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Questions tagged [upvotes]

This tag is for questions specific to upvotes, the community's way of telling peers that their content was clear and helpful. Upvotes on the Meta sites may have different meanings.

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206 votes
6 answers

Why does it seem so hard to accumulate upvotes on Stack Overflow?

I swear I don't mean this to complain or anything. I am just wondering if it's some kind of community standard. Typically if I see a question I find helpful or interesting, I'll upvote it. However in ...
thnkwthprtls's user avatar
  • 3,447
153 votes
3 answers

Is it wrong to use an upvote to balance out a downvote?

I know I can upvote any post for any reason, but consider this situation: I see a zero score post, and I don't think it needs either an upvote or downvote. Suddenly it gets a downvote, but I think ...
Gstestso's user avatar
  • 606
138 votes
3 answers

Order highest upvoted answer before accepted answer [duplicate]

One doesn't have to look around SO very long before you find questions with accepted answers that are either dated to the point of being deprecated, or which were just flat-out wrong even in their own ...
Nicolas Holthaus's user avatar
128 votes
5 answers

Suspicious users found: active only one day, many upvotes cast

Using data explorer, I have found several users that match the suspicious criteria: User account was created and abandoned the same day. User has no posts themselves but edited others posts to gain ...
dwitvliet's user avatar
  • 7,622
109 votes
2 answers

I found users who appear to have been serially upvoted, why hasn't this been reversed?

I recently stumbled upon the Data Explorer and figured I'd give it a try to practise my SQL. I wrote a query to fetch all users that had received serial voting (here defined as having more than 10 ...
dwitvliet's user avatar
  • 7,622
93 votes
3 answers

Sudden change in voting proportion

I study voting on Stack Overflow and found a sudden change in negative/positive voting ratio on questions in April 2014. I would imagine that such a drastic change will result from a change in Stack ...
Benny's user avatar
  • 53
92 votes
1 answer

What was the context of the decision to lower the value of upvotes to a question?

In the blog post We’re Rewarding the Question Askers it is stated that: Here’s the history: When Stack Overflow launched in 2007, we gave equal points to upvotes on answers and questions. Three ...
zero298's user avatar
  • 26.6k
89 votes
5 answers

Is accepting an answer without upvoting some kind of signal to the responder?

I'm getting a bit puzzled by this quite common practice on SO: to accept answers without giving them an upvote. I have seen it quite a few times while reading and reviewing and experienced it first ...
Einar Sundgren's user avatar
88 votes
2 answers

Is it wrong to upvote an answer to a question just so you can close another question as a duplicate of it?

I came across this question today, which is IMO a duplicate of this one. Same problem (CountDownTimer.onFinish() gets called twice), same answer (timer was being started twice). However I couldn't ...
samgak's user avatar
  • 24.3k
88 votes
1 answer

Why did this unupvote/upvote result in a gain of +10 reputation?

To my joy, I noticed that I'd gained 10 reputation points today for an answer I'd written a while ago: This looks, to me, like a user retracted their upvote and then immediately reinstated it (the ...
Alex Riley's user avatar
  • 175k
87 votes
12 answers

Do users upvote out of sympathy, and how should that be addressed?

Are people sympathetically upvoting bad questions that have been downvoted? Who in their right mind would upvote such a ridiculously awful question? I tend to see this late at night, and suspect ...
Jonathon Reinhart's user avatar
86 votes
5 answers

Chain upvoting / downvoting / flagging posts of a user? (Not revenge / grace voting.)

This answer to the question: Is it okay to look for good posts to upvote after downvoting a post states that: Votes should be on content, not on users. Do not go to the user's profile page to look ...
zabop's user avatar
  • 7,639
83 votes
11 answers

What makes a spectacular answer?

I've been using (playing) Stack Overflow for almost two years now. I love the community and I love the gamification aspect. I love the fact that Stack Overflow tries to reward it's users for being ...
Rudi Kershaw's user avatar
  • 12.8k
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
81 votes
8 answers

Why don't questions get that much upvote love?

I'm often noticing that some questions get 0 or 1 upvote and 4 or 5 answers, with some answers scoring 3 or more upvotes. In that case, why don't the answerers themselves upvote the question? If it'...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
73 votes
6 answers

Do I up-vote too much? [duplicate]

I have tried to see if this is a duplicate but couldn't find it which I was surprised by... I guess this is probably quite subjective but as a relatively new user I feel it's difficult to know ...
Tim Edwards's user avatar
  • 1,028
71 votes
4 answers

Should I upvote an originally-poor question that I have edited into understandability?

