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How hard would it be to implement auto-complete for tags when *searching*?

When entering a question, tags to add are auto-completed/suggested for completion. However when I search using tags (i.e. enter "[something") tags are not auto-completed/suggested. I think ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Tagged search no longer works after joining a Team [closed]

Yesterday I joined my first Team only to discover that tagged search no longer works. This is true whether I search the public site or my Team site. For example, I used to be able to search for [...
Chris's user avatar
  • 136k
4 votes
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Is it possible to search for questions that have a specific number of tags?

Is there a way to search for questions by the quantity of tags that are attached? I know that there are Advanced Search Options where you can refine your search, and I know that there is the Stack ...
Grant Miller's user avatar
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