatar
  • 2,739
73 votes
2 answers

Why are we allowing usernames such as "stackoverflow", "stack overflow" and "moderator"?

Today I encountered a user named "StackOverflow"; and when doing a quick user search see that 32 other users have also chosen that same name. (21 users have "stack overflow"). I've been here long ...
Sparky's user avatar
  • 98.6k
6 votes
1 answer

When does a Users Score go from xxxx to x.xk and what happens at 1000k

Really simple, just curious. When does a Users Score go from nnnn to n.nk And what happens @ 1000k
Matt's user avatar
  • 15.1k
-83 votes
3 answers

Why is community not removing this user profile? [closed]

See this user profile a very good profile at first look, good reputation, badges, the last activity year (2011) , yes his last seen is in the current month only (that's December '14). Don't know how, ...
Hemang's user avatar
  • 27k
86 votes
4 answers

How can I block a user?

I want to block a very irritating user on Stack Exchange from answering, commenting, or voting on any of my posts on any site in the Stack Exchange network. Is there a way to do it? If not, then can I ...
Choudhury Saadmaan Mahmid's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Can we recognise our martyrs?

There have been many complaints about the quality and friendliness of SO in the past, and there still are to some extent. However, over the past few weeks I've been noticing a trend in two particular ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 5,702
4 votes
1 answer

What is the number that shows for each user in user tab

In the user tab, where you can see list of all the users, there is a number displayed for each user. What does it show? It is not the reputation and I couldn't figure out what it is. I'm new, ...
Rash's user avatar
  • 4,336
4 votes
0 answers

Reporting a Username

I'm not sure exactly how to report a user name. I read an answer suggesting that you flag something in their activity as other, but this one doesn't have any. Here is the account in question, it ...
Gary's user avatar
  • 13.9k
-1 votes
2 answers

Suspicious/fake users?

I see a lot of users that has 1 in rep, asks a question, then never to return. What I'm suspecting that these are existing users, that don't want their rep to go down by asking "silly questions". To ...
Stígandr's user avatar
  • 2,894
11 votes
2 answers

What to do with same answers from one user on multiple questions

I just noticed a user who posted the same answer to some old questions. The answers look like "You can use this JavaScript library to solve your problem" and some code how it would work with that. I ...
AbcAeffchen's user avatar
  • 14.9k
11 votes
4 answers

Should political (possibly offensive) content be allowed in user's profile?

I was reading a question and I decided to take a look to OP's profile. I found his About Me section expresses offensive political opinions. According to this post political opinions can be expressed ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
-28 votes
1 answer

Is Stack Overflow controlled by an old guard that puts off new users from contributing? [closed]

Perhaps I'm being a devil's advocate, but as a new user - but with a good level of knowledge - there have been a couple of instances I've seen over the last few weeks, where a user (with high(ish) ...
worldofjr's user avatar
  • 3,898
23 votes
3 answers

How can I change my username on Stack Overflow?

I read a reply from Stack Overflow, and I find the replier showing his name instead of @user999999 format. Below is one of the message I got from my question. @user3059850 is my username and ezanker ...
Kelvin's user avatar
  • 585
-3 votes
2 answers

Should there be a question-answer ratio?

I noticed there's a user with over 620 questions and just 1 answer. My understanding of Stack Overflow is that it should reward answers, not questions. ...
S. Dixon's user avatar
  • 841
5 votes
0 answers

How does automatic username generation work for Facebook authenticated accounts?

I have just noticed a user with username facebook-10000##########. Usually when you create an account (or don't create one, depending on the site) you get some user####### username. Is this different ...
PlasmaHH's user avatar
  • 16k