Questions tagged [serial-voting]

Serial voting is the act of serially (repeatedly) up or downvoting another user's posts over a (usually short) period of time. If you feel someone has serially voted you: wait 24 hours to see if it's automatically reversed. If it's not auto-reversed, then raise an "in need of moderator intervention" flag and explain. Posting on meta about a specific case of someone serially voting is rarely productive, as non-moderators can't do anything about it.

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2 votes
1 answer

Serial upvoting by one user? [duplicate]

It might be the boring question One user is upvoting me all answer, One day he did this and now today again he upvotes my all answer. I Know the reversal system and correction of reputation on serial ...
DsRaj's user avatar
  • 2,328
2 votes
0 answers

Spurned downvote after seeking clarification on a question [duplicate]

I was seeking to ask an OP's attempts to a question, but they were not happy with the comments I posted and they went on a rampage to down-vote 20 of my answers. I suspect the author of the question ...
Inian's user avatar
  • 82.9k
26 votes
3 answers

When to expect declined flags and how do I react to that?

I've been flagging a lot of posts recently with more complicated reasoning than the standard flags allow. On response to that I've gotten several declined flags and it got me thinking, when can I ...
Magisch's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Voting to many wrong answers posted in a short period by a single user [duplicate]

I found a lot of new wrong answers posted today by a single new user. Are variable length arrays there in c++? How to Merge Two vectors in c++? Undefined reference to defined static private variable ...
llllllllll's user avatar
  • 16.3k
26 votes
3 answers

Is there such thing as serial unupvote?

There is a serial down-vote and serial up-vote. I've always wondered if there is such thing as serial unupvote. I mean, when you go to a user's profile, go through their questions/answers and remove ...
Programmer's user avatar
  • 124k
33 votes
1 answer

Serial voting reversal does not reverse the votes, just the reputation. Why not?

This one has been nagging me for a while (i.e. some years) and finally I've decided to ask about it. I have noticed that when serial voting is reversed, it is the reputation change that is reversed. ...
David Heffernan's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Are there any clues whether multiple down votes are from the same source? [duplicate]

Yesterday I received 4 down votes across 4 different answers all within about a minute and a half. This stands out to me only because all 4 answers were recent, with +1 score originally and no down ...
Nick Cardoso's user avatar
  • 21.2k
2 votes
2 answers

How to know if question has serial voting?

I am just confused about a question which has 5 upvotes only till now and has an accepted answer by the same user. The question does not have much detail about the problem. I just wanted to know: Are ...
Ayaz Ali Shah's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Sudden reputation loss [duplicate]

I have lost over ~240 reputation all of a sudden. While, referring to the Help Center > Moderation & Reputation section it clearly states that if the system detects unusual voting behavior over a ...
Ahmad Baktash Hayeri's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why are only 3 out of 5 (6) serial downvotes restored? [duplicate]

Yesterday evening I made a comment on some questions. A few minutes later 5 downvotes came within 2 minutes. And another one 30 minutes later. All on some of my "top" answers. So - a person turning to ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 139k
21 votes
2 answers

Serial downvoting flag marked helpful but not reverted [duplicate]

Ok this might sound like a big reaction about a little problem: I don't post much on SO, (6 low-level questions over the past 2 years) 2 weeks ago, I asked one which i needed an answer for, so i ...
Adalcar's user avatar
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-15 votes
1 answer

Should serial downvoter be punished/notify

When I woke up this morning I noticed in my feed that I was a victim of the well-known serial downvoting tragedy. I have a really good idea of who it is, but this is not the goal of this post. It was ...
scharette's user avatar
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7 votes
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Change the title of to match "serial-voting-reversed"

I think we should Change the title of the help page from Why do I have a reputation change on my reputation page that says "voting corrected"?...
Patrick Artner's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

I got "+6 Serial voting was reversed" - what does it mean?

From other questions on meta i guestimated that the SO system controlls if one user goes over multiple answers of another user and up/downvotes them - kindof a step to stop harassing childish ...
Patrick Artner's user avatar
78 votes
1 answer

Multiple bad questions in short time span - can I downvote them all?

