Questions tagged [split-stack-overflow]

Feature requests and discussions about splitting up Stack Overflow into separate sites.

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42 votes
5 answers

Create a separate, independent Advanced SO focusing on being a knowledge library (but still part of the network)

I thought I was forever done writing lunatic feature requests on Meta, but... Preface As recent events have shown, there is a rift and a serious loss of trust between a significant part of the ...
-34 votes
1 answer

Should this site split up into more specialized sites?

The number of uncorrelated tags is exploding exponentially with the number of specific languages, their modules, add-ons and derivations, frameworks and IDEs. When I review questions that I could ...
-52 votes
7 answers

Would it be a terrible idea to split SO up into a tiered platform?

It seem that with the sudden increase in popularity, SO is developing some problems, bad/lazy questions (I'm guilty of this myself, it's hard to get a grasp on the SO atmosphere when you first start), ...
78 votes
2 answers

Would you like for free? [closed]

tl;dr: I own the domain name I cannot build something good for the community with it, and I want to gift it to someone who has an idea that will benefit the Stack Overflow ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Why is there a Stack Overflow in Portuguese but not in other languages? [duplicate]

I don't understand why there's a version of Stack Overflow in Portuguese.. I find the idea great, because it allows non-English speakers to ask for help or contribute, but why only in Portuguese? Why ...
-31 votes
1 answer

Split Stack Overflow up into two websites serving beginners and experienced users [duplicate]

This is another take on the following question. Questions from users new to programming obscuring the more well-researched questions is definitely a problem of the site. As the answers on the linked ...
-18 votes
2 answers

Can there be a separate site for "off-topic" Stack Overflow questions? [duplicate]

It seems a lot of questions on Stack Overflow are considered off topic but still hold valuable information. For example, a lot of questions like Recommended Java maths/stats library [closed] are ...
-10 votes
1 answer

What is Stack Overflow for? [duplicate]

I feel like most questions I ask on Stack Overflow are on topic. The topic of programming. Yet I still get referred to programmers.stackexchange. What's the intended purpose of Stack Overflow? ...
-11 votes
2 answers

Has Stack Overflow become too big?

For a lot of discussions on Meta of late, about quality of answers, speed of answering, huge number of duplicates and more, the problem to me seems to boil down to the huge amount of traffic (...
-31 votes
3 answers

How about splitting Stack Overflow into two sites, one for reference, the other for debugging?

First Things First: This Thread is Not a Duplicate of an Open Thread Do not mark this thread as a duplicate of any of the following three threads, because it is a substantially different proposal ...
3 votes
1 answer

Split and Merge: Stack communities

I have recently become enthusiastic about SO. I started to see that many question related to programming, yet not only touching this topic are commented such as: "This question would better fit in "...
5 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow for the non-noob [duplicate]

This is not to bash noobs. Also, not a duplicate to these other questions, although relevant. The problem of Stack Overflow (yes, this again!) I am certain this is known to everyone. Still, I'll ...
-5 votes
0 answers

Why don't we have a brainstorming/discussion site? [duplicate]

Can we have a learning/brainstorming/discussions (basic newbie questions) site? Just a suggestion, please do consider. Usually most questions asked by new members have very limited scope for research,...
31 votes
5 answers

Why are there "beginner" and "advanced" English sites on the SE network, but not for programming? [duplicate]

There are two English language sites in the SE network: English Language Learners English Language & Usage These are two different sites with different foci. I'm afraid I am not familiar with ...
-31 votes
1 answer

Can we separate Stack Overflow by experience level? [duplicate]

I've noticed an overwhelming trend of "punking" new users. This can take many forms: Insulting the intelligence of the user. Calling the user offensive names. Spiteful downvoting of the user's ...
-15 votes
1 answer

Create a New Stack Overflow Instance for Beginner Users and Content [duplicate]

Not sure if this has been discussed yet, I searched around but couldn't find any result so I'm just asking. Would it help to split stackoverflow into two programming questions websites? One would ...