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1 answer

Disambiguation of the [python] tag

This is a major pet peeve of mine. Somebody posts a question for Python 3.x, but doesn't state that they're running 3.x. There's very few context clues at all, in fact. I, with my knowledge of Python ...
Jakob Lovern's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Burninate this tag a[sap]

I learnt recently of the trend on Stack Overflow to burninate tags with company names (like apple, microsoft, amazon, ...) in favor of product-specific tags (like ios, windows, aws, ...). This made me ...
John Slegers's user avatar
-9 votes
3 answers

We need [less] no more

Right now the less is (mis)used for three different things: The all popular CSS preprocessor LESS. The opposite of more and command line tool less A gem called less-rails. This should not be ...
Braiam's user avatar
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