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Cannot select next badge to track

Today, I earned a badge and I wanted to pick the next badge to track myself. To my surprise, the list is unresponsive when I tap the desired (any) badge option.
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Only tag-related badges appeared available for tracking after a badge was earned

I was awarded the Inquisitive badge (30 well-received questions) on Stack Overflow (which was a tracked badge). The badges section on the profile page showed the options to "Choose a new badge&...
Eggon's user avatar
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Track Language Badges [closed]

I may have missed this, but I want to track my progress towards the C# gold badge. As far as I can tell, this isn't possible in the badge-tracker. Why is this? Is this a feature worthy of ...
ScottishTapWater's user avatar
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The tag badge I just received still appears in the recommended badges to track

I just earned a bronze tag badge for file: Naturally, I proceeded to click "Track the next one", which suggested that I pursue the "file" tag, and try to get a bronze badge for it... I presume it's ...
Mureinik's user avatar
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Badge tracking stuck again? [closed]

There's a large discrepancy between badge tracking using track next badge and tag score as shown on the profile and when choosing which badge to track. This was an issue back in 2015, but got fixed, ...
Erik A's user avatar
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Profile Page Track Next Badge Showing Wrong Number

On my profile page, when I set it to track next badge, it tells me I am at 248/400 for score on the silver python badge. Meanwhile, the popup dialogue that lets me pick which one to track says my ...
Zags's user avatar
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Possible bug in Next tag badge

I just was navigate in users profile until I found the profile of Juan Carlos Mendoza. I notice that the next badge is the silver java badge, but the score is less than 100. Shouldn't the next badge ...
Youcef LAIDANI's user avatar
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Searching for a badge to track progress on results in dozens of the same badge

Steps to replicate Navigate to your profile Click on the "Choose which tag badge to track" gear icon Search for a tag name Expected results The tag badges for the matching tag will be displayed (...
Sean Vieira's user avatar
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Tag badge progress bar not filled in properly

The green bar demonstrating the progress toward a tag badge appears to be not filled in properly. It is definitely there on the answer bar, but the score bar is not perfect either. Reproduced on ...
tktsubota's user avatar
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Tag Badge Progress doesn't add up after Accounts Merge

I recently merged 2 accounts. In the email sent to me before the merge, it said: Your badges will also reset after a merge, but will be automatically re-awarded over the next 24 hours. I presumed ...
AL.'s user avatar
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Select your next tag badge to track showing first 100 out of x available tags empty

In the select next tag badge to track popup, if I don't have any silver or gold badges available, I still see a message that says: "Showing first 100 of x available tags" with x being my available ...
Aurasphere's user avatar
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Tag badge not awarded

From more than 3 days, I look at my profile and I saw that I have a score of more than 100 on the php tag. I expected to see the php bronze badge awarded. As you can see, the score is ok but not the ...
chalasr's user avatar
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Badge tracking bar stuck [duplicate]

I've noticed that in my account, if I select "Track the next tag badge" the progress bars are not progressing. I know that they doesn't get updated instantly, but, for example, my Java badge has been ...
Aurasphere's user avatar
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Why is my tag score so low? [duplicate]

My C++ tag badge says 49/100. When I click on the settings to choose which badge to follow, it says 97/100. Is there some hidden sense to this? I would like to understand why my score is only 49, so ...
mksteve's user avatar
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Tag badges "showing top 100 of 201 available badges..." when fewer badges shown

"Select your next badge" screen shows a message showing top 100 of 201 available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge when there aren't that many badges shown on the screen (...
arcyqwerty's user avatar
  • 10.6k
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Why is tracking next tag so outdated? [duplicate]

This is a screenshot of my next tag budget for the Swift tag: That information is incorrect, as I have 9 answers with a total score of 4 for swift. A few answers are also accepted. So why is that ...
William Kinaan's user avatar
57 votes
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Tag score is shown incorrectly in the next badge tracker section

In the last couple of days, I have noticed that the tag score is not getting reflected correctly in the tag badge tracker area. This seems to have coincided with the introduction of a new privilege ...
Harry's user avatar
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Possible display issue with my Stack Overflow profile

I have found a curious issue with my profile page. If I go to my meta profile page I get And in the Reputation box there is an area for a next tag badge. If I go to my main Stack Overflow ...
NathanOliver's user avatar