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Don't remove edit link for question with pending edit on mobile [closed]

Since there's no post preview on mobile, if I make a mistake when suggesting an edit for a post, I look like an idiot and waste OP and reviewers' time with a substandard change. Canceling a suggested ...
LegendofPedro's user avatar
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Please replace the Edit button on Personal Statement (in Developer Story) with an Edit link/gear icon so that mobile users can edit [closed]

On an iPad (and perhaps other mobile devices?), even with JavaScript enabled, the blue Edit button does not appear in the Personal Statement area, thus making it impossible to edit the Personal ...
Dan's user avatar
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Make full tag wiki accessible from mobile view [closed]

When you visit the site using a mobile browser1, the tag view shows you the questions for a particular tag, but there is no way to directly access the tag wiki, with more documentation for this ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 189k
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iPhone, mobile-web; questions with active bounties [closed]

I was perusing the stack site on my iPhone and realized when looking though the questions I couldn't locate a sort option for questions with active bounties. Does it exist on for mobile or has anyone ...
visyoual's user avatar
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11 votes
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Tag description etc not easily accessible from mobile [closed]

On my iPhone, I don't have the "hover" action, so I cannot hover over a tag to see its description. Clicking on a tag takes me to a screen with questions for that tag, which is vaguely helpful as ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 189k
4 votes
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Larger voting buttons on mobile [closed]

Can I request on a mobile device that the voting buttons are made larger? I frequently find that I accidentally down vote when I meant to upvote and it takes me a couple of presses to remove the down ...
Ian's user avatar
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