The question: I recently found a question with a terrible title, hard-to-read code, and a confusing problem description. It was two hours old at the time I read it, and there had already been a ...
AHiggins's user avatar
  • 7,179
71 votes
1 answer

A post so nice, I upvoted it twice (actually, 10 times)!

I upvoted an answer, but I guess the server was slow because it didn't process right away. So I reloaded the page (and at that very moment for a fleeting second I saw a red banner saying the upvote ...
user avatar
69 votes
1 answer

Why are the answers out of order now?

The answers on Stack Overflow used to be ordered by the following rule: Accepted answer first followed by non-accepted answers in decreasing order of score. However, now it seems to use the time of ...
Fogmeister's user avatar
  • 77.3k
69 votes
1 answer

Why do auto upvotes on close vote comments count towards the daily limit?

I understand that SO (or entire SE for that matter) has imposed a limit on number of upvotes one can cast in a day because of the policy to rate limit everything and it seems reasonable. The limit is ...
Ajay Brahmakshatriya's user avatar
68 votes
1 answer

What can be improved with my questions to prevent 0 votes? [duplicate]

My account was recently banned from asking more Stack Overflow question on grounds of having too many "zero-voted" questions. I'm not sure how to go about getting more upvotes, however. I went ...
jeanluc's user avatar
  • 1,708
67 votes
2 answers

The Triage review queue gives contradictory voting directions

Should we as users expect a minimum level of quality before a question "deserves" an upvote, or is a question that conforms to the site rules, and asks a clear and meaningful question, "by default" ...
David Manheim's user avatar
67 votes
2 answers

What's the purpose of locking a vote down until the next edit? [duplicate]

I recently voted up for an answer to a question of mine. Later I found out that the post was just copied from another answer and I wanted to take back my vote. This was not possible because the ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
64 votes
7 answers

Incentivizing people to avoid gamesmanship?

I find myself browsing questions and answers and handing out up votes when I think an answer or question is useful. I am hesitant to hand out down votes but I will when a question/answer exceeds a ...
piRSquared's user avatar
  • 293k
62 votes
5 answers

Rewarding overzealous users for answering duplicate questions is undermining the site [duplicate]

When a user posts a question that is, perhaps unknown to them, a duplicate of a FAQ, the correct response is to close the question as a duplicate of the FAQ, with no other answers to the new question. ...
Raedwald's user avatar
  • 48.2k
61 votes
4 answers

Is it reasonable to upvote an answer if you don't know if it works?

I am guilty of this, and I suspect most users have been at some point. You arrive at a question, either because you're just browsing or you think you could answer it. You realise that either the ...
worldofjr's user avatar
  • 3,898
55 votes
4 answers

Is it OK to ask your friends to upvote your posts?

Some users post their questions/answers and tell their friends to upvote them in order to increase their reputation. Is this okay? If not, can we prevent it somehow, like with a reputation audit?
Amogh's user avatar
  • 4,553
48 votes
2 answers

My upvoted and accepted WRONG answer

This is very close to What do I do when I realize that one of my own (upvoted) answers are wrong?, but not a duplicate. The difference is that I'm asking about my answer that was upvoted and accepted ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
  • 13.2k
46 votes
3 answers

If I appreciate the effort and scope of an answer but cannot verify its correctness, is upvoting appropriate?

If I appreciate the effort and scope of an answer but cannot verify its correctness, and I am not the asker, is upvoting the answer a correct thing to do? For example, I came across this post. I might'...
Argyll's user avatar
  • 9,692
46 votes
2 answers

Show warning if accepted answer is heavily outvoted by subsequent answers [closed]

The feature request "Please unpin the accepted answer from the top" has a lot of upvotes, but is status-declined. Nevertheless, the problem of bad, wrong, or outdated accepted answers being ...
devuxer's user avatar
  • 42.2k
43 votes
2 answers

Is it wrong to Upvote an answer on a closed question?

I came across this question on SO: It has been marked as closed because ...
Aaron R.'s user avatar
  • 3,452
41 votes
2 answers

Says I reached my daily vote limit for comment upvotes?

Getting a weird "Daily vote limit reached; vote again in 23 hours" error message after I attempt to upvote a comment on SO. The new UTC day started 14 minutes ago. I don't think I even upvoted any ...
CRABOLO's user avatar
  • 8,744
41 votes
5 answers

When is it preferred to UP-vote a question?

