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Questions tagged [upvotes]

This tag is for questions specific to upvotes, the community's way of telling peers that their content was clear and helpful. Upvotes on the Meta sites may have different meanings.

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-9 votes
2 answers

Why would people want to delete their own upvoted answer?

Why would users delete their answers with upvotes, when they are going to lose reputation? Examples: Why would they delete?
-20 votes
1 answer

Add the option to auto-upvote a post on approval of a suggested-edit

When doing a suggested-edit, the goal is to improve a post to such a degree, so that there is a good question/answer in the end. Good posts should be reflected in the score. Therefore, I propose that, ...
8 votes
0 answers

Why do upvote indicators now have a brown background? [duplicate]

When I upvote a SO question, the upvote indicator background adopts a strong brown color. That didn't use to be the case. Why does brown make sense? Why was this change made? Considering one of the ...
-35 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to upvote unhelpful posts made by new users?

I am a new user and I cannot tell you how bad I wanted to comment on posts. When I finally unlocked the privilege to vote and comment I was so happy. I want to upvote posts for new users so that they ...
46 votes
3 answers

If I appreciate the effort and scope of an answer but cannot verify its correctness, is upvoting appropriate?

If I appreciate the effort and scope of an answer but cannot verify its correctness, and I am not the asker, is upvoting the answer a correct thing to do? For example, I came across this post. I might'...
5 votes
2 answers

Upvoting but not accepting an answer [duplicate]

I recently asked a question and someone gave an answer that did not solve my problem, but provided useful information about it. I upvoted it but did not accept it as the answer because I still have ...
-521 votes
53 answers

Upvotes on questions will now be worth the same as upvotes on answers

Those of you who suffer from banner blindness may not have noticed the announcement: Stack Overflow is changing the reputation scoring system to make the reputation earned from upvotes on questions ...
8 votes
1 answer

How do I check my past upmod (pre-upvote-privilege) upvoted answers?

I have a repeated issue and I have to find an answer which I marked as helpful (upvoted). My upvote activity shows nothing under this link:
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
-19 votes
2 answers

Popup to propagate upvote to question when upvoting an answer

When I find an answer that is useful for me, I like to upvote it. In the same way, I like to upvote the question too, because it made it possible for that answer to be written in the first place. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Inaccurate reputation increase in profile reputation tab [duplicate]

I understand that normally one upvote would reward 10 reputations to user, however, I noticed that when I clicked into the reputation tab under my profile after getting upvotes, the reputation ...
9 votes
0 answers

Add datetime type information to a post that I voted on

Would it be possible to have somewhere the information on when we upvoted or downvoted a post (in case of post was edited by OP or someone else)? For example, see the tooltip below. It's a feature I'...
-9 votes
1 answer

When answering, should we upvote the question and the other (correct) answers? [duplicate]

When answering a question on Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites, I usually upvote both the question, as well as any other answers on the question that correct and working. My reasoning ...
81 votes
8 answers

Why don't questions get that much upvote love?

I'm often noticing that some questions get 0 or 1 upvote and 4 or 5 answers, with some answers scoring 3 or more upvotes. In that case, why don't the answerers themselves upvote the question? If it'...
4 votes
1 answer

Why does accepting answers not automatically upvote them? [duplicate]

I've seen this a lot on my own answers, where they have been accepted but received 0 upvotes. Is there a reason why this is possible, and not just automatically upvoted on accept? On the other hand, ...
69 votes
1 answer

Why are the answers out of order now?

The answers on Stack Overflow used to be ordered by the following rule: Accepted answer first followed by non-accepted answers in decreasing order of score. However, now it seems to use the time of ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why do my questions often get upvoted while my answers get downvoted?

I'm an average Stack Overflow user. I ask some questions and I get some upvotes. I also thought about answering other people's questions. I don't know why, but I get downvoted every time I do that. ...
5 votes
0 answers

How should I deal with an incorrect answer that is accepted and has massive upvotes? [duplicate]

I'm looking at the question How can I do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL? that has an accepted answer that is incorrect and that has been upvoted 832 times, at least. I did my work: I downvoted it and ...
71 votes
1 answer

A post so nice, I upvoted it twice (actually, 10 times)!

