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15 votes
2 answers

Why did a moderator delete a highly voted answer and nobody answered the flag I raised?

Recently a moderator deleted my answer with 37 upvotes and it said: This answer was marked as spam or rude or abusive and is therefore not shown - you can see the revision history for details. I ...
-15 votes
1 answer

Is this really considered as an answer?

I find disturbing that this answer to this question (Can Google Chrome open local links?) is the one that received the most upvotes. My first thinking reading this was: this is not an answer and ...
33 votes
1 answer

Why was this "copy/paste" answer undeleted?

I flagged the following answer as it was a simple copy/paste of another one and it was logically deleted. Now after a nonsense edit it was undeleted. Why? The edit is a kind of joke to me and confirms ...
23 votes
2 answers

Should I fix the formatting if it changes the meaning?

I was going to fix a simple typo in this answer. In its first revision it goes like this: If you want to get an array of ints, with values form 1 to 10, from a Stream, there is IntStream at your ...
-13 votes
2 answers

What was wrong with this edit that changed code to be more efficient?

This question is based on When should I make edits to code? - from what I can tell, this situation isn't covered by it. What did I do wrong here? I thought I was operating under SO best-practices, ...
17 votes
2 answers

Flag declined... but why exactly?

Today I came across an answer I did not understand. It seemed like an okayish answer, but it did not match the question at all. It basically said "For the second part of your question, just ...
34 votes
2 answers

Top voted answer is just pointing to another answer

The top voted answer on this post is just pointing to this post and not contributing anything new. Should we close this? Mark it as duplicate? or keep it as it is? Update: The answer is now deleted. ...
28 votes
4 answers

Should answers deleted due to copyright violation still be visible to high rep users?

Recently this answer was deleted due to a copyright violation at the request of the copyright owner. However, the answer is still visible to 10k+ rep users. Will the answer be completely deleted in ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Correct answer deleted with no reason

My answer to this question was deleted by a moderator without any comment or reason. The answer is the correct documented way of achieving what the user was asking and it was deleted by someone that, ...
11 votes
6 answers

My custom flag to delete an answer that only provides redundant insights was declined

I flagged for a moderator to delete this post with the following custom message: This is the correct answer to a different question. This question is pertaining to php not js. This answer should be ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why was my NAA flag declined if OP has edited the answer? [duplicate]

I have flagged an answer as NAA at 21:46:05Z but the author has turned it into a proper answer at 22:01:24Z. My flag was declined 5 minutes ago. If you edit a post in LQP thus salvaging it, then the ...
14 votes
1 answer

Why was this valid answer diamond-moderator-deleted? The question asks for a problem involving numbers and this answer gives a valid solution, suggesting modulo instead of a loop. What's more, this is a new ...
7 votes
1 answer

I've been told to edit my answer, but I'm not sure what to edit. What is wrong with this answer?

Someone commented on one of my answers that the code no longer works. They said “I think a major point is how to retrieve those values (0:2 and 3: in this case). What you replace the elements 4 and 3? ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is considered a repost? [duplicate]

I answered a question. Recently the answer has been deleted. Reason given is repost. It claimed that my answer The easiest solution I found so far is - for stuff in largestring: if stuff.strip(): ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can I comment on an erroneous comment?

My answer to a Visual Studio/MFC question has been criticised as "not providing an answer to the question", and recommended for deletion - see
11 votes
1 answer

Detailed and accepted answer deleted by a moderator - why?

I am referring to this question for which I produced a detailed self-contained answer (no link), which was accepted by the person who raised the question. So far so good. But now I notice that my ...
30 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer (“it's a bug in Node 13.x; update to 14”) deleted?

I've had several recent answers on Stack Overflow deleted and I can't figure out why. If I'm doing something wrong when answering I'd like some feedback on what so I can correct it in the future. As ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Post is marked as spam and hidden [duplicate]

My answer to this question was deleted by a moderator. The answer was once upvoted, is specific to the question and even contains a link to a fiddle that demonstrates a working solution. Even more ...
-27 votes
1 answer

I would like my answer on Stack Overflow to no longer be deleted [duplicate]

I post an answer, then it got deleted. I would like it undeleted. It's not spam; it answers the question. The contents of the answer are as follows: I have made a PHP script which is designed to ...
87 votes
6 answers

Why was "Needs more emoji" deleted by an employee?

This question concerns the following answer deleted an hour ago by one of the SE employees. <10k screenshot I understand that the post was written in a ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why was the accepted answer to my question deleted and why wasn't I notified?

I've just found out that the answer I accepted to a question I posted no longer appears. Two questions: Why has this happened? I get an e-mail when someone posts an answer or a comment to a question ...
14 votes
1 answer

Time to unlock this, perhaps? Locked since August 2019, by a moderator who is no longer a moderator, to resolve disputes with a CM team which probably no longer has the employees it ...
14 votes
1 answer

Very low quality vs not an answer

I flagged an answer as very low quality because I think the answer is very low quality and just like a comment, but it was declined with this reason: flags should not be used to indicate technical ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Why was an answer that attributed original authors deleted?

This answer (image for <10k users) was deleted even though the writer of the answer copied and pasted original content to avoid the answer being marked as link only. I thought we are to flag (...
4 votes
0 answers

Find specific answer

I'm almost positive that yesterday I was looking for a way to answer interactive questions inside a Dockerfile. I found how to do it using echo. While browsing through SO main site I saw a related ...
2 votes
1 answer

NAA flag got declined [duplicate]

Recently I flagged this answer as NAA. The answer was I have solved this issue by regenerate Key While flagging as NAA it's mentions This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to ...
4 votes
1 answer

No attempt to answer, code-only answer with own library. Isn't that self-promotion in disguise?

