Questions tagged [reputation]

Reputation is a measurement of a user's contributions to the site, and the extent to which the community "trusts" that user with extra privileges.

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-17 votes
3 answers

Newbie "forgiveness"

(To put it in the form of a question) Doesn't SO need some sort of "newbie forgiveness"? I see many cases where a newbie asks a very poorly constructed question and instantly gets downvoted and ...
-13 votes
2 answers

Should users be penalized 1 rep for upvoting a question that gets closed as OT?

This question, for example, is an off-topic question that is getting upvoted. I downvoted and flagged it, just as I did this question only a few days ago. I propose that users who upvote a question ...
-14 votes
1 answer

Is ambiguity in the current voting system having a chilling effect on learning?

The Good Over at Stack Overflow, I asked a question about implementing an algorithm. The first answer did not address the question, but rather the attempted solution. After finding my own solution, ...
10 votes
1 answer

Tag scores on main site are different from iOS app

Just noticed that my score in various tags differs between the desktop SO site and my iOS app. For example, on the app my MySQL score is 100: Yet on the website it is 91: Is there a reason these are ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Why is the initial reputation 1 instead of 0 for registered users?

For any new registered Stack Overflow user, the user will own 1 reputation. Why is the initial reputation 1 instead of 0?
28 votes
1 answer

Fewer upvotes for answers that are accepted soon

I've been answering in Stack Overflow for quite a while. I focus on Matlab questions, so it could be that what I'm bringing up here is specific to those questions. But I have a feeling that it's ...
-6 votes
2 answers

My reputation dropped and I don't know why

Yesterday I had a reputation of 20. I was able to enjoy the chat rooms and take part in another level of participation. After I posted my last question, and found the answer, then added a comment ...
-11 votes
2 answers

Fake stack overflow points

I often visit users profile on stackoverflow, and their website when they have one. I came across a blog with a fake flair, stating the person has twice as much reputation and many more badges than ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is all of this because a user was removed?

I noticed today that several of my older questions had suddenly come up with -2 rep. I also had one that indicated that the user was removed. According to the info for that (bolding is mine): All ...
8 votes
0 answers

Inconsistency between the reputation in the achievement drop down and profile's reputation tab

I was just browsing my profile when I noticed that in the achievement's drop down its showing +28 reputation for today(and missing an entry) but in the reputation's tab of my profile its showing +30 ...
36 votes
5 answers

What's the right way to self-answer if other answers assisted?

After I asked a question that included some sample code, someone answered with a possible solution that wasn't quite what was wanted. After a little back-n-forth in comments, they edited their answer ...
19 votes
1 answer

Do I lose reputation if I delete my own question on Stack Overflow?

Do I lose reputation if I delete my own question which has been answered and gain some reputation over time on StackOverflow?
2 votes
1 answer

Reputation minus 2 and not showning Badge count when entering MSO

When I come to MSO, it shows my reputation 2 points lower than SO and the badge count is also not showing. I understand badges from SO are not relevant to MSO, but why are the reputation points are ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Shouldn't most questions get at least as many upvotes as their most popular answer?

tl;dr: If you upvote an anwer, it basically means that the question is worth answering, and if the question is worth answering, why don't you vote up for? Long version: Ok I was really going to make ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Why am I losing 1 reputation every day?

I've been losing 1 reputation daily for the past several day, and I'm not getting any notifications for it. My reputation went from 2,322 to 2,319 over the last 3 days. Why is this happening?
8 votes
1 answer

Can I block upvotes on my own answer?

A few days ago I answered a question about an easy issue about C/C++. In general, several answers were upvoted by a lot of people. I think my answer is right and deserves 1 or 2 upvotes, but no more. ...
12 votes
1 answer

Does deleting questions with negative vote undo the negative rep lost

Let say for example I asked a Valid question from my side I got around 20 views and -5 votes for the question for which I will be losing 5 rep. Now if I delete the question do I get back the 5 rep ...
111 votes
1 answer

Is /reputation a secret feature of Stack Overflow? This shows a cryptic map of my entire reputation history. What is this, and is it documented anywhere?
14 votes
3 answers

User reputation outage?

I have been looking to the recent users tab and I was surprised that the first one made 24K+ reputation in 14 days! By looking to his profile, I can clearly see he has reputation dated from as old as ...
1 vote
2 answers

What happens exactly, in terms of reputation, when a flag I raised is accepted?

If I flag something and my flag is accepted, does it somehow affect my reputation? If not, is there a good reason why it shouldn't?
-17 votes
1 answer

Allow multiple up-votes for tag "experts"

Not sure if this idea has ever been floated before (couldn't find any reference with a quick search so I thought I'd throw it out there). Basic idea If a user is considered to be an expert for a ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why my reputation has gone down when I can't see any negative rep's

In stack overflow yesterday I've gained 4more points which gave me over 1900 but soon after it was reverted to 1898 but on the rep list I can see only positive reps including those 4points which ...
3 votes
1 answer

Accepted and Unaccepted for the same answer

I noted a strange thing in my reputation change. I have been awarded reputation for both an Accepted and Unaccepted for the same question. I don't understand this. An answer can either be accepted or ...
6 votes
1 answer

Receive only 5 reputation when answer is upvoted [duplicate]

Actually it's not me but some other guy's SO account: Here is the reputation change for the events from the post. and here is the post: ...
5 votes
2 answers

Confused about Reputation

I saw a question from four hours ago and thought I'd answer with a solution. My answer was deleted by a moderator for just including a link and not the solution. I understand the reasoning behind ...
7 votes
1 answer

Comment alternatives for low rep users

I found a post that seems to be relevent to a problem that I am also trying to solve. However, I can't get the example code in the answer to run, and I'd like to comment to ask the poster for some ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Why do high-reputation users get more votes? [closed]

Recently, a user with 85.7k reputation and I (4k) reputation both answered the same question. I answered mine first, with a nice explanation of everything that was going on. He answered the question ...
14 votes
1 answer

Double reputation for tag wiki edits

I've just made my first two edits to tag wikis. And each time I received two simultaneous notifications of +2 Tag Wiki suggested edit was approved This seems to be because changes were made to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Issue in reputation calculation and new achievement notification?

