Questions tagged [tag-creation-request]

A request to create a new tag on the site. Include the proposed tag name, an explanation for why the tag is needed, and some existing questions that would benefit from the tag. If possible, also include an initial tag excerpt and wiki. Questions with [tag-creation-request] should also be tagged with [tags] and [discussion].

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41 votes
1 answer

Create the [cofoundry] tag

Can someone create a tag for Cofoundry for me please? Explain how the tag helps in categorising and finding those questions Cofoundry is a .NET Core CMS and questions would typically be specific to ...
Joel Mitchell's user avatar
36 votes
1 answer

Create [illinois-nlp] and [lbjava] tags [duplicate]

We are a research group at University of Illinois and have several tools available for NLP tasks. We get a good amount of traffic on our mailing list, and we would like to expand to Stack Overflow ...
CogComp-NLP's user avatar
32 votes
0 answers

Should we create [log4js] tag?

I would like to create a new tag for log4js. There's already a tag for log4javascript, which is also a logger for JavaScript inspired by log4j, but log4js is a different module and deserves a ...
JXG's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Create a [dkan] tag

What is DKAN? DKAN is a Drupal based open source project that makes it easier to publish Open Data. It is a complimentary offering to CKAN (another open source Open Data project that currently has a ...
reelyard's user avatar
  • 951
20 votes
1 answer

Create a tag to distinguish between "MonetDB Assembly Language" and "Micro-Assembly Language"

Today I was browsing the mal tag (which refers to MonetDB Assembly Language) and noticed that it’s been mistakenly used to tag questions regarding Micro-Assembly Language. I’m wondering if it would ...
Gilgameš's user avatar
  • 479
19 votes
1 answer

Want a new tag : [typings]

typings: is now the official way to get TypeScript definitions (previous tool tsd has been deprecated I tried ...
basarat's user avatar
  • 270k
19 votes
0 answers

Create new tag [netflix-conductor]

I would like to create a new tag netflix-conductor for questions regarding the Netflix Conductor project. According to its documentation, Netflix Conductor is: An orchestration engine that runs in ...
jasonoriordan's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Can we have an [excel-js] tag?

As part the the 2016 release of Office, we've vastly improved the JS API surface for both Word and Excel as shown in this blog post. Thus, we'd like to create excel-js and word-js tags, kind of like ...
Gab Royer's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Can we have tags for Spring 6/Spring Boot 3?

With Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3, there came a lot of changes. Most notably, there is a minimum requirement on Java 17 and it uses Jakarta EE 9 coming with a namespace change. But there were also other ...
dan1st's user avatar
  • 14.5k
15 votes
0 answers

A similar tag to [opengi] already exists

Regarding this question. The OP was asking about OpenGI, a similarly named C library, but tagged it opengl. I'm now aware that OpenGI actually integrates with OpenGL, so that tag is still appropriate, ...
jozxyqk's user avatar
  • 16.9k
15 votes
2 answers

Create [jupyter-notebook] tag and synonymize [ipython-notebook] to [jupyter-notebook]

The ipython developers recently renamed part of their project to jupyter and weakened the dependencies between python, ipython, and the now language-agnostic notebook. Do we want to reflect this in ...
cel's user avatar
  • 30.8k
14 votes
0 answers

Can't create the [jsts] tag as the [jst] tag exists

I was tagging this question which is about the jsts geometry library. I wasn't allowed to use the jsts tag because the jst tag exists. The jst tag doesn't have a description but the questions tagged ...
Paul D'Ambra's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

A new tag for the machine learning toolkit called Bob

There is a signal processing and machine learning toolkit called Bob which was first released in 2012 and has been active since then. Sometimes the users of this toolkit ask questions about it on ...
183.amir's user avatar
  • 422
11 votes
1 answer

Create an [ideascript] tag

Overview I do not yet have a high enough reputation to create a tag, but I have been working with a programming language called IDEAScript and would like to ask some questions about it. IDEAScript is ...
Tim Hutchison's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Mark [] as a synonym of [] and create a new tag [ v0.x]

When tags and were created, the version given by pip was version 0.x and there was a branch in development called "rewrite". But now, the rewrite branch has ...
iElden's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Can I create the [ionic-material] tag?

