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-13 votes
1 answer

Feature proposal : Links to recent post/answers

We should have a little list appended to nav.navigation > ol.nav-links on the left, with links to our recent posts and aswers (even the most recent/active favorites, why not ?). If not connected ...
Jean-Marc Zimmer's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

How to cite a source when the source URL is suspicious

The site whyandroid appears to have been a legitimate site at one point but is now redirecting in a very suspicious way. (After multiple redirects it either asks you to install an addon to your ...
BSMP's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

Capitalisation again

The "edit tags" link-button has been restyled slightly, and while making that change someone has capitalised it. This is inconsistent with your other link-buttons (though the actual buttons tend to ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Chat on mobile device - Link doesn't open in new tab [closed]

Can we make it so that clicking a link in chat on a mobile device opens the link in a new tab, instead of the active tab? If I make my browser request the desktop version links get opened in a new ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 3,914
13 votes
2 answers

Link to a personal resource in multiple answers if it is relevant/helpful?

I was answering questions on SO today and I realized I frequently link to one of my own projects, which I will not post here to avoid self-promotion. The fact is that the website is a collection of ...
Angelos Chalaris's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

“Show more” link in salary calculator should be “show less” when the list already expanded [closed]

The “show more” link in salary calculator for mobile web should be titled “show less” when the list of items already expanded. Initial state is correct: Expanded state is incorrect because ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
37 votes
0 answers

Require confirmation before allowing mostly-image or mostly-link posts [duplicate]

There are loads of new questions (mostly from new users) which primarily consist of a hyperlink to data or code or a picture of data or code. For example:
John Zwinck's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Removing underlined links

Can we please remove the newly added underlines on links? It doesn't look easy on the eyes to say the least. Or maybe I am not following the latest CSS trends. I don't see other major sites adopting ...
Ron's user avatar
  • 15.5k
-16 votes
1 answer

What's with the underlined links?

I see that links on Stack Overflow are now underlined. Was this an intentional change? It looks like SO is going back to the web of 1990s.
user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Loading a page via a comment link and clicking 'edit (1)' to review a suggested edit makes the page scroll to the comment again

When going to a comment directly, I noticed that when you hit the edit button, the page scrolls back to that comment instead of leaving focus on the edit window popup. This leads to an almost black ...
Blue's user avatar
  • 22.9k
34 votes
1 answer

Where are the unanswered questions?

I remember that there used to be a list of unanswered questions and I think even one of new questions, but now I can’t find them. I just feel, starting today, I am missing information that used to be ...
Dzyann's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I add internal links to a different section of the same answer? [duplicate]

Similar to what Wikipedia does, is there a way that I can add internal links to my answer?
mfaani's user avatar
  • 36.1k
16 votes
0 answers

Improve "Insert Hyperlink" Dialog

Today I have discovered the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog the first time somehow. And it has confused me. Personaly, this is not a problem, since I don't use this dialog anyway. However I am sure, a big ...
Christian Gollhardt's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Optional Title in Creating Hyperlink does not work

Optional Title in Creating Hyperlink does not work, or at least not as expected. If I click ok, the following markup is rendered: [enter link description here][1] [1]: "Hello ...
Christian Gollhardt's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Why is 'question is very low quality' button on the right bottom in Help and Improvement review queue? [duplicate]

I recently discovered that there is a 'question is very low quality' hyperlink in the Help and Improvement queue which I had never noticed before. Is this a Work In Progress feature? I could not ...
Neels's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Should the link be removed from this post

I stumbled across this post: VBA - Match Lookup With Multiple Parameters The question itself is of not too high quality, and might even be too broad. However the OP self-answered the question with the ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Clicking on 'Job Alerts' under my Email Settings returns a 404 [closed]

Go to Edit Profile and Settings Under Email Settings, select 'Job Alerts' Receive 404 (URL is
user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Voting takes me to the main page

I have tried to vote on some posts on MSO the last hour, and in some cases it takes me to the Meta Stack Overflow main page. The strange this is that with answers, the one above or under the answer I ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Can we block or otherwise indicate a link whose destination differs from the text?

I read with interest this question about an audit fail: Audit Fail on Possibly Correct Answer to Obviously Poor Question The issue was a link where the text read like a Facebook URL, but the actual ...
Ryan Lundy's user avatar
  • 210k
9 votes
2 answers

Is there an ask page URL parameter for default question content?

I know I can add some parameters to prepopulate tags and titles like this: Is it possible to ...
BigScary's user avatar
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85 votes
1 answer

When posting raw question links in comments, add the question title

While browsing questions, I frequently find myself linking to other questions in the comments. For example, I might close vote a question as a duplicate, but also link several other questions that ...
Justin's user avatar
  • 25.2k
2 votes
0 answers

List of all Stack Overflow link shortcuts [duplicate]

When commenting on questions/answers it's possible to type [Ask] to link to and [mcve] to link to Is there a ...
admcfajn's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Wikipedia links not https, is there a special reason they shouldn't?

While editing this answer to a generic question, I was adding Wikipedia links, I noticed that the other existing (also Wikipedia) links where all HTTP, though mine were HTTPS. Shouldn't they have ...
Pac0's user avatar
  • 23k
-1 votes
1 answer

Posting link with space in url

I have a link that has a space in the URL Safety ...
Daniel A. White's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why are the chat FAQ in almost identical links different?