I upvoted an answer, but I guess the server was slow because it didn't process right away. So I reloaded the page (and at that very moment for a fleeting second I saw a red banner saying the upvote ...
19 votes
1 answer

Looks like someone is abusing the votes, should I care?

I'm looking at the newest question and I see quite a few questions in a row all upvoted but some have just 3 views which is very rare to get upvoted within a minute. And when I look at the actual ...
10 votes
0 answers

Upvoting a comment on a deleted Article throws an error about deleted answers

First tested on this deleted article: Upvoting a comment on a deleted article throws an error about deleted answers. Admittedly, this isn't something people (those who know how to use the site) will ...
5 votes
0 answers

What is the course of action to take when a question asks for upvotes? [duplicate]

I edited a question today, and wound up editing this out because there were other problems with the post at the same time. But essentially there was a sort of "header-signature" at the top ...
-21 votes
4 answers

How many downvotes is "enough"?

This is the lowest-scoring answer on Stack Overflow Were all the downvotes necessary, though? A downvote says, "Hey, this answer is low-quality, not useful, and/or wrong." 5 - 10 downvotes ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why doesn't Stack Overflow meta sort the answers by votes like in the main site?

The main site, sometime ago, changed the rules to sort the answers by upvotes, and not show the accepted one on top. Why wasn't this also implemented on meta? Example (at the time of publishing).
9 votes
2 answers

What if I change my choice for the accepted answer, move the green tick, and remove my earlier upvote? [duplicate]

Let’s say I post a question and a user answers it. I then mark it as the accepted answer and upvote it. What happens to the user reputation if I remove the green tick from his/her answer and remove ...
-35 votes
1 answer

Auto +1 question and answer on copy of code block?

There are a lot of good answers that don't really get the number of upvotes they should. People often come in, copy some code, and leave. Chances are, if they're copying code from an answer, it was ...
46 votes
2 answers

Show warning if accepted answer is heavily outvoted by subsequent answers [closed]

The feature request "Please unpin the accepted answer from the top" has a lot of upvotes, but is status-declined. Nevertheless, the problem of bad, wrong, or outdated accepted answers being ...
11 votes
0 answers

Add a new filter to see the answers I upvoted previously

Edit Oct 2021: I made an extension to solve the problem, Stack Overflow Upvoted Filter. It often happens that: I have an issue or a "how to do X" question (I might have had that issue ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Does Stack Overflow have checks in place to prevent people from 'gaming' the badge system? [closed]

For example, the electorate badge has the following requirement: Vote on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions Is there any reason (besides ethics and wasting time, arguably) ...
-30 votes
2 answers

Why is this question not moderated, even though it doesn't follow site guidelines? [duplicate]

I’ve found a question that has many upvotes but it doesn’t fit Stack Overflow guidelines, so why hasn’t it been moderated? How do you disable browser autocomplete on web form field / input tags? The ...
2 votes
0 answers

Vague edit and unupvote, is this something common? [duplicate]

I am fairly new to Stack Overflow (Less than a year) and today I saw this in the reputation change: When I opened the question, it got a little weird. I saw it was edited almost after 10 days since ...
-23 votes
3 answers

The highest voted questions do not have research effort; this is a bad role model for new users [duplicate]

Many top-voted questions with hundreds of votes do not have any research effort: How to manually send HTTP POST requests from Firefox or Chrome browser? How do I undo the most recent local commits in ...
-21 votes
1 answer

Could answer copy detection be included in the up-vote score for each answer?

An idea came to mind today, inspired by the recent April fools of having a limited amount of copy's available to an end-user. I would assume in general that far more people would copy and paste the ...
6 votes
3 answers

Should new users be allowed to upvote questions and/or answers?

