Questions tagged [review-queues]

For questions about the /review path where users can view and act on posts by other users that the system thinks may need attention.

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66 votes
0 answers

Documentation review items should also include an "Improve" button [closed]

I've built a small habit around improving edits while reviewing if I feel like the revision or addition was 95% the way there. With the new Documentation review queues going up, this feature is ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
65 votes
2 answers

I can't mark questions as Unsalvageable in Triage when I'm out of Close votes for the day

The title pretty much says it all; if I am out of close votes for the day, I cannot select the Unsalvageable > "it should be closed for another reason..." option in Triage. This makes sense, since I ...
LittleBobbyTables - Au Revoir's user avatar
64 votes
3 answers

Overly Severe Review Suspension

I recently failed an audit in the First Post review queue due to a misclick; I wanted to upvote the answer, but instead I misclicked on the down vote button. The last audit that I failed, if my ...
Unheilig's user avatar
  • 16.2k
64 votes
3 answers

Low quality posts and code only answers

In low quality posts review queues there are many answers which just contain little code snippets without explanation. If the code solves the question there should be an auto-comment possibility ...
Blackbam's user avatar
  • 18.4k
64 votes
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Raise upvote limit for comments (in review queue?)

When I'm in the review queues, I'm diligent about upvoting existing comments that provide important and relevant feedback to the author. (This also happens automatically if you duplicate canned review ...
Jeremy Caney's user avatar
  • 7,399
64 votes
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VLQ Review queue Recommend Deletion description

The description for Recommend Deletion action in the VLQ review queue is pretty silly: Recommend Deletion to recommend that this answer be deleted A new user can figure that out on their own. Can ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
62 votes
4 answers

Disable the red dot on the Review Queue (I'm distracted)

I always knew review queues existed, and have dabbled with them here and there, but I have since decided my contributions on the site will not be that. The new review queue UX disagrees with me with ...
Spork's user avatar
  • 1,631
62 votes
3 answers

Can I "abuse" the skip button in the review queues?

I know there is a problem of people skipping too rarely, but is it possible to skip too often? Sometimes while doing review queues I am really not motivated enough to invest a ton of work into ...
Neuron's user avatar
  • 5,505
62 votes
3 answers

What's the point of the "Very low quality" flag action, in "Help and Improvement" reviews? Where's the downvote / close option?

In the "Help and Improvement" review queue, there are 3 possible actions to complete the review: Edit Skip And, a little more obscure: A link saying "question is very low quality", which flags the ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 71.8k
61 votes
3 answers

Same one-letter edit suggested to nearly 60 questions. Should I alert a moderator?

While in the suggested edit review queue, I noticed the same edit by the same user come up on two different questions. It was a single-letter change to correct a typo in the name of a common ...
Air's user avatar
  • 8,404
61 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow review page very slow to load?

The root review page seems to be loading very slowly for me at the moment. About 3 - 6 times slower than any other page, including the individual Queue pages below and other sites' review pages. My ...
indivisible's user avatar
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61 votes
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Can edits we approve be displayed to us?

It's not uncommon to see someone ask a question where the code is poorly formatted, and I'd like to fix it before trying to diagnose the problem. Usually when I see that, I just edit it so that it's ...
resueman's user avatar
  • 10.6k
60 votes
2 answers

How come the suggested edits queue can suddenly become so big?

When reviewing suggested edits today, I noticed the queue was almost at 500. That's way past the usual cap of 200. Was that limit removed, or just increased? If the latter is the case, what is the ...
Baum mit Augen's user avatar
  • 49.5k
60 votes
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New Reviews Icon?

It seems the review icon has changed again. Have we rolled out a new review icon, or is this in testing? The new icon bears some resemblance to the adjacent hamburger, but I think the check mark is a ...
Stephen Rauch's user avatar
  • 49k
60 votes
2 answers

Add a link to moderator tools to the new review dropdown menu

Could we get a link to in the new review dropdown menu? Only for >10k users obviously. I'll admit I'm lazy (remember, this is a virtue): the new UI now requires 3 ...
Lucas Trzesniewski's user avatar
60 votes
1 answer

Make skip button in review available even when at bottom at screen

I was going through review queue. I came across a review where I saw the answer first and went down to see question, I was not sure what to do so wanted to skip, but to skip the review I had to again ...
Manohar's user avatar
  • 22.9k
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"Red dots" on "review queues popup" when all <3K queues are empty (stuck at zero)

The red dot on the Review queues popup is showing for Suggested Edits and Triage when the queues are empty. UPDATE (by rene): As a matter of fact all review queues (except Close and Reopen) are ...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
60 votes
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Can we have more clear instructions for review queues?