I flagged this answer as spam. The author doesn't even try to find the root cause of the bug. They could have suggested a solution with both technologies (OP's and theirs) and that would have been ...
16 votes
1 answer

Is an answer calling for downvotes against the question Rude?

I was alerted to this answer in a chatroom: Please note that this is a take home-exam question for the Algorithm Analysis and Design Course at IIIT-Delhi which is still going on. I am the instructor ...
-11 votes
1 answer

How can I make this question/answer more relevant it order to make it pop in the close as a duplicate dialog?

There is a question that would be very good duplicate target but I can't make it to show up in "suggested duplicates" dialog often enough to be used as duplicate target. I'm looking for edit ...
14 votes
1 answer

NAA flag declined on an answer that a mod later removed

I recently flagged this post as NAA (Sentinel record for those under 10k), because it should have been a comment. It had previously made it through a removal review (3x Recommend Deletion), so I ...
11 votes
1 answer

What should be done about this wrong answer? [duplicate]

mickmackusa has raised concerns about correctness of this particular answer: How to remove part of a string? The answer mentions regex as a solution to remove a part of a string in PHP. As shown by ...
9 votes
0 answers

Should I delete this old answer that keeps getting random votes/comments? [closed]

I have an answer from 8+ years ago: Its not the best answer, and I feel its votes clearly reflect that. Regardless, I dont believe editing the answer will ...
2 votes
0 answers

I didn't pass the First Post review queue test [duplicate]

As this is about the specific question I faced, I'm not sure any of the previous answers help me. In this question, the answerer suggest downgrading a specific library to a previous version, without: ...
85 votes
7 answers

Why was this 'not an answer' flag declined?

Sorry mods, another one of those "a one liner isn't enough of an explanation and I can't fit all of this in another flag" posts. So... What issues should be considered when overriding equals and ...
4 votes
0 answers

Answer that refers to tool deleted (but similar answers weren't)

There's a question asking about how to calculate tree edit distance with 24 upvotes and 19 favs. The question is more than ten years old. These days, though, it might've gotten closed because it is ...
-17 votes
1 answer

Please review edited answer and vote to undelete answer if you agree [duplicate]

I answered a question which was accepted and then went to other questions which I thought might be considered a duplicate question on the same topic and pasted a link to my answer. As a result my ...
4 votes
0 answers

How is this answer not "Not an answer"? [duplicate]

I flagged this answer. Nothing wrong with the content but in my opinion it doesn't attempt to answer the question at all and only suggests debugging steps which I think the author has tried already (...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does this answer have upvotes even though it doesn't solve the problem asked? [duplicate]

The answer in context. The error (as mentioned in the question) clearly indicates that a push will be rejected (until it's a force push).
5 votes
1 answer

Handling a follow-up question due to an error in the original answer

This question is a follow-up question from the same user to this question. The OP made the follow-up question because the answer to the original (which the OP marked as correct) doesn't quite produce ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Less bounties even if more upvote

I want to understand why my question got less bounties even if my answer is the most upvoted. How to train a model in nodejs (tensorflow.js)?
-22 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer spam, even though it included a disclaimer of affiliation? Can it be undeleted?

I answered this question: How to perform Auto crop for document Recognize image using camera?. However, my answer was deleted by a moderator: You can also use online API's to do the cropping if that ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Deleted answer because no original content [duplicate]

I posted what I thought was an answer for the OP. The answer came from another web site. Rather than link to the site alone, I posted the relevant info on the page as well as the credit tag, as I ...
8 votes
3 answers

What makes this a bad answer?

This morning I answered a question, addressing a user's code error and explained the ramifications of their syntax (backed up with further reading) and code/output examples. This afternoon I found ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why did a moderator remove multiple answers to append them to the question?

Here is the question: Can I ellipse a clipping mask on the bottom only? It sounds a bit strange when you read it, but if you check the revisions and the deleted answers you can clearly see what is ...
4 votes
1 answer

Correct answer includes a new question

Talking specifically about this answer. The only thing I've done was to write a comment explaining what was done is not a good thing, but the answer is still having both an answer and question (...
98 votes
1 answer

My top answer was deleted and my worst question is not deleted

It's like the question always haunted me after the incident. There was a question, where I made my best answer ever, in terms of quality and number of upvotes (it had 45 or something and my current ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is this answer's attribution and quoting OK

I was looking at this answer that seemed excellent, however by following the reference link for more information on the topic, it turns out it's (almost) a copy/paste of part of the MDN article. I ...
50 votes
5 answers

Please stop linking to the "Zalgo" / anti-Cthulhu regex rant

Anyone who has stopped for more than 5 seconds in the regex tag knows of this "dubious" answer: Every time you attempt to parse HTML with regular expressions, the unholy child weeps the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can an answer be posted to a question closed as duplicate? [duplicate]

I am looking at this question: Processing lists of list in Python It was closed as duplicate 7 mins ago. But after closure there appeared two answers, 3 and 2 mins ago. How is that possible? I don't ...
5 votes
1 answer

Not an answer approved as helpful, yet answer still exists

I flagged this answer as "not an answer" which was approved as helpful, yet the answer remains. The "answer" itself is one sentence which appears to be a question: It is assessed correctly the ...

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