I want to add the ionic-material tag. What Iconic Material is. (source: Pour material design into your Ionic hybrid apps for all the sexy and no complexity. Now unlock the depth, ...
amanuel2's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Could you create a tag for the Gauss statistical software

I would like to create a tag for the Gauss statistical software. As an example, it would apply to this question. And there might be others. The only issue I foresee is that the name could be ...
Paul Rougieux's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Creating a [qtcore] tag

I have been considering for a while to create a qtcore tag on Stack Overflow. My main objective was twofold: Consistency: this would be in line with the existing Qt Project module tags, such as: ...
László Papp's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Should we create [postman-chaining] tag?

This is a formal request to create the new tag postman-chaining, using the procedure described as "you can request the creation of a tag by starting a new meta discussion" . Read on to get ...
Henke - Нава́льный П с м's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Could someone add a new [datajoint] tag?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Could someone add a new datajoint tag? User @MadPhysicist mentioned that I had incorrectly posted on main instead of on meta. Apologies if so, I am new ...
Raphael Guzman's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Add the [amazon-eks] tag

Currently, there is no tag for Amazon's EKS service. I recommend amazon-eks since it follows the same naming convention as a similar tag for Amazon ECS, amazon-ecs. Amazon Elastic Container Service ...
Andrew Roth's user avatar
  • 1,063
9 votes
1 answer

Should we create [docx4js] tag?

This is docx4j (which already exists), which is for Java: This is docx4js, which is for JavaScript: I see the following error when ...
Ryan Shillington's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Should we create [dyncall] tag?

I asked a question: Is dcbFreeCallback safe when the registered callback function is running? I think the most appropriate tag for the question is dyncall, which is a widely used library. Also, there ...
Yang Bo's user avatar
  • 3,660
8 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to add [koalas] tag?

When posting my question, I'd like to add koalas tag onto the question but the create-tag suggestion was rejected by SO with this error: The tag [koalas] is too similar to [koala] Since Koalas is a ...
Yuan JI's user avatar
  • 2,947
7 votes
1 answer

Split the [opera] tag into [opera-presto] and [opera-blink] tags

There is currently an opera tag that is used in any questions related to the (desktop version of the) Opera browser. In mid-2013, Opera discontinued actively developing the Presto-based version (...
Amos M. Carpenter's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Should we create a tag for "Mapsui"?

Can someone please create a tag for Mapsui? It's a really useful and fairly new control for mapping (as a fork from SharpMap). My recent Mapsui related question question available here could use this ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 449
7 votes
1 answer

Should we create a [rasa-nlu] tag?

I believe we should create a tag for Rasa NLU. Project homepage. See these questions: Rasa Nlu testing: TypeError: object pickle not returning list No module named pipeline
amn41's user avatar
  • 1,154
7 votes
1 answer

Create tag [jpms] even though it is similar to [jpm]

When trying to create the jpms tag, a helpful SCREAMING RED ERROR BOX told me: You are attempting to create the tag [jpms]; however the tag [jpm] already exists! If you think this new tag should be ...
Nicolai Parlog's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Should we create [cloudsponge] tag?

My reputation is not high enough yet;strong text can someone please help me by creating the cloudsponge tag? Disclaimer: I work for CloudSponge. There are some existing questions on SO that people ...
Graeme's user avatar
  • 980
6 votes
2 answers

Adding the [transformers] tag for the transformers Python library

I propose to add the transformers tag to link to questions related to the excellent transformers library. I could not add it myself since it is too closely related to the existing transformer tag, yet ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
  • 27.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Create the [pentaho-report-designer] tag

A search for "Pentaho Report Designer" yields 294 results, and most of those results would be properly categorized under a PRD tag. As it currently stands, people are attempting to concatenate the ...
Sean Branchaw's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Create the [got-npm] tag

I'd like to request a tag for the HTTP request library got. The got tag is already in use, so I'd propose [got-npm] but happy to hear better suggestions. I don't have enough reputation to create this ...
testerab's user avatar
  • 1,465
5 votes
2 answers

