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111 answers

Sunsetting Jobs & Developer Story [closed]

TL;DR – On March 31, 2022, we will discontinue Stack Overflow Jobs and Developer Story. This includes all job listings, saved searches, applications, messages, recommended job matches, job ads, ...
Puneet Mulchandani's user avatar
49 votes
1 answer

How do small companies post jobs on Stack Overflow? [closed]

My company would love to post open jobs on Stack Overflow. We're currently about 750 people. When I try to open an account on Stack Overflow Talent, I get a canned response saying: "...
Evan Pon's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

HTML Entities in Stack Overflow Talent Job Posting Titles [closed]

Is it possible to use HTML entities in Talent Job posting titles? I'd like to use a symbol now and then, and blank spaces for formatting. Nothing obnoxious, a single character to draw attention to ...
Brett DeWoody's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Jobs vs Careers vs Developer Story vs Talent [closed]

This current question is closely connected to my previous questions, so they should be recalled here. From the very beginning I haven't understand the use of distinct Careers account and integrated ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
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