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Questions tagged [questions]

The questions tag should be used when you ask a question on meta that is referencing question(s) on the main site. For example, if you have a question about why questions on Stack Overflow are of such low quality, you should include the questions tag.

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3 votes
2 answers

How do I get the entire body text of my questions, answers, and comments from API requests?

I tried USER ID/timeline?sort=creation&page=1&pagesize=100&site=stackoverflow, then USER ID/timeline?...
2 votes
1 answer

Are questions regarding software protocols truly "not related to programming"?

I submitted a question asking the difference between two content types used in HTTP requests and the when/why to use one over the other. My question was closed as off-topic, as it is allegedly "...
-5 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to ask about the availability of LocalStorage in relation to IndexedDB

I have a burning question that, after much research, I can find no answer to. I desire to post this question on Stack Overflow, but I am unsure whether it is on-topic. My question is about JavaScript ...
-34 votes
2 answers

Allow comments to "bump" a question in the "active question" list

When logging into the site, I see the so-called "Interesting Questions", containing recently added questions, recently modified questions and recently answered questions; but I have the ...
-26 votes
1 answer

Are terminals really not "software tools primarily used by programmers" (wording used on off-topic close box)

I've seen multiple people (including mods) imply that the reason for many terminal questions being closed as off-topic is that they are not "software tools primarily used by programmers". (...
23 votes
2 answers

How to avoid being "baited" into off-topic'ness as a software recommendation question?

Suppose I ask a question whose gist is "How can I do A in scenario B?" Now, it's possible that the solution involves some configuration, or use of standard system utilities - but it's possible the ...
22 votes
1 answer

What to do when someone approves a bad question in the Staging Ground

I'm noticing that a lot of questions are approved in the Staging Ground while still in a (somewhat) poor state. For example: I'm having trouble... has an image of console output, does not contain an ...
44 votes
2 answers

Should I add an inferior solution to an answered question?

At times, I have a problem and I already have a solution to it, but I still consult Stack Overflow to see if there are more elegant or more performant solutions. Usually I then find one or more ...
1 vote
2 answers

Require or at least remind about code [duplicate]

Would it be possible to alert users who post SO questions without code, that the user 'should' add code if their question is related to code, which it probably is. I see so many questions from new ...
85 votes
6 answers

Is it always a good idea to demand the OP "post some code"?

Obviously, a question with an MCVE is almost always best. But we get a lot of questions (at least, my review queue is full of questions) that are basically just two or three screens of unreadable ...
-20 votes
2 answers

Why questions without code get downvoted? [duplicate]

I've seen many questions that included no code because it wasn't about someone's not working code. It was just about someone asking how X can be done in a language, or similar questions. They are not ...
40 votes
5 answers

Why do newbie questions bring so many reputation points to the author?

I not surprised to see basic questions like "How to get length of a string in Python...?". Even people can easily find the answer inside the documentation, and it's pretty straightforward for other ...
-41 votes
1 answer

Proposing a temporary / timed-self-destructing question post type with reduced reputation gains [duplicate]

I am a rookie developer, and I am learning the basics right now. Stack Overflow has helped me immensely, and I appreciate both the presence of the site and of the community. However, the current ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to convert a question posted by mistake as a Discussion to a Question?

I made a mistake by posting a "question" as "discussion" yesterday. However, when I tried converting the discussion post into a question post, I couldn't find that function. Once I ...
13 votes
0 answers

Add "contains"/"overlap" checks in the ask-wizard to prevent duplicate content

With the implementation of Can you prevent users from using same content in ask question wizard? last year it is not possible to add the same content in the two textareas on the Ask Wizard. You get ...
36 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to access deleted questions?

I was just writing a question about another post, and as just I finished my question and wanted to add a link to the other question. However, when I tried to access it, I found out that that question ...
14 votes
1 answer

Top Questions page - 'Staging Ground' questions

When reloading Stack Overflow on my mobile, the newly Staging Ground questions were added to the Top Questions page. From the 7 visible questions, 5 are from the Staging Ground, that's more than 70%. ...
28 votes
4 answers

What should I do with a question if the answers all answer a subquestion that's more useful than the original question was?

A while ago, I was looking to do X. I thought that I might be able to solve the problem by doing Y, but was also open to other potential answers. So, in order to avoid the XY problem, I asked a ...
72 votes
2 answers

"Mostly code" is rejected but "mostly screenshots" goes through

According to its author, was at first rejected for containing mostly code. The author then replaced the code with a ...
292 votes
6 answers

"Welcome back" message annoying and not needed

About once a week I get a "welcome back" message that encourages me to 'vote up questions' and won't go away without a click. Is it really necessary to ask people who have been around for 7 years to '...
19 votes
1 answer

Please allow Stack Overflow for Teams to specify or use the old question upvote value [closed]

I am currently one of the administrators of a private team based on Stack Overflow for Teams. Like most of the members of Stack Exchange Q&A communities I have seen the question upvote increased ...
4 votes
1 answer

Duplicate/symlink a public Stack Overflow question to your Team account [closed]

I find some Stack Overflow questions and answers useful very frequently and I think it would be great to be able to duplicate them to my SO Team account so I don't have to search for them in tons of ...
-19 votes
1 answer

Reduce [Questions with no answers] [duplicate]

At this moment there are 3,205,054 questions with no answers I'm sure half or more of these questions have been answered in the comments While there is no way to force OP to answer by themself, I'd ...
4 votes
1 answer

Identify Staging Ground questions with a specific CSS class

If your user preferences are set to include them, Staging Ground posts are appearing on question list pages including the home page. Could the question <div> tags please be classed appropriately ...
16 votes
0 answers

What's the actual criterion for questions to enter the Staging Ground? [duplicate]

