Questions tagged [specific-audit]

Use this tag for questions about a specific review audit that is the subject of the question. Do not use this tag for general questions about review audits.

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71 votes
1 answer

Where's the spam in this audit?

Today I failed this audit in the LQP queue. This was the answer which I thought was OK: It didn't mention any product and didn't contain any link. The text is factual. I know that the user card was a ...
Bill Tür stands with Ukraine's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

Failed Audit on a page that looks good

I just failed an audit on this review: Stack Overflow tells me This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't ...
htaccess's user avatar
  • 2,980
39 votes
1 answer

Failed an audit because I flagged as duplicate when it really is one

I just failed an audit because I flagged a post as duplicate. The question has a comment to the same effect that links to a question that is the same almost verbatim (ending in . instead of ?). Yet ...
cafce25's user avatar
  • 22.7k
35 votes
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Should this zero-score, not NAA, deleted answer be used as a Low quality answers audit?

I came across a Low quality answers audit yesterday on this answer to Biopython: Local alignment between DNA sequences doesn't find optimal alignment yesterday - screenshot for users with < 10k ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
  • 8,694
28 votes
1 answer

How is it obvious that this question "needs focus"?

I was working through the Close Votes queue today when I encountered this question. Although there was an existing vote to close for "needs more focus," I voted to keep it open because: It ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 6,152
23 votes
2 answers

Was this audit wrong or am I missing something?

I failed an audit but I think it might be unjustified. I voted "Looks okay" but it told me the answer was deleted because of spam or something offensive. I can't see what's wrong with this ...
jrswgtr's user avatar
  • 2,343
23 votes
2 answers

Why is this typo question a post in review?

I just encountered this audit. I immediately identified it as a review audit, and confirmed it by going to the question. But, as I didn't understand why it was removed, I chose "Share feedback&...
Elikill58's user avatar
  • 4,295
23 votes
1 answer

Appeal for suspension due to commenting on an question that doesn't have any code

I got suspended for reviewing for 4 days due to this review. I didn't expect that clarifying a question with no code would get me suspended. (I only commented on the question). I was asking what ...
CoderUni's user avatar
  • 5,854
22 votes
2 answers

I'm extremely confused about this audit which appears not to contain a question

The specific (known good) review audit is this: Base R wilcox.test gives incorrect answers, has been fixed in DescTools As the commenters noted, this doesn't really look like a question, more like a &...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Why was this software support question considered "high quality"?

Link to the audit here I failed an audit that was asking about software support for Xcode by leaving a comment. Why is a software support question appropriate for Stack Overflow and not an Xcode-...
Samathingamajig's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How is this question about programming? Surely it is not a good audit question Until yesterday my site was working fine, I don't know what happens from morning, site is not opening, when I try to open it's automatically ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
  • 4,104
17 votes
0 answers

Automatic suspension from review queue after I failed an ambiguous audit [duplicate]

I have been suspended from the First Question review queue after I failed this audit. This question contains an attached image with a long error message. I wanted to share feedback for the user to ...
wasserholz's user avatar
  • 2,243
16 votes
1 answer

Request for further explanation on a specific close vote queue audit I failed (32986100)

This is the close vote queue entry. It is for this question. I voted to close for a custom reason: I'm voting to close because this question sounds more like a request for code review, and the last ...
user's user avatar
  • 36k
14 votes
2 answers

Possibly bad review audit

I was reviewing the Triage, when I came through this audit. It does not show any attempt to solve the problem, and the question itself isn't too clear (it was mentioned in the comments as well), so ...
FZs's user avatar
  • 17.9k
13 votes
1 answer

Triage review audit failed - normal question flagged as spam?

