Questions tagged [secret-hat]

Used to discuss secret hats during Winter Bash.

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5 votes
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Can we lose hats? [duplicate]

This morning I had 10 hats, and now 8; I know I lost at least one secret hat (Balalaika). I think the other is the one I wear (Disciple). Is this possible or is it an update bug?
Soleil's user avatar
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Did a gust of wind make me lose my hat?

Yesterday I "won" a secret hat in the shape of a flag (sorry, I only remember the initial of his name "V") but today it is no longer on my list of hats. Since it is a secret hat, ...
il_raffa's user avatar
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Can I earn secret hats by playing Hat Dash?

I know this is supposed to be a secret, but... I've finally made it to the Hat Dash leaderboard, but was disappointed to find that I got no secret hat from it. My question is, can you get secret hats ...
M-Chen-3's user avatar
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How do you earn the Winter Bash 2018 clean-up duty hat? [closed]

I ran across this post: Winter Bash 2018 Hat list On MSE (for all the secret hats), and I realized that the answer doesn't contain the explanation of Clean-Up duty hat. I am just wondering how you ...
U13-Forward's user avatar
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How do you earn the Row of Many Candles hat? [duplicate]

I earned the Row of Many Candles hat on the Winter Bash today. It's categorized as a 'secret hat' so it doesn't give a description for why it's awarded. What is this the Row of Many Candles hat ...
Brett DeWoody's user avatar