Create the [io-ts] tag

io-ts is a counterpart of fp-ts, a functional data encoder/decoder library for TypeScript. It has nothing to do with the iot tag. Can this be created? I just wanted to post a question with that tag. I ...
Adam Arold's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Allow the use of the tag [feather]

Feather is a relatively new file format to store dataframes. There are currently a couple of questions asked about it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on) but I cannot create a new tag because there is another ...
ayhan's user avatar
  • 72k
5 votes
1 answer

Create the [nebula-graph] tag

Can someone please help create the nebula-graph for me? How the tag helps in categorizing and finding relevant questions Nebula Graph is an open-source distributed graph database solution and ...
venegr's user avatar
  • 158
5 votes
1 answer

Create [microsoft-dynamics-webapi] tag

Overview Microsoft Dynamics Web API is the new standard for interacting with Microsoft Dynamics. According to Microsoft Compared to the Organization service, the Web API provides better ...
Tim Hutchison's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Add tag [minecraft-fabric]

I recently found out that there is no minecraft-fabric tag. Fabric is a lightweight, experimental modding toolchain for Minecraft similar to Forge. I've yet to find reliable statistics online, but ...
user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Add the [django-translated-fields] tag

I tried to add the tag django-translated-fields, but I didn't have enough reputation to add a new tag myself. This tag belongs to all the questions containing the string "django-translated-fields&...
Uri's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Create tag [nginx-plus]

Can someone create the nginx-plus tag? For those unfamiliar with nginx, nginx is a web server that's used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and many other uses. Although nginx is free software, there'...
RAM's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Should we create [rasa-core] tag?

There is already a label for "Rasa-NLU", but they have extended their support with artificial intelligence and also created the "Rasa Core" project. I think it would be very ...
luisdemarchi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Create a tag for PDFKit on iOS 11

I didn't find a PDFKit tag for iOS. There is a pdfkit tag, but its description says it's "A Ruby gem for creating PDFs using plain old HTML+CSS". Can someone create a tag for it?
Poles's user avatar
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5 votes
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Should we create [payara] and [payara-micro] tags?

Payara is a "supported build of GlassFish". There are already tags for glassfish, glassfish-3, glassfish-4, glassfish-4.1 etc., but no "payara" tag yet, despite some questions which I think need a ...
Mike's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Create the [opensemanticsearch] tag

Can someone create tag for the opensemanticsearch solution if it is reasonable? Proposed description is: Open Semantic Search engine. Questions about installation issues, usage, tools integration. ...
Kiryl's user avatar
  • 180
4 votes
1 answer

Create the new tag [ice-protocol]

I was reading some questions about WebRTC (e.g. this one, or this one, etc.). All of those questions are tagged with the ice tag. According to its info : According to ZeroC, the developers of Ice (...
Antonin M.'s user avatar
  • 1,774
4 votes
1 answer

Should we create [gt-m] tag?

I'd like to create tag gt-m for GT.M. I get an error message that the tag name is too similar to gtm. Can we create this tag? GT.M is really the name this product is know under. GT.M is an ...
Lii's user avatar
  • 11.9k
4 votes
1 answer

Should I create a [octance-sdk] tag for an SDK mentioned in a small number of questions?

There's currently 4 questions regarding the OctaneSDK, a library created by Impinj for the purpose of interfacing with their RFID equipment. This isn't a lot, but I would think that it's still a valid ...
andrewb's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Create [bimserver] tag

Can someone please create a tag bimserver for the Opensource BIMserver? The project has grown a community of users for about a decade, is built for software developers and there are already 36 ...
hlg's user avatar
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4 votes
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Should we create [nativescript-vue] tag?

Can you help me create a tag for nativescript-vue? I've seen some questions about nativescript-vue, but there doesn't exist a tag for it. For example: NativeScript-Vue Failed to find module ...
Jannomeister's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Create new tag: [immutables]

There is a Java library called Immutables. According to the official documentation: Java annotation processors to generate simple, safe and consistent value objects. Do not repeat yourself, try ...
Bartosz Bilicki's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should we create [chartio] tag?

This tag could be used for people with questions specific to using Chartio, a self-service business intelligence (BI) tool to work in one of two basic modes. Users have the choice between the drag-and-...
Steven's user avatar
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