Especially on Stack Overflow, I see more and more upvotes appearing on questions that clearly don't deserve an upvote. These questions hardly follow any of the Guidelines and usually lack any code or ...
8 votes
1 answer

How do I remove an upvote?

I upvoted an answer, then a day later discovered an error in the answer (not linked, want to avoid meta-effect). I've pointed it out to the answerer in comments, and the answerer acknowledged there's ...
9 votes
1 answer

How to find how many votes I have cast on one user's posts?

Five months ago, I got to know about What is 'Serial voting was reversed'? when my reputation points went down by 382 points citing the reason as 'Serial voting was reversed'. Now, I'm a bit afraid ...
22 votes
1 answer

Can't undo comment upvote if page refreshes

I just upvoted a comment and instantly realised that was a mistake. Approximately 5 seconds had passed, so I wasn't beyond the 60s limit. It seems like the addition of another comment by another user ...
24 votes
9 answers

What incentives are there to "game" Stack Overflow?

Reading this question Should I downvote attempted answers to bad (too broad) questions? on Stack Overflow, I noticed that one user (George Cummins) noted that: Remember, gamification is a big part ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Inability to remove upvote considered harmful [duplicate]

I sometimes do a flurry of research, and find what looks like a very helpful question and answer somewhere in the Stack Overflow metaverse. I upvote them. Later, hours or days later, I may discover ...
17 votes
2 answers

Why do upvotes and downvotes have different weights with respect to reputation changes?

When a post (question or answer) is upvoted, the poster gains 10 reputation. However, a downvote on that same post only costs the poster 2 reputation. What is the reason for this difference? I find ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why do you gain more reputation from upvotes than you lose from downvotes? [duplicate]

Why, when your post is downvoted, do you lose 4 reputation, compared to when it was upvoted, where you gain 10? This would mean you could have 0 score on your question/answer, but have gained 12 ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Sorting answers by votes dates

Is there some mechanism that sort answers depending on the date the upvotes were given? Most of the time an answer that got 500 upvotes this year is better than one that got 1000 upvotes ten years ago....
-21 votes
2 answers

Why was this question about coefficients in Big O notation upvoted instead of being closed?

I saw that this question had received many upvotes and was not closed: Why do we ignore co-efficients in Big O notation? I was confused by this, because it seems to me that the question is not about ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is it unethical to offer vote trades? [duplicate]

Recently, I provided a helpful comment on an answer. After adding its information to their answer, the author replied with a comment asking if I'd mind upvoting the answer (which I'd already done) and ...
3 votes
2 answers

Do I have to worry about how many times I upvote a particular user's posts so that a fraud algorithm doesn't intervene? [duplicate]

From time to time I get to know new users who have great questions or great answers in their profile. Usually I upvote great contributions. However, I read about chain upvoting and fear that upvotes ...
2 votes
3 answers

How is this question well researched?

I know that I won't see eye-to-eye with everyone, but How to append something to an array? has 743 upvotes and 0 downvotes. The question, reproduced in its entirety: How do I append to an array in ...
10 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to leave a comment asking for upvotes? [duplicate]

If lots of other people seem to have the same question, is it OK to ask for those people to upvote my question? The reason I ask is because I was looking at this comment (comment now deleted by a ...
-8 votes
2 answers

Is there anything that could/should be done about answers listed first getting more votes? [duplicate]

It appears to me that answers listed higher in the list of answers get upvoted disproportionately more than the quality of the answer would necessarily justify. My gut feeling is that this happens ...
7 votes
1 answer

Will the answerer know they were voted up while I have less than 15 reputation points?

I want to say 'thank you' for the answers that I have found very helpful. But when I push the 'Vote' button I receive the message: "Thanks for the feedback! Votes cast by those with less than 15 ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to report bulk upvotes? [duplicate]

Lately I frequently see questions from a particular user, which are obviously connected to each other and a part of one project, which is pretty normal. I do take my time to answer, as I always do, ...

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