I'd like to know if someone can explain in what way I failed this triage audit. I am willing to learn, but I don't see any problem with this question myself.
Flink's user avatar
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13 votes
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Bad first question audit experience: incorrect audit, audit doesn't help reviewer, and unactionable after [duplicate]

I don't often review things, but decided to try out the first questions queue for fun. I got an audit which was bad for a few reasons: I believe the audit was just incorrect altogether. The question ...
JKillian's user avatar
  • 18.2k
12 votes
2 answers

Not clear why 'needs author edit' was not correct for a question in triage with no code

I encountered the following triage audit: What I did I looked into the text and searched for a question. It was there. Passed. How was the question ...
Melvin's user avatar
  • 1,041
12 votes
0 answers

I failed a Triage Audit, but I would like to dispute it [duplicate]

In reference to How to efficiently explore third-party libraries in Haskell applications? as an audit during triaging. The question statement was/is: Therefore, I'm looking for recommendations how to ...
Brett Caswell's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Bad Triage Review Audit [duplicate]

While reviewing on the Triage queue, I failed this audit today. From my perspective, everything hinted towards an unsalvageable question, as it doesn't show any context. The question mentions a code ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 3,514
11 votes
0 answers

Why is this a failed Audit? I thought questions should include the error not a link to a screenshot [duplicate]

I failed a Close question Audit here which includes a link to a screenshot of the error: I choose 'Needs details or Clarity' because the question ...
Rich's user avatar
  • 6,541
11 votes
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An audit failed, but the question has two different problems in it, one resolved, and one not. Should they be separate questions? [duplicate]

I'm really really confused. I just failed this audit in the Reopen Queue, and the target question is react native The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's AAR metadatais greater than ...
Barkermn01's user avatar
  • 6,818
11 votes
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Failed Review on post closed as "spam or offensive" even though it doesn't appear to be? [duplicate]

I'm asking to get this specific question removed from future audits - which is now has been - so it is not related to the questions suggested as duplicate. I've just failed this LQP review because the ...
FluffyKitten's user avatar
  • 14.1k
10 votes
1 answer

What is the distinction between sharing feedback and flagging here?

I got smacked with another one of these: I was going to leave a comment about needing to be more clear on the question (basically just give more details) and I got told this was the incorrect action. ...
Shawn Hemelstrand's user avatar
10 votes
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Where is the "opinion-based" line drawn with failed audits?

I failed this review audit over this question. I said it was unsalvageable as primarily opinion-based. The review system said I failed because the question "looks OK". The question is asking "I'm not ...
kbolino's user avatar
  • 1,528
10 votes
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Bad review audit - non-spam answer deleted by Community as spam

I just failed this review audit in the VLQ queue by clicking Looks OK when the post had been removed as spam. I think this is actually a bad audit. The original question. The post under review: ...
robsiemb's user avatar
  • 6,291
9 votes
1 answer

Downvoting a low quality question results in incorrect review

I just got a review ban for downvoting this question in "First posts": NDK Resolution Outcome: Project settings: Gradle model version=5.4.1, NDK version is UNKNOWN error Sure it has a lot of upvotes ...
pablo285's user avatar
  • 2,478
9 votes
1 answer

I don't think this question is a suitable close votes audit: it's asking too many questions for one

why use std::ranges algorithms over regular algorithms? It's clearly asking 4 questions. So I was about to flag it "Requires Focus". I did look at the question first and saw that 199K rep ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
  • 4,104
8 votes
0 answers

Failed a review audit. Was it a bad audit? [duplicate]

I was going through the "First Posts" queue and I got this question that turned out to be an audit. The question consists of an image ...
Dimitar Spasovski's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Should this (partial) answer be an audit in the Low Quality Posts Review Queue?

This relates to a deleted spam/offensive answer to the question How to simulate key press event?. Link to the specific review: here. Screenshot of the answer (for non-10K users): This doesn't ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
  • 8,694
7 votes
1 answer

Is a plagiarism audit justified?

Today I faced the following audit: The question itself is one of the most popular Python question and the reply quickly summarizes what in fact a ...
J. M. Arnold's user avatar
  • 6,529
7 votes
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Are reviewers expected to research for internet-wide plagiarism in the First Answers review queue?

