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7 votes
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Can we please get rid of the "SO for teams" banner? [duplicate]

Please can we get rid of the massive teams banner at the top of the page? Firstly, it takes up most of the screen real estate on a laptop, next up it comes back every time you refresh the page and -...
Basic's user avatar
  • 26.7k
17 votes
1 answer

Request to change position of 'Looking for a job?' dialog [closed]

When I am reading a question, I see this 'Looking for a Job?' dialog: See this video for more details. I feel like the 'Related' dialog should be placed on top of the 'Looking for a Job?'. Because the ...
Example person's user avatar
79 votes
0 answers

Do not move content when ad appears

Currently, when I open a question that has an ad, there is a delay between the content to show up and the ad (banner between the title and the content) to show up. When the ad appears, it moves all ...
Jorge Leitao's user avatar
  • 20.1k