I just got access to the review queues and I'm a bit confused. The queues are just presented to me, without enough explanation of where the questions came from or where they'll go. In some cases it ...
giusti's user avatar
  • 3,507
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3 answers

Enough fuzzying: let's let everything into the close queue and age out questions that don't reach a threshold

We've just about hit equilibrium here: Fuzzy the number of questions in the close review queue, a dopamine for the shutterers The number of questions in the queue is falling slowly, but I don't think ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k
59 votes
2 answers

"Help and Improvement" is dead, can we please let it die

After going through the H&I queue today, I estimate that at least 90% of the questions there are irredeemable trash that could best be helped and/or improved by destroying them with the heat of a ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
59 votes
1 answer

Edits to posts should not immediately remove flagged items from Low Quality Posts review queue

Currently, if a post receives an edit while it is in the Low Quality Posts review queue, it is immediately removed from review. This feature was built around the old functionality of that review queue,...
Brad Larson's user avatar
  • 170k
59 votes
2 answers

I approved an edit adding backticks and fixing a typo - was that so bad as to deserve a review ban?

I just discovered that I was banned from reviewing for approving this edit. At least, the "Review" page shows so: I just don't understand, what was wrong with it? There were two changes in formatting ...
Styx's user avatar
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59 votes
1 answer

Lots of disputed flags since yesterday

I've been going through the Triage queue for quite some time now. However, since yesterday, 11 of my flags have been marked "disputed", almost half of my total disputed flags. I do know that disputed ...
rikitikitik's user avatar
  • 2,444
59 votes
1 answer

How high an invalidation rate do reviews currently have?

This is posted as a follow-up to my answer on another question, as requested by a Community Manager. SEDE apparently doesn't accurately reflect the current situation in terms of how well we're doing ...
Zoe is on strike's user avatar
  • 27.8k
58 votes
1 answer

Change auto-comment from "not an answer" review queue

Apparently (at least I've been told that when complaining), the review queue auto-posts the following comment, when someone without deleting privilege votes that an answer should be deleted because it ...
Roland's user avatar
  • 130k
58 votes
1 answer

Copy the design of the Docs review queue for the other queues

Currently, the Docs review queue has a nice table showing how the review played out: However, other review queues do not have this design: Can they be upgraded to look like the Docs one?
Jed Fox's user avatar
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57 votes
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Show cases when my review differs from the community consensus

When I click on my review history in, for example, Low Quality Posts Review History (bottom right corner), I would like to see reviews where my opinion was different from the community consensus. For ...
Vyktor's user avatar
  • 20.8k
56 votes
5 answers

Am I expected to participate in the edit review process once I reach 2K rep?

A few days ago, I reached 2K rep on SO. This unlocked the review queue for me. however, there are several issues I have with this: I'm getting edit reviews for languages that I'm not at all familiar ...
Nzall's user avatar
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56 votes
5 answers

High quality audit shows what appears to be a plagiarized answer

I've just failed an audit in /review for a very stupid reason. I was shown an answer, by a new user, to this question. The answer was very good, but I decided to be sure, and opened the question in a ...
Olter's user avatar
  • 1,129
56 votes
2 answers

How to open the corresponding review item when viewing a question/answer?

When browsing on Stack Overflow I often see questions with pending close/reopen votes, that I disagree with. But I can't express my disagreement because the corresponding review task is inaccessible ...
user000001's user avatar
  • 32.7k
56 votes
1 answer

"Come back just now to continue reviewing"?

I just won a Thank you for reviewing 20 suggested edits today; come back just now to continue reviewing. Really? :) What did I trip over?
tmyklebu's user avatar
  • 14.1k
56 votes
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Unrunnable/useless Stack Snippets in Suggested Edits

Lately, I’ve seen some suggested edits from a particular user that simply change a code block into a Stack Snippet. (Almost all of their suggestions are just this). Sometimes, the snippet isn’t even ...
Lauren Yim's user avatar
  • 13.6k
56 votes
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Indicate that a Proposed Change has reject votes [closed]

I can understand not showing previous review decisions for a change, to prevent the previous thoughts from helping to influence new ones. But I think it would be useful to at least show reject votes ...
Kendra's user avatar
  • 768
55 votes
4 answers

Is there a rationale for rejecting this code edit from a new user?