A certain user has posted three questions in a period of five hours on a tag I visit a lot, and they all show virtually no research or code debugging skills. I'd like to downvote all these questions, ...
Erik A's user avatar
  • 32.2k
9 votes
1 answer

How is serial voting spread over a long period of time addressed? [duplicate]

I could be wrong but I suspect that somebody whose serial down-votes of a couple of my posts has now down-voted just one. Referencing the screenshot below you can see that just in the last couple of ...
Dexygen's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Dealing with targeted post ban evasion

I've been coming across several cases recently where it's quite transparent that someone serially upvoted their own questions or asked people to do so to evade a post ban. Now, I know that when a ...
Magisch's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

Unaccepting answer due to serial voting

Today I noticed a reputation reduction due to serial upvoting. While browsing through the reputation tab, I noticed that at the same time, a legitimate question I've answered was unupvoted and the ...
Yuval Itzchakov's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Reversal didn't work as expected [duplicate]

Yesterday I was the victim of a serial downvote, where they randomly voted 4 times in different posts, but the system only reversed the equivalent of 3. On other network sites, I have been a victim of ...
Blastoise Opressor's user avatar
-15 votes
1 answer

Is there way to prevent serial voting?

I found an answer which has 12 up and 12 down votes. How is it possible that 12 people downvote and another 12 people upvote? If the answer is good then of course people will up vote. Maybe the user ...
Ayaz Ali Shah's user avatar
85 votes
0 answers

Serial voting reversal doesn't remove association bonus [duplicate]

First off, I'm aware that this has been discussed before on Meta.SO and on Meta.SE, although I believe there is a new dimension to this now that wasn't previously discussed. Lately I've been seeing a ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 7,342
18 votes
1 answer

Strange reputation behaviour

I've contacted Stack Exchange a couple of times about this, and there have been automated voting corrections to my reputation, but I seem to have had reputation increases on this question that don't ...
user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

Show anonymized but complete voting information to moderators

Despite trying to "be nice", commenting instead of downvoting and explaining when I hammer-close a question with a duplicate, (and not commenting when downvoting/deleting most of the time & in ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

When is serial upvoting worth flagging?

This is a corollary to my other meta question about the serial voting reversal script. At what threshold and at what recency it is worth to flag serial upvoting that I find on other users' accounts? ...
Magisch's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

Just how conservative is the voting reversal script?

I know that stack exchange runs a daily automated script that reverses obvious serial voting. I also know that the fine print of how this script is tuned is relatively secret to prevent gaming it. ...
Magisch's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Victim of serial up voting

Yesterday, I got up voted for three old questions and answers (exactly three). One of the answers I got up voted for does not even deserve to get up voted. So I'm suspecting that I'm being a victim of ...
Oussama Ben Ghorbel's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Interesting "undownvoted" occurrence on my account

Logged on this am and noticed this: I'm guessing the "auto downvote robot thing" has undone these 3 downvotes. I'm guessing it thinks I was serially voting, which I suppose I was as each of these ...
Liam's user avatar
  • 28.6k
41 votes
1 answer

Serial voting was clearly only partially reversed - worth a mod flag?

I've been wondering this for a while, since from time to time I look for users who have gained reputation in serial upvotes. Now, often times the automatic algorithm will have removed a small part of ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 7,342
2 votes
1 answer

How to undo serial upvote? [duplicate]

I helped an user, and I think he upvoted my last 5 answers as gratitude, how do I notify a moderator to undo his votes?
Washington Guedes's user avatar
37 votes
1 answer

Reputation capped after serial voting

I find that somebody serial voted (2 hours back) and then it got reversed (200 points). Now, the answers that got upvoted after the serial vote reversal is not counted as it is daily capped. ...
akrun's user avatar
  • 880k
102 votes
1 answer

Suspicious voting activity occurring when assisting with the Apple tag burnination

I haven't been very active with the Apple burnination, but on a whim, I spent a day in the CV queue closing apple tag questions. One day, about 40 close votes. This was on May 3rd. On May 4th, I ...
Compass's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Serial Voter Notification Mechanism [duplicate]

I have asked a question with bounty and it is not having any convincing answers till now and the bounty ended. However it gained attention after I offered bounty, somebody just read it, maybe found it ...
nobalG's user avatar
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72 votes
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Are offending users notified about serial voting being reversed?

Yesterday I answered a question (within the comments, a bad habit, but the answer was trivial). As a result, it seems that the asker went through some of my posts and gave them serial upvotes. Today ...
Jorn Vernee's user avatar
  • 32.9k
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How long it will take to revert serial up/down votes?