The recent discussion on downvoting grabbed my attention, as I'm very stringent about downvoting even a malformed question. That question gave me a lot of thought on this matter, but a similar ...
Vesper's user avatar
  • 18.7k
39 votes
0 answers

Upvotes on not-so-good questions: a consequence of the Triage Queue?

Lately I've seen upvotes to questions that should be closed. This has come to my attention in tags that I follow and, more recently, when I gained access to the Close Queue. I wonder if the Triage ...
Luís Cruz's user avatar
37 votes
1 answer

Voting stats for "desperate accept" answers

I am looking for voting statistics on the answers to questions that are: Quickly closed (within 1 hour after posting) Have a single answer Aren't eligible for "roomba deletion" only because ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 6,206
36 votes
3 answers

Upvotes that "cancel out" downvotes [duplicate]

Sometimes I see that someone has downvoted a question or an answer that I don't think deserved to be downvoted. I don't think it deserves to be upvoted either, yet I find myself tempted to upvote it ...
drew moore's user avatar
  • 32.5k
36 votes
1 answer

Inside the mind of those who upvote "low quality" posts

This is a bit of a follow on from a previous question of mine: Are answers to (very) poor quality questions a good idea?. Something I see on a pretty regular basis is upvotes of what I deem to be ...
Thom A's user avatar
  • 94.3k
34 votes
3 answers

Is it okay to upvote multiple answers in a question?

Is it okay to upvote multiple answers on the same question? Real example (present on the site): Someone asked a programming question and a number of different answers are correct (they used different ...
Alam's user avatar
  • 93
33 votes
1 answer

Upvoting my other account's question by accident

I created another account purely for Stack Overflow whereas I use this one on Stack Exchange subdomains. I asked a question on my new account on Stack Overflow and then signed into this one. As there ...
Shibalicious's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

When a question is *almost* a good question

From time to time I see a question that is so close to being a good question. It has all the pieces, except things like: A clear language barrier (the user is unlikely to be a native English speaker) ...
durron597's user avatar
  • 32.2k
31 votes
4 answers

Connotation of question "marked as duplicate"

If a question is "marked as duplicate", is it considered good or bad in the eyes of the community? I've seen questions being "marked as duplicate" but have multiple upvotes and are even favorited ...
Last Man Standing's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

A better understanding of the Sportmanship badge

I have been looking at the badges lately and I was having some doubts on how to get the Sportsmanship badge. If I upvoted before I get upvoted, does my old vote count? What if my answer is marked ...
MZaragoza's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

What is the average vote on accepted answers?

Just curious: what is the average vote on accepted answers? I don't know if this number is easy to retrieve, I have no querying skills. I'd be interested in upvotes-downvotes, but upvotes only would ...
natario's user avatar
  • 25.2k
28 votes
1 answer

Should I flag these comments that suggest tactical voting to satisfy a reputation threshold?

I found these comments (I have omitted mentioning profiles or links to avoid serial downvoting) This should be a comment, not an answer. USER2 20 mins ago I cannot make comments because a ...
Jordi Castilla's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

How does a question get so many upvotes so quickly?

This question had 3 upvotes within seconds even though it is too broad. How does that happen? It almost looks like a bot asked and upvoted.
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

When comparing upvotes to downvotes, the minus is missing on numbers above 100 [duplicate]

I just noticed a display inconsistency : When looking at details of upvotes VS downvotes, I noticed that the minus sign is not always displayed. The pattern I noticed is that the minus sign is ...
Pac0's user avatar
  • 22.8k
28 votes
1 answer

Fewer upvotes for answers that are accepted soon

I've been answering in Stack Overflow for quite a while. I focus on Matlab questions, so it could be that what I'm bringing up here is specific to those questions. But I have a feeling that it's ...
Luis Mendo's user avatar
  • 112k
26 votes
6 answers

Should I personally verify an answer before accepting it?

Sometimes I have asked a question and there is quite a lag until someone answers, or I solved it myself using a work-around. Therefore, I don't always have time to personally test or verify that the ...
JosephDoggie's user avatar
  • 1,584
26 votes
2 answers

How much score could be earned from answers in one day?

I know that 200 is the reputation upper bound for one day (for upvoting answers). But is there an upper bound for earned upvoting score?
xingbin's user avatar
  • 28.1k
26 votes
3 answers

Is there such thing as serial unupvote?

There is a serial down-vote and serial up-vote. I've always wondered if there is such thing as serial unupvote. I mean, when you go to a user's profile, go through their questions/answers and remove ...
Programmer's user avatar
  • 125k

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