Two days back when my rep was somewhere between 92-98, I got the new notification in my achievement that I have earned "edit community wiki" privilege but it was granted on the rep of 100. Again, ...
7 votes
1 answer

Changes on SO user takes time to appear on meta user

Why does profile changes and reputation changes (+/-) on StackOverFlow take time to appear on metaStackoverflow?
1 vote
1 answer

How I got 50+ reputations for my answer

I got 50+ reputations for my answer but that question was not started bounty. Is there any options to give our reputations to some one who answered to my question. This is the link which I answered
-7 votes
1 answer

Can my badges increase my reputation? [duplicate]

Can my badges increase my reputation? For example, could I use them to start a bounty? Also, I was banned for editing and asking questions; can anyone give some suggestion about how to remove that ...
30 votes
2 answers

Are reputation points working as intended?

UPDATE: This is an extremely rare situation AFAICT so please ignore I hate that I look at my rep but that said I'm wondering if points are working as intended. I ask because I saw at least a few ...
-13 votes
1 answer

Please make your baby keep track of numbers [closed]

Dear Stack Overflow team, you have made an awesome baby. However, it's now grown, and I think it's high time it should learn to properly keep track of numbers and stop confusing me with silly ...
5 votes
1 answer

How can someone ask a question with a bounty that is worth more reputation than their own reputation?

While browsing the Windows Phone 8 questions today, I stumbled upon this question. This is a question with an open bounty of +200 rep. However, the user who posted it and opened the bounty has 23 rep. ...
-12 votes
2 answers

Award more reputation to questions?

Considering that the declining quality in questions has been raised as an important issue again and again and again, should we not award the same kind of rep to questions as to answers? A lot of ...
6 votes
1 answer

Earned 152 rep today, and I'm still banned from asking questions

I'm not sure what's going on, but I've been banned from asking questions for a while now, and today I recently decided to try and get unbanned. I heard from my friend that if you answer good ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Retroactive reputation changes

Take a look at this user’s reputation points changes. As I write this, it's at 6. He got 2 question downvotes, then one upvote. (IMO the upvote was undeserved, as I was one of the downvoters.) Had it ...
-92 votes
2 answers

Contention: should points be completely eliminated on SO?

Alex' comment below brought to the fore inability to summarise, thanks for that Alex. Here's a summary: a, 'real-life' works perfectly without points {i.e. all of the supposed benefits of 'points' ...
6 votes
3 answers

what happens if I accept an answer and later accept a different one?

Does the first user lose the reputation points he/she had earned? If not, is he/she somehow informed that I changed my mind and accepted a different answer?
1 vote
1 answer

Tag Top users Math

On stackoverflow, the top user of the c# tag (who is also the top user overall) has a total score > 121k. I thought this meant 121k upvotes on answers, which would mean 1 210 000 reputation points. ...
7 votes
0 answers

Legendary badge awarded early

When I check my reputation with, it shows that days represented 305 rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 126 days earned at least 200 reputation on ...
26 votes
4 answers

Would asking a question at a reputation cost help improve quality / durability for SO?

In my opinion, a lot of questions (probably because of the massive amount of them) don't really get the attention they deserve: A lot of them don't get answered at all. Questions deserving to be ...
55 votes
1 answer

The editing reputation limit?

The help center seems to suggest there is a limit on reputation earned from accepted suggested edits: suggested edit is accepted: +2 (up to +1000 total per user) Do you simply stop gaining ...
17 votes
1 answer

MSO-MSE-split confusion

The badges are mysteriously disappearing and reappearing on Meta. It seems to only be a meta issue though. The badges were gone from everywhere where they should have been displaying. Recently though ...
-7 votes
1 answer

When and why was the new meta rep policy put in place? [duplicate]

There must be an answer about that question, but after googling for a while, couldn't find it. (question to be deleted if indeed it's a duplicate). Didn't come around for a while. Very glad the new ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Is the 'recent achievements' icon helpful?

In several recent and high-profile questions on Meta about the quality of questions and answers on SO, people have suggested that excessive 'gamification' leading to 'reputation chasing' is a problem. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Only 1 upvote to answer but got 18 points. How?

I got 1 upvote like below: But some how added one 18 points : is it 1 upvote , 1 downvote , 1 upvote? If its true then SE is not showing log of downvote ( -2 ) anywhere?
4 votes
0 answers

Display total reputation earned by accepted answers upvotes

Need a search query for total reputation earnings of a given user by category Ex: Total # Sum Category 5 5X5 = 25 Question upvoted 5 5x-2 = -10 ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a negative cultural bias against of low-rep members? [closed]

Digging deep, I feel that I use a member's reputation against them when deciding whether or not it's worth giving them an upvote. It's probably some machine-learned crap in my brain that get's worse ...