Suspected a serial voting because votes came with less than a minute! Flagged it to a moderator output -> helpful - I have escalated this to the CMs. and moderator did his job, grateful for that. ...
Charuą¶š's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Serial voting was reversed, but wrongly earned badges remain? [duplicate]

Recently I have been serially up-voted, which caused by reputation to reach the daily limit of 200, by which in turn I achieved the Mortarboard badge, erroneously. As you can see in the above image, ...
aschipfl's user avatar
  • 34.4k
5 votes
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I got rep I didn't deserve. Can I annul it? [duplicate]

I am not sure what happened, but I have a feeling someone appreciated something I did, and decided to give me points. I received 14 upvotes to 14 different questions in 2 minutes. This is obviously ...
jumps4fun's user avatar
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60 votes
7 answers

Should the system invalidate all votes between two people on the same IP address?

I know this will be a controversial suggestion, due to the side effects it will have, but I feel that it's time to have a discussion about this. Should the system automatically invalidate any vote ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
  • 170k
3 votes
1 answer

Question was at 4 votes, now is at 2

I don't understand why my question has lost votes. I haven't been downvoted today, and yesterday the vote count was still at 4. I was the victim/recipient of serial upvoting once, but I posted the ...
MD XF's user avatar
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4 votes
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Does Reputation cap considered votes even after serial voting reversed

Yesterday, I was serially upvoted. Naturally, those votes were correctly reversed. However, I was at loss of reputation as reputation points were not considered during the latter part of day. Does ...
Satpal's user avatar
  • 133k
30 votes
1 answer

Serial voting not reversed, but flag marked as helpful

Two weeks ago, I was serial downvoted: I waited a day, but the script didn't reversed the downvotings. Following What is serial voting and how does it affect me? If the 24 hours has already ...
dur's user avatar
  • 16.4k
23 votes
1 answer

Serial voting still showing on my questions 5 days after incident, cache not cleared as expected?

This is not a duplicate of "voting corrected" does not give the up votes back. Per animuson's comment on the linked question, a midnight script should correct these votes, but this doesn't ...
Liam's user avatar
  • 28.6k
5 votes
1 answer

System falsely identifying votes as Serial Downvotes [duplicate]

Here's an odd case I encountered this morning regarding the system detecting serial downvoting. Here's a link to the post:
Siyual's user avatar
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42 votes
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Revenge downvotes, not invalidated after two accepted flags

Last Wednesday, I left a comment on this question. Then the OP (who thought I was the one who had downvoted&voted for close) revenge downvoted three of my answers/questions and left a non-...
Bolu's user avatar
  • 8,746
118 votes
2 answers

Is there a SO equivalent of the "witness protection program"?

For about 3 weeks out of the past month I've been the victim of serial downvoting about 2 days per week (i.e. there's no change in rep for days, then in a 30 second period every question I've ever ...
user avatar
41 votes
1 answer

"voting corrected" does not give the up votes back

Someone continuously downvoted all my posts in a small interval of time. I got the reputation back in 24 hours, but the down votes are still affecting the scores of my posts. Will the proper scores ...
ADH - THE TECHIE GUY's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why are my downvotes being undownvoted? [duplicate]

Yesterday I downvoted few answers to a question. I flagged one of them. Decided that if I downvote the answer the user that posted all those answers (which are basically, the same answer edited to fit ...
Ivanka Todorova's user avatar
69 votes
2 answers

Is it dangerous to patrol a tag with issues?

I recently got a hobby of watching a certain problematic tag, where about 95% of the questions are basically crap. I added it to my favorite tags, so I can go about downvoting, voting to close and ...
hyde's user avatar
  • 61.8k
20 votes
1 answer

Do serial voting reversal scripts run on Documentation? [closed]

Given the unique setup with Documentation, I was wondering if the voting reversal scripts run on Documentation and how it works. I'm not looking for anything that would help cheat the system, I just ...
Laurel's user avatar
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4 votes
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Serial upvoting reversed, can't really understand why

So, apparently the Stack Overflow script thinks I got someone or something (bot), that upvoted too many of my answers, and therefore I got serial voting reversed. I don't have bots (TBH, I don't know ...
dippas's user avatar
  • 59.7k
3 votes
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How to flag series of votes [duplicate]

Few minutes before Four answers(1,2,3,4)(unfortunately these ware the top voted answers for me) ware down-voted by someone. Is there any possibility to flag/report such series votes(up - down) to get ...
sujith karivelil's user avatar