Questions tagged [timezone]

A time zone is a region on Earth that has a uniform, legally mandated standard time. It is often represented by an identifier, such as "America/Los_Angeles". Do not mistake an offset such as -07:00 as a time zone. A time zone is much more than that. Please read the entire tag wiki for details. (Copied from

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Consider the client's time zone when showing time under the questions

Let's explain an issue that I have: I have asked a question two days ago (2022-01-23 13:00:11Z) and now (2021-01-25 08:04:00Z), when I open the question, I am seeing the following information: Asked ...
Mehrdad's user avatar
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Remote jobs should show map with accepted timezones highlighted

When a remote job is restricted to some time zone, you need to check if your country falls within the specified time zone (time zone is usually specified in GMT). It would be nice to have a small ...
user93's user avatar
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It's difficult to talk about times in chat

In chat, it's sometimes useful to talk about specific times. But that's hard with people from so many time zones around, and doing the mental calculations for how they shift. Can we have a way of ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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Careers always reports "Last seen on Stack Overflow yesterday" in the US evenings

It would appear that in the US evening time, the careers web-site always reports that a person was last seen yesterday (Last seen on Stack Overflow yesterday), even if the Stack Overflow profile ...
cnst's user avatar
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What constitutes a day on Stack Overflow?

What constitutes a period that spans a day on Stack Overflow? I was awarded reputation points at ca. 21:00 last evening and then again this morning at ca. 10:00 and yet the "Recent Achievements" ...
mijopabe's user avatar
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See time in a different timezone than UTC

Stack Overflow shows time in UTC. Instead, I want to see time in UTC + 5:30 (Indian Standard Time). Is there any facility on Stack Overflow to see time depending on region/country?
Vishal's user avatar
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When would be the best time for posting a question?

Is there a time that you have noticed that has more traffic in SO (i.e. more views for a posted question)? I suspect that due to time zone differences some of the questions does not get the as much ...
Avi Turner's user avatar
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Is there an option to display timestamps in my local timezone?

During a chat or asking a question we get a time (i.e. the time at which the event has happened or the time at which the user has asked the question) based on the GMT (I guess). Could I possibly ...
user285oo6's user avatar
-17 votes
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Announcement and time indications

At the time of writing, the SO site shows the following announcement: We will be moving all Stack Exchange services to the backup data center at approximately 3:00 UTC (11 am EDT) causing a brief ...
Mark's user avatar
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Stack Overflow timezone

What timezone does Stack Overflow record date/time of questions and comments in?
Yuriy Galanter's user avatar
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Use local time on the chat search results page

The search results page for chat lists times in UTC. My local timezone is BST and this is correct elsewhere in chat. Since UTC is used for timestamps on SO proper, at the very least this is an ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
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Possible British Summertime bug?

I'm wondering can anyone reproduce this error. If I visit SO after 12 midnight the calendar on my user profile doesn't show I have visited that new day. Even though the last seen field reports ...
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