These two links are almost identical, yet the displays are noticeably different. Why is that?
Ooker's user avatar
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22 votes
0 answers

Documentation icon on links incorrectly used [closed]

I just read this question which mentions the documentation tag. But I noticed something strange in the question: It seems like the system thinks that the link goes to Stack Overflow documentation, ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Comment link not formatted

I left a link as a comment here. It did not show up as a proper link. Perhaps because the title has has parens, square brackets, and a forward slash. Note: it does not show it, but I entered https:// ...
001's user avatar
  • 13.5k
35 votes
0 answers

Could you support IDN for profile site?

Could Stack Overflow support IDN (International Domain Names) in the profile's Web Site? Currently, if you input an IDN, non-ASCII characters will simply not be saved (without warning): tpî.eu ...
Tomap's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can we create URL fragment links to answers on the same page? [duplicate]

I tried putting a link to an answer in the comments of another answer on the same page using the share link. That works, but the link that takes you to show the answer involves a page reload. Is ...
bhansa's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Could we have a "decent" statistics of which links the users visited from our user's profile?

I'm just curious, but I would like to know which links were visited most in my user's profile (I know, I have only one right now :) Hover on any link does nothing and I bet you collect this ...
Victoria's user avatar
  • 7,902
4 votes
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Users can claim "/story/current" for their personal Developer Story [closed]

While experimenting with /current, I found that redirects to the current user's Developer Story as expected, but led to a 404 Error ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 26.6k
19 votes
1 answer

Suggest https instead of http for links, when authoring a question

When writing this question, if I go to insert a link, the default link suggestion is http://, should it be https://?
Troyseph's user avatar
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25 votes
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Documentation Help Missing Link № 1 [closed]

I came across "Anatomy of a topic" documentation help page and I see that link № 1 is missing: Each topic also includes a [discussion tab][1] that represent the history of all activity and ...
link's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Can /ask redirect to /questions/ask?

/ask currently 404s. It would be nice to have this URL redirect to the ask page. Chrome (and probably Firefox) tends to autocomplete stackoverflow/* sites without a URL path ...
i336_'s user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

SO links do not render like they do in the editor preview

Duplicate of Editor preview resolves title to HTTP links but rendered post does not It looks like this was fixed once, here: Actual link style doesn't match preview link style See this question: ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Add magic link for "welcome text"

It is very common to come across a user post a question that has many severe problems mentioned in the help pages. These are the users that are the least accustomed to the site, and weirdly, gets the ...
Passer By's user avatar
  • 21.1k
2 votes
1 answer

"This page isn’t working" error when clicking on a link in Inbox or Achievements tab

When I click on Inbox or Achievement tab links on Stack Overflow, it does not load the page and shows: "This page isn’t working". For example, I'm redirected to:
Khaan's user avatar
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-26 votes
1 answer

How to deal with link-only answers?

Once again my answer was deleted because I posted it (a long time ago) with a few links: As a heavy Stack Overflow user I always downvote/flag-for-deletion ...
Marcelo Idemax's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Post link with unusual characters in hash

I would like to include a link in an answer to the following URL: Digit Character: \d Note that the hash is supposed to go ...
ErikE's user avatar
  • 50.1k
22 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to link to an answer without my user id?

This question and it's answers show how to get a link to a specific answer (as opposed to the question which it answers). How do you deep link to an answer? But the link contains the user id. Is ...
patapouf_ai's user avatar
  • 18.6k
6 votes
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Should I fix broken links through an edit?

I came across this answer while looking into HTML5's canvas and noticed that the link was broken. I did a little looking around and noticed that the link had slightly changed, so I did a suggested ...
The Codesee's user avatar
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Top bar Home icon redirects me to http site

The main site link to home in the top bar is still set to, even though I manually load the https version. Are also affected all links to SO posts in Inbox, Achievements, and ...
Kaiido's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Should I update a rotten link in a closed post?

This off-topic answer has a broken link to Google Code. I'd like to replace the broken link with one to GitHub, but the question has been locked, so I can't edit it. It appears that the usual ...
Becca Royal-Gordon's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Hyperlink the question/answer link in review-ban message

I reviewed an answer on Low Quality Posts queue wrongly. So, reviewing another post showed a pop up warning about it with question link as shown in below image (shown with freehand circle): it will ...
Ronak Chaniyara's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a shortcut for adding title of linked-questions in comments? [duplicate]

When I want to add a link in a comment, I always do the following: Copy the question's URL, paste it: Copy the ...
Mistalis's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Can not link email

Why is the email address not highlighted as a link? [email protected] I try to format it like: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
3 votes
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Hyperlink issue in the stack overflow talent - case studies page

In the Stack Overflow Talent Case Studies page's bottom, there is a section for the feedback, it was written by the leadership person of the company about the Stack Overflow Talent. The company name ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 13.2k
2 votes
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Hyperlink with apostrophe doesn't link correctly

Perhaps this isn't a bug but I found an answer that had a link inline (i.e. not inserted with markup) which Stack Overflow linked to the wrong page. The reason: there is an apostrophe in the middle ...
dave's user avatar
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3 votes
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I can't post a blacklisted shortened URL, but it's part of a verbatim quote

URL shorteners are banned, which seems reasonable to me. However, in an earlier version of this question of mine, I wanted to quote a warning I received in the terminal. Quoted verbatim, the warning ...
Kevin's user avatar
  • 15.9k
4 votes
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Links render as raw markdown in Documentation's "Introduction" section [closed]

See this documentation topic. The "Introduction" section contains a block of text ("collection") which has markdown to make a it a link to another topic. When viewing the topic, I see the raw markdown:...
Kenster's user avatar
  • 25.3k

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