I was reviewing suggested edits when I came across this edit. The original answer had a complete function, along with the code snippet (note that this is just a partial code, not the whole function): ...
Antti Haapala -- Слава Україні's user avatar
54 votes
1 answer

Why can we not change our review choices?

I recently was working the Triage review queue and accidentally clicked on "Requires Editing" instead of "Unsalvagable". Now, I realised I had misclicked right away, but I was ...
Ruben Helsloot's user avatar
54 votes
2 answers

How many aged away flags are common?

I'm doing some reviewing, mostly in Triage. Until now I raised 299 flags, and 62 of them aged away (this is approximately 20%), which I think is quite a lot. While I understand why flags age away, I'...
Bill Tür stands with Ukraine's user avatar
54 votes
1 answer

It seems many misunderstand the "Requires Editing" option in Triage review

As it stands, the immediate definition of "Requires Editing" is: for questions that you can make clear and answerable by editing I understand that this is clearly stating "questions that you can ...
Jake's user avatar
  • 1,116
54 votes
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Comment upvote buttons look 'used' when reviewing on mobile

When I'm reviewing on Meta Stack Overflow on an iPhone with Safari on iOS (11.4.1), the comment upvote buttons are red. This is rather annoying, as it makes me think I've upvoted them, which is only ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.3k
53 votes
3 answers

When, if ever, will I stop getting review audits?

When I crossed reputation to 3k+ I get privileged to mark posts as off-topic or duplicate. I'm always doing using my privileges to help community to decide whether a post is off-topic or duplicate. ...
Hemang's user avatar
  • 27k
53 votes
1 answer

How to override the rejection of a legitimate edit?

A user with rep < 2000 corrected a bug in one of my posts. But for some strange reason, this legitimate edit was rejected by three reviewers. Of course, I could fix the post myself. But I want the ...
lxg's user avatar
  • 12.8k
53 votes
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Testing, testing... Let's test the low quality review queue for science!

In the spirit of science, we're going to run a test on the Low Quality Review Queue. Current Problem After pulling some stats about how the LQRQ is performing, we confirmed that review is handling ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 245k
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The triage queue is marked in red, for me, for hours, but when I open it it's empty [closed]

Since the morning I was checking the review queues but they were empty so I carried on my other work. But while browsing a SO question I've noticed the below change. So, I clicked on Triage and after ...
p u's user avatar
  • 1,425
53 votes
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Should the message in "on hold" dialog mention more about review queue?

Sometimes I can see some users ask how to reopen a question (e.g. this and this), and the current "on hold" dialog is something like: ...please edit the question. But as a user, besides knowing ...
Gstestso's user avatar
  • 606
52 votes
5 answers

Can we make rejecting suggested edits easier?

I've been following meta for a while and seen complaints about robo-reviewers accepting invalid edits a few times. After hitting 2k rep I've been on the unpleasant end of the "the edit was already ...
mabi's user avatar
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52 votes
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The Low Quality Posts review queue is growing... let's burn it down!

A little over a year ago, we held the memorable community burnination of the close-votes queue. This has little to do with that. The close votes queue is so massive that it's practically a beast of ...
Alexis King's user avatar
  • 43.6k
52 votes
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Weave review queue items into ordinary question feed

The review queue is a somewhat daunting flood of work items that exists in its own, easily-ignorable space. It is especially easy to ignore when you look at it and it says "9000 items". I personally ...
HostileFork says dont trust SE's user avatar
52 votes
1 answer

No error message is shown in the review queue when suggesting an edit is not possible

I was reviewing first posts, and making a ton of edits (lots of minor formatting fails) when suddenly the edit button stopped working. This was briefly puzzling, but trying to edit a random question ...
Milo Christiansen's user avatar
51 votes
6 answers

Why does the Help center seem to indicate "Me too!" is a valid answer?

I guess I didn't read the Help Center well enough, because I never noticed this part before: Have the same problem? Still no answer to the question, and you have the same problem? Help us find ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,103
51 votes
2 answers

Am I in a review ban? Or are the reviews down?

Unlike a lot of users I actually like reviewing and do it quite often. I would consider myself to be a good reviewer as I have never failed a review audit. My comments left for the posters have nearly ...
WhatsThePoint's user avatar
51 votes
1 answer

Preventing multiple of the same Low Quality review comments

I came across this when reviewing low quality posts: Three "This link may answer the question..." comments in a row, posted from the Low Quality review queue's comment dialog that appears when you ...
Colonel Thirty Two's user avatar

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