In the Staging Ground return post, we were told that the Staging Ground would get questions from first-time askers. However, I saw a few questions from users who asked other questions before. You can ...
7 votes
0 answers

Questions closed in Staging Ground can be unilaterally reopened via SG review

A question I reviewed yesterday in Staging Ground that is inherently off-topic was close-voted by me and then by a moderator, which resulted in it being closed. Today, I see a notification that it was ...
-31 votes
1 answer

Can a priority be added to a question? [duplicate]

I've just asked this question about renaming a program. When I wrote that question, I had seen that I could not compile my program, so that looked like an urgent question. My task, however, is a ...
6 votes
1 answer

A couple of questions regarding "Question closed as a duplicate"

I've asked this question in 2019: Assert request hasn't happened and then provided the answer by myself, thus answering my question. Today I've found in my mailbox a couple of confusing emails ...
20 votes
4 answers

To what extent is it useful to ask a very basic question about a legacy language if it hasn't been asked before?

At my job we work with a legacy language called Magik. At this point there is one question regarding this language on Stack Overflow. Would it be desired to ask basic questions on how this language ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is a "Can I do A?"-type question answered with a "no, but you can do B"-type answer on topic?

Is answering a question that asks to do something with a specific tool or library off topic if another way to solve the problem without the tool is shown? How to change some columns name when using pd....
-7 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to reopen a "closed for not enough detail" question if a solution was found anyway? [duplicate]

I posted a question—size_t == sizeof (uint64_t) not returning expected results—which was closed for "This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers." I don't ...
54 votes
6 answers

Is it OK to downvote questions asking about how to achieve something, without having posted code?

In these type of questions, users only upload some image, and then ask how to create or develop this type of UI or code. Here is the question that the user posted: How to get an view like the ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Should questions about GeoPandas regarding controversial borders be flagged?

Say someone might ask about GeoPandas regarding the borders of China, Israel, Tibet or other borders that are subjects of controversial political discussions. Should a hypothetical question about this ...
-19 votes
2 answers

How can we remove downvotes?

I have seen some Question/Answers which get annihilated with downvotes in a couple of seconds, after a quick edit the Question/Answer then begins to make sense and is a valid Question/Answer where the ...
33 votes
2 answers

Where do we draw the line on when an edit is reasonable and when the question needs to be re-asked?

Some background to clarify my question: This stems from a recent experience I had on SO where I absolutely made an error in my question statement and inadvertently flipped two terms that I had ...
42 votes
2 answers

Community Wiki, where is it?

I understand that, in theory, a community wiki exists. I also understand that the term "wiki" may have a somewhat fluid definition. None-the-less, I'm thinking that questions like this would be really ...
5 votes
2 answers

How can I include a link to a live code example in a Stack Overflow question?

I tried to include a link to the place1 where I build my Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example of the code I included in a question, to make it easier for the reader, however the site couldn't ...
4 votes
3 answers

How can I deal with questions about support of an ongoing feature?

I met a question that was asking which Web browsers do support an incoming Web API. By "incoming" I mean there is at least one implementer, there is a well advanced specs PR, but the usual ...
11 votes
2 answers

Are questions on programming tools installation/configuration on-topic? [duplicate]

I have seen several instances of questions that don't seem to be directly about programming. To be precise, they are about installing and configuring development tools - e.g. NS2, Cygwin, Visual ...
48 votes
3 answers

How can we report anonymous user edits?

I just recently realized anonymous users can submit a suggested edit for posts on SO. I found out because someone tried to edit one of my posts and was clearly being a troll. It is my understanding ...
12 votes
2 answers

How can I deal with a question that answers itself?

The question is React State Not Updating correctly and is actually linking code that updates the state correctly. There's nothing to answer here, because there isn't any problem. Is this supposed to ...
28 votes
1 answer

When *should* a question be converted to a Community-Wiki?

I guess I'm still confused about Community-Wiki Questions, and there seems to be some conflicting information out there. As background, I've answered a number of questions based on a common "root ...
-23 votes
1 answer

Should the O.P. be allowed to delete a Q&A that is not helpful?

I am not allowed to delete my question, because it "already has answers." The problem is that the only answer is incomplete and the many comments mix statements by me about what worked and ...
3 votes
0 answers

Missing questions when using the Active filter on main page

I have observed this behavior more than once recently and I was curious if it was a bug, or just some feature I was not aware of. Today, I saw via the Featured post the Revisiting the voting ...
-10 votes
1 answer

What to do if I find a question for my problem, but I have different thing to say? Why is editing the old question bad? [duplicate]

The questions What should I do if there is a question already made for my problem but has never been answered? (duplicate) and What can you do when the question you want to ask is a duplicate? don't ...
20 votes
0 answers

Multiple questions with three close votes are still open or three delete votes aren't deleted

I opened a question that already had 3 close votes but was nevertheless active. I refreshed my browser couple of times but it had no effect. I was even allowed to submit another close request. And ...
-9 votes
1 answer

How to to add remarks when casting a reopen vote

I just cast my first reopen vote, and I expected to be able to explain why I was doing so (the "Learn more" link explicitly asks for comments). However, I didn't see any possibilities to add ...
0 votes
3 answers

Should I repeat the title in the question body?

For example, suppose this question, I have stated my question in the title of it. Should I repeat it here? There are some questions which put all the question details in the title, then few things ...
10 votes
3 answers

Decade Old Unanswered Questions

Is there a reason to keep these decade old questions with no activity on them up? What is there to gain from the questions being up when in many cases the technology being discussed is no longer used ...
16 votes
0 answers

When viewing questions sorted by Active, it would be nice to see how a post was modified

99% of the time I'm using SO, I am viewing questions of specific tags and I almost always have the questions sorted by "Active". Under the question excerpt is its tags on the left and a ...

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