I just failed the following audit and was thus suspended from reviewing. A comment from a mod taught me that the seemingly innocent answer was copied without attribution from this off-SO origin. I don'...
pitamer's user avatar
  • 955
6 votes
1 answer

I failed this review queue audit on a plausible-looking answer, and I don't know why

I've started working on review queues, and I got an audit today that I didn't pass. I don't particularly mind that I didn't pass, but it feels like the audit was wrong. The audit was for an answer, ...
Zack Newsham's user avatar
  • 2,880
6 votes
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How are audits created for review queues? (Complaint about one specific case)

I'm currently working on the reviews of the Re-open cases. I stumbled upon this question. The question basically says: I have an error with some code, and here is the code. The question was closed ...
Dominique's user avatar
  • 16.8k
6 votes
1 answer

Failed audit on First Post question even though I made a good comment on it

I got the following question while reviewing First Posts: I didn't understand what the author of the question meant by "pair" so I wrote a ...
Enselic's user avatar
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6 votes
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Non-first question in first question review queue

I came across this item in the First questions review queue. It was Not the first question of the user, Removed 20 days ago. It probably is one of those are you paying attention? questions. Tags ...
Donald Seinen's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Good answer as negative audit [duplicate]

Here a perfectly valid answer explaining the difference between polling and long-polling quite well, got deleted and flagged as spam/offensive:
Ctx's user avatar
  • 18.2k
6 votes
1 answer

Please reconsider this known-good audit [duplicate]

I failed this audit today: The rationale for me closing, as lacks details, was that it included the error messages as an image, not even inlined, ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 3,916
5 votes
1 answer

Failed an audit on a post listed as spam or offensive, to me it looked like just a wrong answer [duplicate]

This review had an answer about reflection with a link to a repo from the author of the answer. Screenshot for <10k users: However bad the answer is, I clicked Looks Ok. I did so having viewed the ...
James Risner's user avatar
  • 5,760
5 votes
1 answer

Got an un-deserved review ban for a poor (?) review [duplicate]

I just got a review ban because of this review. Only the first three options were available, and I clicked "Share feedback", intending to add a comment to the OP. But the popup dialog never ...
ilias-sp's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Was I incorrect to vote to close as belonging on another site on the network?

I just failed this review audit. The question directly states they don't have a problem with their code, but want others to review what they've written for its intended purpose. I attempted to vote to ...
codewario's user avatar
  • 20.5k
4 votes
2 answers

R question is a 'known good' audit despite not showing an attempted solution - Why doesn't it need 'Debugging details' in 'Triage' Queue?

Recently the question Take paired differences of pairs of rows asked about obtaining pairwise squared differences from numbers in a data set in R. What got my attention about this question was that ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is this an invalid answer, and why did I fail this review audit? [duplicate]

I selected "No Action Needed" on this Late Answers review: You can try Swig (Go FAQ), you just need to include c headers and don't need to redefine every functions. where Go FAQ is a live link. ...
David García Bodego's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Review test with irrelevant tag

I was reviewing the low quality posts with my interested topics filtered. The queue was finished, then there appeared another task to review when I refreshed the page. The question was about ...
Burak's user avatar
  • 2,400
3 votes
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What is the right way to respond to this Triage review item?

I was going through the triage review queue, and I stumbled upon this review: The system already marked it as possible spam. I was going to put a Blatantly Off Topic flag on it, but it is (kind of?) ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
  • 1,705
2 votes
2 answers

Request for further explanation on a specific triage queue audit I failed

I just got (and failed) a triage queue audit for this question: How does one create a cube with Julia and Makie?, which seems to be asking how to make a graphic for a shape. It shows an example of a ...
user's user avatar
  • 36k
2 votes
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Why is this low quality flag incorrect for this audit? [duplicate]

My recent incorrect review can be found below: I flagged this one as very low quality, because it contains very little information, isn't ...
Shawn Hemelstrand's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Failed review audit using the "needs more focus" flag [duplicate]

While reviewing the "First posts" queue, I came across a Question that was obviously well-written and of high quality (judging from the language, formatting, provided links and content) but, ...
Alex Metsai's user avatar
  • 1,890
2 votes
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First posts audit dispute [duplicate]

I was pinged on this First Posts audit when adding a comment: I was trying to suggest that the question might be more appropriate to send to the ...
thelr's user avatar
  • 1,184
1 vote
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Is this no-code question review audit right?

I just failed this Close Vote Queue audit. I chose to close for needing more debugging details, but it seems the audit says that this question is fine as-is, even though the question only had two ...
Michael M.'s user avatar
  • 10.6k
1 vote
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Failed audit: fail to see actually abuse/spam/offensive content [duplicate]

Sorry for asking this in a new question, but similar posts asking similar question entailed generally obvious bad content, like link-only or off-topic posts. Can issues like this be properly resolved (...
dakab's user avatar
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